
Spider-Man adalah sebuah fiksi Marvel Comics superhero . The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko . karakter ini diciptakan oleh penulis-editor Stan Lee dan penulis-artis Steve Ditko . He first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug. 1962). Dia pertama muncul dalam Amazing Fantasy # 15 (Agustus 1962). Lee and Ditko conceived of the character as an orphan being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben , and as a teenager, having to deal with the normal struggles of youth in addition to those of a costumed crime fighter. Lee dan Ditko dipahami karakter sebagai anak yatim yang dibesarkan oleh nya Bibi dan Paman Ben , dan sebagai remaja, harus berurusan dengan normal perjuangan pemuda di samping para pejuang kejahatan berkostum. Spider-Man's creators gave him super strength and agility, the ability to cling to most surfaces, shoot spider-webs using devices of his own invention which he called "web-shooters," and react to danger quickly with his "spider-sense", enabling him to combat his foes. pencipta Spider-Man's memberinya kekuatan super dan kelincahan, kemampuan untuk melekat pada permukaan yang paling, menembak spider-web dengan menggunakan alat temuannya sendiri yang disebut "web-shooters," dan bereaksi terhadap bahaya cepat dengan "rasa-laba-laba" , memungkinkan dia untuk memerangi musuh-musuh-Nya.
When Spider-Man first appeared in the early 1960s, teenagers in superhero comic books were usually relegated to the role of sidekick to the protagonist. Ketika Spider-Man pertama kali muncul di awal 1960-an, remaja di buku komik superhero biasanya diturunkan ke peran sidekick ke protagonis. The Spider-Man series broke ground by featuring Peter Parker, a teenage high school student to whose "self-obsessions with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness" young readers could relate. [ 1 ] :210 Unlike previous teen heroes such as James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes and Robin , Spider-Man did not benefit from being the protegé of any adult mentors like Captain America and Batman , and thus had to learn for himself that "with great power comes great responsibility" — a line included in a text box in the final panel of the first Spider-Man story, but later retroactively attributed to his guardian, the late Uncle Ben. The Spider-Man seri memecahkan tanah dengan menampilkan Peter Parker, pelajar sekolah tinggi untuk remaja yang "obsesi diri dengan penolakan, tidak mampu, dan kesepian" pembaca muda bisa berhubungan. [1] : 210 Tidak seperti pahlawan remaja sebelumnya seperti James Buchanan " Bucky "Barnes dan Robin , Spider-Man tidak menguntungkan dari menjadi anak didik dari setiap mentor dewasa seperti Captain America dan Batman , dan dengan demikian harus belajar untuk dirinya sendiri bahwa "dengan kekuatan besar datang tanggung jawab besar" - baris dimasukkan dalam kotak teks pada panel akhir cerita Spider-Man pertama, tetapi kemudian surut dihubungkan ke walinya, akhir Paman Ben.
Marvel has featured Spider-Man in several comic book series , the first and longest-lasting of which is titled The Amazing Spider-Man . Over the years, the Peter Parker character has developed from shy, high school student to troubled but outgoing college student, to married high school teacher to, in the late 2000s, a single freelance photographer, his most typical adult role. Marvel telah menampilkan Spider-Man dalam beberapa seri buku komik , yang pertama dan terpanjang-abadi yang berjudul The Amazing Spider-Man . Selama bertahun-tahun, karakter Peter Parker telah dikembangkan dari pemalu, tinggi siswa sekolah untuk keluar mahasiswa tapi bermasalah , untuk menikah guru sekolah tinggi, pada akhir tahun 2000-an, fotografer lepas tunggal, peran orang dewasa yang paling khas-nya. He is now a member of an unofficial splinter group of the Avengers , one of Marvel's flagship superhero teams. Dia sekarang menjadi anggota sebuah kelompok sempalan tidak resmi dari Avengers , salah satu tim unggulan superhero's Marvel. In the comics, Spider-Man is often referred to as "Spidey," "web-slinger," "wall-crawler," or "web-head." Di komik, Spider-Man sering disebut sebagai "Spidey," "Web-jago," "dinding-crawler," atau "web-kepala."
Spider-Man is one of the most popular and commercially successful superheroes. Spider-Man adalah salah satu yang paling populer dan sukses secara komersial pahlawan super. As Marvel's flagship character and company mascot, he has appeared in many forms of media, including several animated and live-action television shows , syndicated newspaper comic strips and a successful series of films starring actor Tobey Maguire as the "friendly neighborhood" hero. Sebagai tokoh utama Marvel dan maskot perusahaan, ia telah muncul dalam berbagai bentuk media, termasuk beberapa animasi, dan live-action acara televisi , sindikasi surat kabar komik dan sukses serangkaian film yang dibintangi aktor Tobey Maguire sebagai ramah lingkungan "" pahlawan.
Penciptaan dan pembangunan
In 1962, with the success of the Fantastic Four , Marvel Comics editor and head writer Stan Lee was casting about for a new superhero idea. Pada tahun 1962, dengan keberhasilan Fantastic Four , Marvel Comics editor dan kepala penulis Stan Lee adalah tentang casting untuk mendapatkan ide superhero baru. He said that the idea for Spider-Man arose from a surge in teenage demand for comic books, and the desire to create a character with whom teens could identify. [ 2 ] :1 In his autobiography, Lee cites the non-superhuman pulp magazine crime fighter The Spider as a great influence, [ 3 ] :130 and in a multitude of print and video interviews, Lee stated he was further inspired by seeing a spider climb up a wall---adding in his autobiography that he has told that story so often he has become unsure of whether or not this is true. [ note 1 ] Looking back on the creation of Spider-Man, 1990s Marvel editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco stated he did not believe that Spider-Man would have been given a chance in today's comics world, where new characters are vetted with test audiences and marketers. [ 2 ] :9 At that time, however, Lee had to get only the consent of Marvel publisher Martin Goodman for the character's approval. [ 2 ] :9 In a 1986 interview, Lee described in detail his arguments to overcome Goodman's objections. [ note 2 ] Goodman eventually agreed to let Lee try out Spider-Man in the upcoming final issue of the canceled science-fiction and supernatural anthology series Amazing Adult Fantasy, which was renamed Amazing Fantasy for that single issue, #15 (Aug. 1962). [ 4 ] :95 Dia mengatakan bahwa ide untuk Spider-Man muncul dari meningkatnya permintaan remaja untuk buku komik, dan keinginan untuk menciptakan karakter dengan siapa remaja bisa mengidentifikasi. [2] : 1 Dalam otobiografinya, Lee mengutip non-manusia super majalah pulp kejahatan tempur Laba-laba sebagai pengaruh yang besar, [3] : 130 dan dalam banyak cetak dan wawancara video, Lee menyatakan ia lebih terinspirasi oleh melihat laba-laba memanjat dinding --- menambahkan dalam otobiografinya bahwa ia telah diberitahu bahwa cerita begitu sering ia telah menjadi tidak yakin apakah atau tidak ini benar. [Catatan 1] Melihat kembali pada penciptaan Spider-Man, 1990 Marvel editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco lain ia tidak percaya bahwa Spider-Man akan diberi kesempatan di's komik hari ini dunia, di mana karakter baru diperiksa dengan penonton uji dan pemasar. [2] : 9 Pada waktu itu, Namun, Lee harus hanya mendapatkan persetujuan dari penerbit Marvel Martin Goodman untuk karakter persetujuan. [2] : 9 Dalam sebuah wawancara tahun 1986, Lee dijelaskan secara terperinci argumen untuk mengatasi's keberatan Goodman. [Catatan 2] Goodman akhirnya setuju untuk membiarkan Lee mencoba Spider-Man di edisi terakhir mendatang dari fiksi-sains dibatalkan dan supranatural seri antologi Amazing Dewasa Fantasy, yang namanya Amazing Fantasy untuk itu masalah tunggal, # 15 (Agustus 1962). [4] : 95
Comics historian Greg Theakston says that Lee, after receiving Goodman's approval for the name Spider-Man and the "ordinary teen" concept, approached artist Jack Kirby . Komik sejarawan Greg Theakston mengatakan bahwa Lee, setelah persetujuan penerima Goodman untuk nama Spider-Man dan "biasa remaja" konsep, mendekati artis Jack Kirby . Kirby told Lee about an unpublished character on which he collaborated with Joe Simon in the 1950s, in which an orphaned boy living with an old couple finds a magic ring that granted him super-human powers. Kirby Lee menceritakan tentang karakter yang tidak dipublikasikan di mana dia bekerja sama dengan Joe Simon pada 1950-an, di mana seorang anak yatim piatu yang tinggal dengan pasangan tua menemukan sebuah cincin ajaib yang diberikan kepadanya kekuasaan-manusia super. Lee and Kirby "immediately sat down for a story conference" and Lee afterward directed Kirby to flesh out the character and draw some pages. Lee dan Kirby "langsung duduk untuk menghadiri konferensi cerita" dan Lee kemudian diarahkan Kirby untuk menyempurnakan karakter dan menarik beberapa halaman. Steve Ditko would be the inker. [ note 3 ] When Kirby showed Lee the first six pages, Lee recalled, "I hated the way he was doing it! Not that he did it badly -- it just wasn't the character I wanted; it was too heroic". [ 5 ] :12 Lee turned to Ditko, who developed a visual style Lee found satisfactory. Steve Ditko akan inker itu. [catatan 3] Ketika Kirby Lee menunjukkan enam halaman pertama, Lee bercerita, "Aku benci cara dia melakukannya! Bukan berarti ia melakukannya dengan buruk - hanya bukan karakter yang saya ingin ; itu terlalu heroik ". [5] : 12 Lee berbalik untuk Ditko, yang mengembangkan visual Lee gaya ditemukan memuaskan. Ditko recalled: Ditko bercerita:
"One of the first things I did was to work up a costume. A vital, visual part of the character. I had to know how he looked ... before I did any breakdowns. For example: A clinging power so he wouldn't have hard shoes or boots, a hidden wrist-shooter versus a web gun and holster, etc. ... I wasn't sure Stan would like the idea of covering the character's face but I did it because it hid an obviously boyish face. It would also add mystery to the character...." [ 6 ] "Salah satu hal pertama yang kulakukan adalah untuk bekerja sampai kostum Bagian, penting visual dari karakter ini.. Aku harus tahu bagaimana dia tampak ... sebelum aku ada kerusakan. Sebagai contoh: Sebuah kekuasaan menempel jadi dia nggak t punya sepatu keras atau sepatu bot, pergelangan tangan penembak tersembunyi versus pistol web dan sarung, dll ... saya tidak yakin ingin Stan ide menutupi wajah karakter, tetapi saya melakukannya karena menyembunyikan wajah yang jelas kekanak-kanakan akan. juga menambah misteri itu ke ...." karakter [6]
Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug. 1962). Amazing Fantasy # 15 (Agustus 1962). Cover art by Jack Kirby (penciller) & Steve Ditko (inker). Cover art oleh Jack Kirby (penciller) & Steve Ditko (inker).
In an early recollection of the character's creation, Ditko described his and Lee's contributions in a mail interview with Gary Martin published in Comic Fan #2 (Summer 1965): "Stan Lee thought the name up. I did costume, web gimmick on wrist & spider signal." [ 7 ] At the time, Ditko shared a Manhattan studio with noted fetish artist Eric Stanton , an art-school classmate who, in a 1988 interview with Theakston, recalled that although his contribution to Spider-Man was "almost nil", he and Ditko had "worked on storyboards together and I added a few ideas. But the whole thing was created by Steve on his own... I think I added the business about the webs coming out of his hands". [ 5 ] :14 Dalam ingatan awal karakter penciptaan, Ditko menggambarkan dan's kontribusi Lee dalam wawancara mail dengan Gary Martin diterbitkan di Komik Fan # 2 (Summer 1965): "Stan Lee pikir nama atas. Aku kostum, gimmick web di pergelangan & spider sinyal. " [7] Pada saat itu, Ditko berbagi studio Manhattan dengan mencatat fetish artis Eric Stanton , seorang teman sekelas-sekolah seni yang, dalam sebuah wawancara 1988 dengan Theakston, ingat bahwa meskipun kontribusinya untuk Spider-Man "hampir nihil ", ia dan Ditko telah" bekerja pada storyboard bersama-sama dan saya menambahkan beberapa ide. Tapi semuanya diciptakan oleh Steve sendiri ... saya pikir saya menambahkan bisnis tentang jaring yang keluar dari tangannya ". [5 ] : 14
Kirby disputed Lee's version of the story, and claimed Lee had minimal involvement in the character's creation. Kirby sengketa versi Lee cerita, dan mengklaim Lee telah keterlibatan minimal di penciptaan karakter. According to Kirby, the idea for Spider-Man had originated with Kirby and Joe Simon , who in the 1950s had developed a character called The Silver Spider for the Crestwood comic Black Magic, who was subsequently not used. [ note 4 ] Simon, in his 1990 autobiography, disputed Kirby's account, asserting that Black Magic was not a factor, and that he (Simon) devised the name "Spider-Man" (later changed to "The Silver Spider"), while Kirby outlined the character's story and powers. Menurut Kirby, gagasan untuk Spider-Man itu berasal dengan Kirby dan Joe Simon , yang pada 1950-an telah mengembangkan sebuah karakter bernama The Spider Silver untuk Crestwood komik Black Magic, yang kemudian tidak digunakan. [catatan 4] Simon, dalam otobiografinya 1990, sengketa's account Kirby, menyatakan bahwa Black Magic bukan faktor, dan bahwa ia (Simon) menyusun nama "Spider, Man" (kemudian berubah menjadi "The Spider Silver"), sementara Kirby diuraikan karakter cerita dan kekuasaan . Simon later elaborated that his and Kirby's character conception became the basis for Simon's Archie Comics superhero the Fly . Simon kemudian menjelaskan bahwa konsepsi dan karakter's Kirby menjadi dasar bagi Simon Komik Archie superhero itu Fly . Artist Steve Ditko stated that Lee liked the name Hawkman from DC Comics , and that "Spider-Man" was an outgrowth of that interest. The hyphen was included in the character's name to avoid confusion with DC Comics' Superman . Artis Steve Ditko menyatakan bahwa Lee menyukai nama Hawkman dari DC Comics , dan bahwa "Spider-Man" adalah hasil dari bunga itu. [6] tanda hubung ini termasuk dalam karakter nama untuk menghindari kebingungan dengan DC Comics ' Superman .
Simon concurred that Kirby had shown the original Spider-Man version to Lee, who liked the idea and assigned Kirby to draw sample pages of the new character but disliked the results—in Simon's description, " Captain America with cobwebs". [ note 5 ] Writer Mark Evanier notes that Lee's reasoning that Kirby's character was too heroic seems unlikely—Kirby still drew the covers for the first issues of Spider-Man . Simon menyetujui bahwa Kirby telah menunjukkan versi Spider-Man asli untuk Lee, yang menyukai ide itu dan ditugaskan Kirby untuk menarik halaman sampel dari karakter baru tetapi tidak menyukai hasilnya-di's deskripsi Simon, " Captain America dengan jaring laba-laba ". [catatan 5] Penulis Mark Evanier catatan itu penalaran Lee itu karakter Kirby terlalu heroik-Kirby tampaknya tidak mungkin masih menarik untuk mencakup isu pertama Spider-Man. Likewise, Kirby's given reason that he was "too busy" to also draw Spider-Man in addition to his other duties seems false, as Kirby was, in Evanier's words, "always busy". [ 9 ] :127 Neither Lee's nor Kirby's explanation explains why key story elements like the magic ring were dropped; Evanier states that the most plausible explanation for the sudden change was that Goodman, or one of his assistants, decided that Spider-Man as drawn and envisioned by Kirby was too similar to the Fly.:127 Demikian juga, yang memberikan alasan Kirby bahwa ia "terlalu sibuk" untuk juga menggambar Spider-Man di samping tugas lain tampak palsu, sebagai Kirby adalah, dalam kata-kata Evanier, "selalu sibuk". [9] : 127 Baik juga tidak Kirby penjelasan Lee menjelaskan mengapa unsur-unsur cerita penting seperti cincin ajaib dijatuhkan; Evanier menyatakan bahwa penjelasan yang paling masuk akal untuk perubahan tiba-tiba adalah Goodman, atau salah satu asistennya, memutuskan bahwa Spider-Man, seperti ditarik dan diusulkan oleh Kirby terlalu mirip dengan Fly . [9] : 127
Blake Bell, author and Ditko scholar, writes that it was Ditko who noted the similarities to the Fly. Blake Bell, penulis dan sarjana Ditko, menulis bahwa Ditko yang mencatat kemiripan dengan Fly. Ditko recalled that, "Stan called Jack about the Fly", adding that "[d]ays later, Stan told me I would be penciling the story panel breakdowns from Stan's synopsis". Ditko ingat bahwa, "seru Stan Jack tentang Fly", menambahkan bahwa "[d] Mandy kemudian, Stan mengatakan bahwa saya akan penciling panel rincian cerita dari sinopsis Stan". It was at this point that the nature of the strip changed. Pada saat ini bahwa sifat strip berubah. "Out went the magic ring, adult Spider-Man and whatever legend ideas that Spider-Man story would have contained". "Kubuang cincin ajaib, dewasa Spider-Man dan ide-ide legenda apa pun bahwa cerita Spider-Man akan berisi". Lee gave Ditko the premise of a teenager bitten by a spider and developing powers, a premise Ditko would expand upon to the point he became what Bell describes as "the first work-for-hire artist of his generation to create and control the narrative arc of his series". Lee memberi Ditko premis dari seorang remaja digigit laba-laba dan kekuasaan berkembang, sebuah premis Ditko akan memperluas ke titik Bell ia menjadi apa yang disebutnya sebagai "yang pertama bekerja-untuk-menyewa seniman generasi untuk menciptakan dan mengendalikan narasi busur seri-nya ". On the issue of the initial creation, Ditko states, "I still don't know whose idea was Spider-Man". Kirby noted in a 1971 interview that it was Ditko who "got Spider-Man to roll, and the thing caught on because of what he did".Lee, while claiming credit for the initial idea, has acknowledged Ditko's role, stating, "If Steve wants to be called co-creator, I think he deserves [it]".Writer Al Nickerson believes "that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created the Spider-Man that we are familiar with today [but that] ultimately, Spider-Man came into existence, and prospered, through the efforts of not just one or two, but many, comic book creators". Pada masalah penciptaan awal, menyatakan Ditko, "Aku masih belum tahu gagasan siapa itu Spider-Man".Kirby dicatat dalam sebuah wawancara tahun 1971 itu Ditko yang "punya Spider-Man bergulir, dan hal tertangkap pada karena apa yang dia lakukan ". Lee, sementara mengklaim kredit untuk ide awal, telah mengakui peran Ditko, menyatakan, "Jika Steve ingin disebut co-pencipta, saya pikir dia layak [itu]".Penulis Al Nickerson percaya "bahwa Stan Lee dan Steve Ditko menciptakan Spider-Man yang kita kenal dengan [hari ini tapi] bahwa pada akhirnya, Spider-Man muncul, dan makmur, melalui upaya bukan hanya satu atau dua , tapi banyak, pencipta buku komik ".
The Amazing Spider-Man #23 (April 1965), featuring the Green Goblin . The Amazing Spider-Man # 23 (April 1965), menampilkan Green Goblin . Cover art by co-creator Steve Ditko . Cover art oleh co-pencipta Steve Ditko .
Commercial success Komersial keberhasilan
A few months after Spider-Man's introduction in Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug. 1962), publisher Martin Goodman reviewed the sales figures for that issue and was shocked to find it to have been one of the nascent Marvel's highest-selling comics. [ 4 ] :97 A solo series followed, beginning with The Amazing Spider-Man #1 (March 1963). Beberapa bulan setelah-Man's pengenalan Spider dalam Amazing Fantasy # 15 (Agustus 1962), penerbit Martin Goodman memeriksa angka penjualan untuk masalah itu dan terkejut menemukannya telah salah satu dari baru lahir's Marvel tertinggi menjual komik tersebut. [4 ] : 97 Serangkaian solo diikuti, dimulai dengan The-Amazing Spider Man # 1 (Maret 1963). The title eventually became Marvel's top-selling series [ 1 ] :211 with the character swiftly becoming a cultural icon; a 1965 Esquire poll of college campuses found that college students ranked Spider-Man and fellow Marvel hero the Hulk alongside Bob Dylan and Che Guevara as their favorite revolutionary icons. Judul akhirnya menjadi penjualan seri Marvel's top- [1] : 211 dengan karakter cepat menjadi ikon budaya; sebuah 1965 Esquire jajak pendapat dari kampus menemukan bahwa mahasiswa peringkat Spider-Man dan sesama pahlawan Marvel yang Hulk bersama Bob Dylan dan Che Guevara sebagai ikon favorit mereka revolusioner. One interviewee selected Spider-Man because he was "beset by woes, money problems, and the question of existence. In short, he is one of us." [ 1 ] :223 Following Ditko's departure after issue #38 (July 1966), John Romita, Sr. replaced him as artist, and would provide the pencil drawings of the character over the next several years. Salah satu yang diwawancarai dipilih Spider-Man karena dia "dilanda kesengsaraan, uang masalah, dan pertanyaan eksistensi. Singkatnya, ia adalah salah satu dari kita." [1] : 223 Setelah keberangkatan Ditko setelah issue # 38 (Juli 1966), John Romita, Sr menggantikannya sebagai seniman, dan akan memberikan gambar pensil karakter selama beberapa tahun mendatang. In 1968. Pada tahun 1968. Romita would also draw the character's extra-length stories in the magazine-format series The Spectacular Spider-Man , a graphic novel precursor designed to appeal to older readers but which lasted only two issues.Nonetheless, it represented the first Spider-Man spin-off publication aside from the original series' summer annuals begun in 1964. Romita juga akan menarik ekstra-panjang karakter cerita dalam format seri majalah yang Spektakuler Spider-Man , sebuah novel grafis pendahulu yang dirancang untuk menarik pembaca lebih tua tetapi yang hanya berlangsung dua isu. [14] Meskipun demikian, itu merupakan yang pertama Spider- Man spin-off publikasi selain dari seri asli ' annuals musim panas dimulai pada tahun 1964.
An early 1970s Spider-Man story led to the revision of the Comics Code . Sebuah awal 1970-an cerita Spider-Man menyebabkan revisi Kode Komik . Previously, the Code forbade the depiction of the use of illegal drugs , even negatively. Sebelumnya, Kode melarang penggambaran penggunaan narkoba , bahkan negatif. However, in 1970, the Nixon administration's Department of Health, Education, and Welfare asked Stan Lee to publish an anti-drug message in one of Marvel's top-selling titles. [ 1 ] :239 Lee chose the top-selling The Amazing Spider-Man; issues #96–98 (May–July 1971) feature a story arc depicting the negative effects of drug use. Namun, pada tahun 1970, Nixon administrasi dari Departemen Kesehatan, Pendidikan, dan Kesejahteraan meminta Stan Lee untuk menerbitkan sebuah-obat pesan anti di salah satu terlaris judul Marvel. [1] : 239 Lee memilih terlaris The Amazing Spider- Manusia; masalah # 96-98 (Mei-Juli 1971) fitur busur cerita menggambarkan efek negatif dari penggunaan narkoba. In the story, Peter Parker's friend Harry Osborn becomes addicted to pills. Dalam cerita, Peter Parker teman Harry Osborn menjadi kecanduan pil. When Spider-Man fights the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, Harry's father), Spider-Man defeats the Green Goblin, by revealing Harry's drug addiction. Ketika Spider-Man bertarung dengan Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, ayah Harry), Spider-Man mengalahkan Goblin Hijau, dengan mengungkapkan kecanduan obat Harry. While the story had a clear anti-drug message, the Comics Code Authority refused to issue its seal of approval. Sementara cerita itu pesan anti-narkoba jelas, Komik Kode Otoritas menolak untuk menerbitkan meterai atas persetujuan. Marvel nevertheless published the three issues without the Comics Code Authority's approval or seal. Marvel tetap menerbitkan tiga isu tanpa persetujuan Komik Kode Authority atau segel. The issues sold so well that the industry's self-censorship was undercut:239 and the Code was subsequently revised. Masalah-masalah yang terjual dengan baik sehingga industri self-sensor itu melemahkan [1] : 239 dan Kode kemudian direvisi.
The Amazing Spider-Man #96 (May 1971), the first of three non- Comics Code issues that prompted the Code's first update, allowing comics to show the negative effects of illegal-drug use. The Amazing Spider-Man # 96 (Mei 1971), yang pertama dari tiga non- Kode Komik dan isu-isu yang mendorong pertama Kode update, memungkinkan komik untuk menunjukkan dampak negatif dari penggunaan obat ilegal. Cover art by Gil Kane . Cover art oleh Gil Kane .
In 1972, a second monthly ongoing series starring Spider-Man began: Marvel Team-Up , in which Spider-Man was paired with other superheroes and villains. Pada tahun 1972, yang kedua bulanan berlangsung seri dibintangi oleh Spider-Man mulai: Marvel Team-Up , di mana Spider-Man itu dipasangkan dengan superhero lain dan penjahat. In 1976, his second solo series, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol. Pada tahun 1976, seri solo keduanya, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol. 2, began, running parallel to the main series. 2, mulai, berlari sejajar dengan seri utama. A third series featuring Spider-Man, Web Of Spider-Man , launched in 1985, replacing Marvel Team-Up . Serangkaian ketiga menampilkan Spider-Man, Web Of Spider-Man , diluncurkan pada tahun 1985, menggantikan Marvel Tim-Up . The launch of a fourth monthly title in 1990, written and drawn by popular artist Todd McFarlane , debuted with several different covers, all with the same interior content. Peluncuran judul bulanan keempat pada tahun 1990, ditulis dan digambar oleh seniman populer Todd McFarlane , dimulai dengan sampul yang berbeda, semua dengan isi interior yang sama. The various versions combined sold over 3 million copies, an industry record at the time.:279 There have generally been at least two ongoing Spider-Man series at any time. Berbagai versi gabungan terjual lebih dari 3 juta kopi, catatan industri pada saat itu. [1] : 279 umumnya telah ada setidaknya dua seri Spider-Man yang sedang berlangsung setiap saat. Several limited series , one-shots and loosely related comics have also been published, and Spider-Man makes frequent cameos and guest appearances in other comic series. Beberapa seri terbatas , satu-tembakan secara longgar terkait dengan komik dan juga telah diterbitkan, dan Spider-Man membuat akting cemerlang sering dan penampilan tamu di seri komik lainnya.
The original Amazing Spider-Man ran through issue #441 (Nov. 1998). The Amazing Spider-Man asli berlari melalui issue # 441 (November 1998). Writer-artist John Byrne then revamped the origin of Spider-Man in the 13-issue miniseries Spider-Man: Chapter One (Dec. 1998 - Oct. 1999, with an issue #0 midway through and some months containing two issues), similar to Byrne's adding details and some revisions to Superman's origin in DC Comics ' The Man of Steel . Penulis-seniman John Byrne kemudian dirubah asal Spider-Man di 13-isu miniseri Spider-Man: Bab Satu (Desember 1998 - Oktober 1999, dengan masalah # 0 tengah melalui dan beberapa bulan yang mengandung dua masalah), mirip untuk itu menambahkan rincian Byrne dan beberapa revisi yang berasal Superman di DC Comics ' The Man of Steel . Running concurrently, The Amazing Spider-Man was restarted with vol. Menjalankan bersamaan, The Amazing Spider-Man adalah ulang dengan vol. 2, #1 (Jan. 1999). 2 # 1 (Januari 1999). With what would have been vol. Dengan apa yang telah vol. 2, #59, Marvel reintroduced the original numbering, starting with #500 (Dec. 2003). 2, # 59, Marvel diperkenalkan kembali penomoran asli, dimulai dari # 500 (Desember 2003).
By the end of 2007, Spider-Man regularly appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man, New Avengers , Spider-Man Family and various limited series in mainstream Marvel Comics continuity, as well as in the alternate-universe series The Amazing Spider-Girl , the Ultimate Universe title Ultimate Spider-Man , the alternate-universe tween series Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane , the alternate-universe children's series Marvel Adventures Spider-Man , and Marvel Adventures: The Avengers . Pada akhir tahun 2007, Spider-Man secara teratur muncul di The Amazing Spider-Man, New Avengers , Spider-Man Keluarga dan berbagai seri terbatas mainstream kontinuitas Marvel Comics, serta di alam semesta alternatif- seri The Amazing Spider-Girl , di Ultimate Universe judul Ultimate Spider-Man ,-alam semesta alternatif tween seri Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane , anak-anak alam semesta alternatif-seri Marvel Adventures Spider-Man , dan Marvel Adventures: The Avengers .
When primary series The Amazing Spider-Man reached issue #545 (Dec. 2007), Marvel dropped its spin-off ongoing series and instead began publishing The Amazing Spider-Man three times monthly, beginning with #546-549 (each January 2008). Ketika seri utama The Amazing Spider-Man mencapai issue # 545 (Desember 2007), Marvel menjatuhkan spin-off seri yang sedang berlangsung dan malah mulai menerbitkan The Amazing Spider-Man tiga kali bulanan, dimulai dari # 546-549 (masing-masing Januari 2008) .
Fictional character biography Karakter fiksi biografi
Main article: Fictional history of Spider-Man Artikel utama: Sejarah Fiksi Spider-Man
In his first appearance, Peter Parker is introduced as an orphaned science whiz teenager living with his aunt and uncle in the Forest Hills section of New York City. Dalam penampilan pertama, Peter Parker diperkenalkan sebagai yatim piatu ilmu jagoan remaja tinggal bersama bibinya dan pamannya di Forest Hills bagian New York City. He is a brilliant student and the apple in the eyes of his adoring guardians but he is also the subject of mockery by his peers who regard him as a bookworm, and perpetual bullying by Eugene "Flash" Thompson, who calls him "Puny Parker" and humiliates him daily. Dia adalah murid yang cemerlang dan apel di mata wali itu bersujud tetapi ia juga subjek olok-olok oleh rekan-rekannya yang menganggap dirinya sebagai kutu buku, dan abadi bullying oleh Eugene "Flash" Thompson, yang menyebutnya "Jelek Parker" dan menghina dia setiap hari. One day, he is bitten by a radioactive spider during a science demonstration. Suatu hari, ia digigit laba-laba radioaktif sewaktu demo sains. As a result, he gains spider-like powers such as super-strength, the ability to climb walls, and a phenomenal jumping skill. Akibatnya, ia keuntungan kekuatan seperti laba-laba seperti kekuatan super, kemampuan untuk memanjat dinding, dan keterampilan melompat fenomenal. Peter's own intelligence allows him to develop gadgets which fire adhesive webbing. kecerdasan Petrus sendiri memungkinkan dia untuk mengembangkan gadget yang kebakaran anyaman perekat.
The fateful spider bite that gave Peter Parker his powers. Amazing Fantasy #15, art by Steve Ditko Gigitan laba-laba yang menentukan bahwa memberi Peter Parker kekuasaannya. Amazing Fantasy # 15, seni oleh Steve Ditko
As Spider-Man, he becomes a successful TV star. Sebagai Spider-Man, ia menjadi bintang televisi yang sukses. One day at a studio he refuses to stop a thief, saying that it is the job of the police, not that of a star. Suatu hari di studio ia menolak untuk menghentikan pencuri, mengatakan bahwa itu adalah tugas polisi, bukan bintang. Later he returns home to learn that his beloved guardian, Uncle Ben , has been murdered and an angry Spider-Man sets off to capture the killer. Kemudian ia kembali ke rumah untuk belajar bahwa wali tercinta, Paman Ben , telah dibunuh dan Spider-Man marah set off untuk menangkap pembunuh itu. When he does, he is horrified to find that the man is none other than the burglar he refused to subdue. Ketika dia tidak, dia terkejut menemukan bahwa orang tersebut tidak lain dari pencuri dia menolak untuk menaklukkan. Realising that with great power comes great responsibility, Spider-Man becomes a vigilante.Menyadari bahwa dengan kekuatan besar datang tanggung jawab besar, Spider-Man menjadi sebuah main hakim.
After his uncle's death, Peter and his Aunt May become desperate for money, so he gets a job as a photographer at the New York Daily Bugle selling photos to J. Setelah itu paman kematiannya, Petrus dan nya Bibi Mei menjadi putus asa untuk uang, maka ia mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai fotografer di New York Daily Bugle menjual foto ke J. Jonah Jameson , who proves to be jealous of Spider-Man and has begun to vilify Spider-Man in the paper. [ 16 ] As he battles his enemies for the first time, Parker finds juggling his personal life and costumed adventures difficult. Jonah Jameson , yang terbukti menjadi cemburu Spider-Man dan telah mulai memfitnah Spider-Man di koran.Ketika ia pertempuran musuh-musuhnya untuk pertama kalinya, Parker menemukan menyulap kehidupan pribadinya dan berkostum petualangan sulit. In time, Peter graduates from high school,and enrolls at Empire State University, where he meets roommate and best friend Harry Osborn and his second girlfriend (having been romantically involved with Betty Brant before) Gwen Stacy , and Aunt May introduces him to Mary Jane Watson .As Peter deals with Harry's drug problems, and Harry's father is revealed to be Spider-Man's nemesis the Green Goblin , Peter even attempts to give up his costumed identity.In the course of his adventures Spider-Man has made a wide variety of friends and contacts within the superhero community, who often come to his aid when he faces problems that he cannot solve on his own. Dalam waktu, Peter lulusan dari sekolah tinggi,dan mendaftar di Empire State University, di mana ia bertemu teman sekamar dan teman terbaik Harry Osborn dan pacar kedua (telah terlibat asmara dengan Betty Brant sebelumnya) Gwen Stacy , dan Bibi Mei memperkenalkan dia untuk Mary Jane Watson . Seperti berurusan Peter dengan obat masalah Harry, dan ayah Harry diturunkan menjadi-Man's nemesis Spider yang Goblin Hijau , Peter bahkan upaya untuk melepaskan berkostum identitasnya.Dalam perjalanan petualangannya Spider-Man telah membuat berbagai teman dan kontak dalam komunitas superhero, yang sering datang untuk membantu ketika ia menghadapi masalah yang dia tidak bisa memecahkan sendiri.
Enemies frequently endanger his loved ones,with the Green Goblin managing to cause the death of Gwen Stacy.Though haunted by the death of Gwen, he begins to date Mary Jane Watson. Musuh sering membahayakan orang-orang terkasih-Nya, dengan Green Goblin mengelola menyebabkan kematian Gwen Stacy.Meskipun dihantui oleh kematian Gwen, ia mulai tanggal Mary Jane Watson. Peter discovers what he thinks is a black version of his Spider-Man costume,which turns out to be an alien symbiote ; Peter is able to reject the symbiote after a difficult struggle, though the symbiote returns several times as Venom for revenge. Petrus menemukan apa yang dia pikir adalah versi hitam kostum Spider-Man-nya, yang ternyata alien symbiote ; Petrus mampu menolak symbiote setelah perjuangan yang sulit, meskipun beberapa kali kembali symbiote sebagai Venom untuk membalas dendam. Peter eventually marries Mary Jane Watson.In a controversial storyline, Peter becomes convinced that Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider (a clone of Peter created by his college professor Miles Warren ) is the real Peter Parker, and that he, Peter, is the clone. Peter akhirnya menikahi Mary Jane Watson.Dalam sebuah alur cerita yang kontroversial, Petrus menjadi yakin bahwa Ben Reilly, para Spider Scarlet (clone dari Petrus yang dibuat oleh dosen nya Miles Warren ) adalah Peter Parker nyata, dan bahwa dia, Petrus, adalah clone. Peter gives up the Spider-Man identity to Reilly for a time, until Reilly is killed by the returning Green Goblin and revealed to be the clone after all. Peter menyerah identitas Spider-Man untuk Reilly untuk sementara waktu, sampai Reilly adalah dibunuh oleh kembali Green Goblin dan diturunkan menjadi klon setelah semua. In stories published in 2005 and 2006 (such as " The Other "), he develops additional spider-like abilities including biological web-shooters, toxic stingers that extend from his forearms, the ability to stick individuals to his back, enhanced Spider-sense and night vision, and increased strength and speed. Dalam cerita-cerita yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2005 dan 2006 (seperti " The Other "), ia mengembangkan kemampuan seperti laba-laba tambahan termasuk penembak-web biologis, penyengat beracun yang memanjang dari lengan bawahnya, kemampuan untuk tetap individu untuk punggungnya, ditingkatkan Spider-akal visi dan malam, dan meningkatkan kekuatan dan kecepatan. Peter later becomes a member of the New Avengers , and reveals his civilian identity to the world, furthering his already numerous problems. Peter kemudian menjadi anggota Avengers Baru , dan mengungkapkan identitas sipil ke dunia,melanjutkan sudah banyak masalahnya. His marriage to Mary Jane and public unmasking are later erased due to a deal made with the demon Mephisto , resulting in several adjustments to the timeline, such as the resurrection of Harry Osborn and the return of Peter's mechanical web-shooters and loss of his additional spider-like abilities.After months of the new status quo in the Marvel Universe where nobody but Peter himself knew the identity of Spider-Man, he unmasks to his teammates on the New Avengers at the request of Ronin , the team's new leader, in order to earn the team's trust.Around this time he also unmasks for the Fantastic Four .pernikahan-Nya untuk Mary Jane dan unmasking publik kemudian dihapus karena suatu kesepakatan yang dibuat dengan iblis Mephisto , sehingga penyesuaian beberapa timeline, seperti kebangkitan Harry Osborn dan kembalinya mekanik web-shooters Petrus dan kehilangan nya tambahan laba-laba-seperti kemampuan.Setelah berbulan-bulan status quo baru di alam semesta Marvel di mana tidak ada tapi Peter sendiri mengetahui identitas Spider-Man, ia unmasks ke teman satu timnya di Avengers Baru atas permintaan Ronin , tim yang baru pemimpin, dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan tim. [29] Sekitar waktu ini ia juga unmasks untuk Fantastic Four .
Powers and equipment Kekuasaan dan peralatan
Main article: Spider-Man's powers and equipment Artikel utama: -Man's kekuatan Spider dan peralatan
A bite from a radioactive spider on a school field trip causes a variety of changes in the body of Peter Parker and gives him superpowers.In the original Lee - Ditko stories, Spider-Man has the ability to cling to walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense ("spider-sense") that alerts him to danger, perfect balance and equilibrium, as well as superhuman speed and agility. Sebuah gigitan dari seekor laba-laba radioaktif mengadakan karyawisata sekolah menyebabkan berbagai perubahan dalam tubuh Peter Parker dan memberikan dia kekuatan adidaya.Di dalam versi asli Lee - Ditko cerita, Spider-Man memiliki kemampuan untuk menempel ke dinding, manusia super kekuatan, indra keenam ("spider-sense") yang dia tanda bahaya, keseimbangan yang sempurna dan keseimbangan, serta kecepatan dan kelincahan super. Some of his comic series have him shooting webs from his wrists. Brilliant, Parker excels in applied science, chemistry and physics. Beberapa seri komiknya telah dia menembak jaring dari pergelangan tangannyCemerlang, Parker unggul dalam sains terapan, kimia dan fisika. The character was originally conceived by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko as intellectually gifted, but not a genius. karakter awalnya disusun oleh Stan Lee dan Steve Ditko sebagai intelektual berbakat, tapi bukan jenius. However, later writers have depicted the character as a genius.With his talents, he sews his own costume to conceal his identity, and constructs many devices that complement his powers, most notably mechanical web-shooters. [ 31 ] (This mechanism ejects an advanced adhesive, releasing web-fluid in a variety of configurations, including a single rope-like strand to swing from, a net to bind enemies, a single strand for yanking opponents into objects, strands for whipping foreign objects at enemies, and a simple glob to foul machinery or blind an opponent. He can also weave the web material into simple forms like a shield, a spherical protection or hemispherical barrier, a club, or a hang-glider wing.) Other equipment include spider-tracers (spider-shaped adhesive homing beacons keyed to his own spider-sense), a light beacon which can either be used as a flashlight or project a "Spider-Signal" design, and a specially modified camera that can take pictures automatically. Kemudian penulis Namun memiliki karakter digambarkan sebagai seorang jenius.Dengan bakatnya, dia menambalkan kostum sendiri untuk menyembunyikan identitasnya, dan membangun banyak perangkat yang melengkapi kekuasaannya, terutama web-shooters mekaniini Mekanisme menyemburkan adhesif maju, merilis web-cairan dalam berbagai konfigurasi, termasuk untai tali-seperti tunggal untuk ayunan dari, bersih untuk mengikat musuh, sebuah untai tunggal untuk menarik-narik lawan menjadi obyek, alur untuk mengocok benda asing pada musuh, dan sebuah glob sederhana untuk mesin kotor atau buta lawan Dia juga bisa menenun bahan web ke dalam bentuk sederhana seperti perisai, perlindungan bola atau kendala hemispherical, klub, atau sayap hang-glider..) Peralatan lainnya meliputi laba-laba-pelacak (homing beacon perekat berbentuk laba-laba bersemangat untuk rasa sendiri-laba-laba), sebuah mercusuar cahaya yang baik dapat digunakan sebagai senter atau proyek "Spider-Signal" desain, dan kamera khusus diubah yang dapat mengambil gambar secara otomatis.
Enemies Musuh
Main article: List of Spider-Man enemies Artikel utama: Daftar musuh Spider-Man
The many villains of Spider-Man. Banyak penjahat Spider-Man. Art by Sean Chen . Seni oleh Sean Chen .
Writers and artists over many years have managed to establish an exciting and notable rogues gallery of villains to face Spider-Man. [ note 6 ] The three most infamous and dangerous enemies as voted by fans are the Green Goblin , Doctor Octopus and Venom .Other characters include the Hobgoblin , Kraven the Hunter , Carnage , the Scorpion , the Sandman , the Lizard , Mysterio , the Vulture , Electro , the Kingpin , Hydro-Man , the Shocker , and Morlun . Sastrawan dan seniman selama bertahun-tahun telah berhasil mendirikan menarik dan terkenal galeri penyamun dari penjahat untuk menghadapi Spider-Man. [catatan 6] Ketiga terkenal dan berbahaya musuh paling sesuai pilihan fans adalah Green Goblin , Doctor Octopus dan Venom .karakter lainnya termasuk hantu , Kraven Hunter , Carnage , itu Scorpion , yang Sandman , yang Kadal , Mysterio , yang Hering , Electro , yang Kingpin , Hydro-Man , yang jijik , dan Morlun . As with Spider-Man, the majority of these villains' powers originate with scientific accidents or the misuse of scientific technology, and they tend to have animal-themed costumes or powers, and many have green costumes. Seperti Spider-Man, mayoritas kekuasaan penjahat ini 'berasal dengan kecelakaan ilmiah atau penyalahgunaan teknologi ilmiah, dan mereka cenderung memiliki kostum bertema hewan atau kekuasaan, dan banyak kostum hijau. At times these villains have formed groups such as the Sinister Six to oppose Spider-Man. Pada saat ini telah membentuk kelompok penjahat seperti Sinister Enam untuk melawan Spider-Man. It is revealed that Spider-Man has new enemies in New Avengers . Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Spider-Man memiliki musuh baru di New Avengers .
Supporting characters Pendukung karakter
Main article: Spider-Man supporting characters Artikel utama: Spider-Man mendukung karakter
Spider-Man was conceived as an ordinary person given great power. Spider-Man ini dipahami sebagai orang biasa diberikan kekuatan besar. The comics detail his civilian life and family, friends, and his romances. Komik detail kehidupan sipil dan keluarga, teman, dan kisah cinta nya. Spider-Man is most famous for; however, his super-heroic adventures. Spider-Man yang paling terkenal, namun, petualangan super-heroik. Peter was raised by his loving aunt, May Parker , and his uncle and father figure, Ben Parker (usually referred to simply as Aunt May and Uncle Ben), after his parents died. Peter dibesarkan oleh bibi menyayanginya, Mei Parker , dan pamannya dan figur ayah, Ben Parker (biasanya disebut hanya sebagai Bibi May dan Paman Ben), setelah orangtuanya meninggal. Uncle Ben is tragically murdered by a burglar that Peter had allowed to escape before. Paman Ben tragis dibunuh oleh seorang pencuri bahwa Petrus telah diizinkan untuk melarikan diri sebelumnya. Peter believes that his uncle's death was morally his fault, and he decides to use his powers responsibly and become a super-hero.After the murder of her husband, Aunt May is virtually Peter's only family, and she and Peter are very close. Peter berpendapat bahwa paman kematiannya moral kesalahannya, dan ia memutuskan untuk menggunakan kekuasaannya secara bertanggung jawab dan menjadi pahlawan super.Setelah pembunuhan suaminya, Bibi Mei hampir hanya keluarga Peter, dan dia dan Peter sangat dekat.
Peter's first love interest is his college girlfriend Gwen Stacy , who is later tragically killed by the Green Goblin .It is later revealed in the comics that she refused to give custody of her children to their biological father Norman Osborn, (the Goblin's true identity), with whom she had had an intimate relationship behind Peter's back.Originally merely Gwen Stacy's competition, Mary Jane Watson (or, "MJ") eventually became Peter's best friend and then became his wife Her marriage to Peter was later erased due to a deal made with Mephisto to save Aunt May's life. Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat , is a reformed cat burglar who was Spider-Man's girlfriend and partner at one point,but rejected him when he revealed his identity to her, as she was only interested in his costumed persona. cinta bunga pertama Peter adalah pacarnya kuliah Gwen Stacy , yang kemudian secara tragis tewas oleh Goblin Hijau . Hal ini kemudian mengungkapkan di komik bahwa ia menolak untuk memberikan hak asuh anak-anaknya untuk Norman mereka ayah biologis Osborn (Goblin's identitas yang sebenarnya), dengan siapa dia punya hubungan intim di belakang punggung Peter. 's persaingan hanya Gwen Stacy Awalnya, Mary Jane Watson (atau, "MJ") akhirnya menjadi sahabat Petrus dan kemudian menjadi istrinya .Her pernikahan kepada Petrus kemudian sebuah terhapus karena banyak dibuat dengan Mephisto untuk menyelamatkan May hidup Bibi.Felicia Hardy, Cat Hitam , adalah pencuri kucing reformasi yang-Man's pacar Spider dan mitra pada satu titik, tapi menolak dia ketika dia mengungkapkan identitasnya padanya, karena ia hanya tertarik pada persona-nya berkostum. She eventually learned to love Peter on his own merit, but never on the level at which she loved Spider-Man. Dia akhirnya belajar mencintai Peter atas jasanya sendiri, tetapi tidak pernah pada tingkat di mana ia mencintai Spider-Man.
Eugene "Flash" Thompson was originally Peter Parker's high school tormentor, and later one of his closest friends. Eugene "Flash" Thompson awalnya sekolah tinggi penyiksa's Peter Parker, dan kemudian salah satu yang paling dekat teman-temannya. Due to brain damage, he suffered amnesia and regressed to his bullying personality, though he eventually recovered from this. Harry Osborn , son of Norman Osborn, was Peter's best friend in college, who eventually follows his father's footsteps and becomes the second Green Goblin ,ultimately resulting in Harry's death. Karena kerusakan otak, ia menderita amnesia dan mundur ke nya bullying kepribadian,meskipun dia akhirnya sembuh dari ini. Harry Osborn , putra dari Norman Osborn, adalah sahabat Peter di perguruan tinggi, yang akhirnya mengikuti ayah jejaknya dan menjadi yang kedua Green Goblin ,akhirnya mengakibatkan kematian Harry. He was resurrected due to the erasure of Peter's marriage to Mary Jane, and all related events, from history. Dia karena penghapusan perkawinan Petrus untuk Mary Jane dibangkitkan, dan semua peristiwa yang terkait, dari sejarah.
J. Jonah Jameson , the irascible publisher of the Daily Bugle newspaper, is Peter's first employer. J. Jonah Jameson , penerbit berang dari Harian Bugle surat kabar, adalah majikan pertama Peter. While he employs Peter Parker as a photographer, he is also Spider-Man's greatest critic by dint of being jealous of Spider-Man, and hence, he is largely responsible for public distrust of the hero. Joseph "Robbie" Robertson was the Editor-in-chief at the Daily Bugle, a moderating influence on Jameson, and a father figure to Peter after Uncle Ben's death. Betty Brant was the secretary at the Daily Bugle, and was once in love with Peter. Sementara ia mempekerjakan Peter Parker sebagai fotografer, dia juga-manusia terbesar kritikus Spider akibat cemburu Spider-Man, dan karena itu, dia sangat bertanggung jawab atas ketidakpercayaan publik pahlawan. Joseph "Robbie" Robertson adalah Editor- in-chief di harian Bugle, pengaruh moderat pada Jameson, dan figur ayah kepada Petrus setelah kematian Paman Ben. Betty Brant adalah sekretaris di harian Bugle, dan pernah jatuh cinta dengan Peter.
Cultural influence Pengaruh budaya
Comic-book writer-editor and historian Paul Kupperberg, in The Creation of Spider-Man , calls the character's superpowers "nothing too original"; what was original was that outside his secret identity, he was a "nerdy high school student". :5 Going against typical superhero fare, Spider-Man included "heavy doses of soap-opera and elements of melodrama." Komik-buku penulis-editor dan sejarawan Paul Kupperberg, dalam The Penciptaan Spider-Man, panggilan karakter negara adidaya itu "tidak ada yang terlalu awal"; apa yang asli adalah bahwa di luar identitas rahasianya, dia adalah seorang "kutu buku siswa SMA".: 5 Pergi terhadap tarif khas superhero, Spider-Man termasuk "berat dosis-opera sabun dan unsur-unsur melodrama." Kupperberg feels that Lee and Ditko had created something new in the world of comics: "the flawed superhero with everyday problems." Kupperberg merasa bahwa Lee dan Ditko telah menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dalam dunia komik: "superhero cacat dengan masalah sehari-hari." This idea spawned a "comics revolution." :6 The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel's early 1960s comic books such as The Amazing Spider-Man , The Incredible Hulk , and X-Men ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public's perception of them. Spider-Man has become one of the most recognizable fictional characters in the world, and has been used to sell toys, games, cereal, candy, soap, and many other products. Gagasan ini melahirkan komik revolusi "".: 6 ketidakamanan ini dan kekhawatiran pada awal tahun 1960-an's Marvel buku komik seperti The Amazing Spider-Man The Incredible Hulk, dan X-Men diantar masuk jenis baru superhero, sangat berbeda dari tertentu dan semua-kuat superhero yang sebelum mereka, dan mengubah masyarakat persepsi merekaSpider-Man telah menjadi salah satu fiksi karakter dikenali terbanyak di dunia, dan telah digunakan untuk menjual mainan, permainan, sereal, permen, sabun, dan banyak produk lainnya.
Sejak 1962, ratusan juta komik yang menampilkan karakter telah dijual di seluruh dunia.
Spider-Man joined the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from 1987 to 1998 as one of the balloon floats,designed by John Romita Sr. ,one of the character's signature artists. Spider-Man bergabung dengan Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 1987-1998 sebagai salah satu balon mengapung, dirancang oleh John Romita Sr , salah satu tanda tangan seniman karakter. A new, different Spider-Man balloon float is scheduled to appear from at least 2009 to 2011., baru berbeda Spider-Man float balon dijadwalkan muncul dari setidaknya 2009 sampai 2011.
In 1981, Dan Goodwin donned a Spider-Man suit and scaled the Sears Tower in Chicago , Illinois , and the Renaissance Tower in Dallas , Texas , to promote high-rise firefighting and rescue . Pada tahun 1981, Dan Goodwin mengenakan sebuah setelan Spider-Man dan skala yang Sears Tower di Chicago , Illinois , dan Renaissance Tower di Dallas , Texas , untuk mempromosikan bertingkat tinggi pemadam kebakaran dan penyelamatan .
When Marvel wanted to issue a story dealing with the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks , the company chose the December 2001 issue of The Amazing Spider-Man .In 2006, Spider-Man garnered major media coverage with the revelation of the character's secret identity,an event detailed in a full page story in the New York Post before the issue containing the story was even released.Ketika Marvel ingin mengeluarkan cerita berurusan dengan segera setelah itu September 11, 2001 serangan , perusahaan memilih isu Desember 2001 The Amazing Spider-Man.Pada tahun 2006, Spider-Man mengumpulkan liputan media utama dengan wahyu dari rahasia identitas karakter,peristiwa rinci dalam cerita halaman penuh di New York Post sebelum masalah yang berisi cerita itu bahkan dirilis.
In 2008, Marvel announced plans to release a series of educational comics the following year in partnership with the United Nations, depicting Spider-Man alongside UN Peacekeeping Forces to highlight UN peacekeeping missions.BusinessWeek article listed Spider-Man as one of the top ten most intelligent fictional characters in American comics.Pada tahun 2008, Marvel mengumumkan rencana untuk merilis serangkaian komik pendidikan tahun berikutnya dalam kemitraan dengan PBB, yang menggambarkan Spider-Man bersama dengan Pasukan Penjaga Perdamaian PBB untuk menyoroti misi penjaga perdamaian PBB.Sebuah BusinessWeek artikel yang tercantum Spider-Man sebagai salah satu sepuluh karakter fiksi yang paling cerdas di komik Amerika Serikat.
Spider-Man was named Empire magazine's fifth-greatest comic-book character.Spider-Man bernama Kekaisaran -terbesar kelima majalah komik karakter.
Non-Marvel versions and parodies Non-Marvel versi dan parodi
Marvel made its own parodies of Spider-Man in such comics as Not Brand Echh , which was published in the late 1960s and featured such characters as Peter Pooper alias Spidey-Man. There was also Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham , who appeared in the 1980s. Marvel membuat parodi sendiri Spider-Man dalam komik seperti Tidak Merek Echh , yang diterbitkan pada akhir tahun 1960 dan menampilkan karakter seperti Peter Mengurus Kotoran Hewan alias Spidey-Man. Ada juga Petrus Porker, yang Spektakuler Spider-Ham yang muncul pada tahun 1980.
Japanese artist Ryoichi Ikegami drew a manga version of Spider-Man for the Japanese market between 1970 and late 1971. Jepang artis Ryoichi Ikegami menarik versi manga Spider-Man untuk pasar Jepang antara tahun 1970 dan akhir 1971. Peter Parker was renamed Yu Komori and various other Marvel characters, such as Electro and the Lizard , also featured but with different backgrounds. Peter Parker diubah namanya Yu Komori dan berbagai karakter Marvel, seperti Electro dan yang Kadal , juga menampilkan tetapi dengan latar belakang yang berbeda.
Another Japanese manga was Hideshi Hino 's The Bug Boy , which has been cited as inspired by Spider-Man. Like Peter Parker, Sanpei Hiromoto is bitten by a strange and tiny creature which turns him into a being with powers — in this case, a huge, poisonous bug. Manga Jepang lain Hideshi Hino 's Bug Boy , yang telah dikutip sebagai terinspirasi oleh Spider-Man. Seperti Peter Parker, Sanpei Hiromoto digigit dan makhluk kecil aneh yang mengubah dirinya menjadi yang dengan kekuasaan - di kasus ini, bug, besar beracun. Unlike Parker, the bullying Sanpei experienced at school has not been balanced by a loving family home, and thus he becomes a supervillain rather than a hero. Tidak seperti Parker, bullying Sanpei berpengalaman di sekolah belum diimbangi dengan sebuah rumah keluarga yang penuh kasih, dan dengan demikian ia menjadi supervillain bukan pahlawan.
The French comic Télé-Junior published strips based on popular TV series. Perancis komik Télé Junior- diterbitkan strip berdasarkan serial TV populer. In the late 1970s, the publisher also produced original Spider-Man adventures. Pada akhir 1970-an, penerbit juga menghasilkan petualangan Spider-Man yang asli. Artists included Gérald Forton , who later moved to America and worked for Marvel. These strips were short stories with little or no continuity between them. Télé-Junior' s version included regular characters from the comics like J. Artis termasuk Gérald Forton , yang kemudian pindah ke Amerika dan bekerja untuk Marvel. [54] Strip ini adalah cerita pendek dengan sedikit atau tidak ada kontinuitas antara mereka. Junior versi-Télé termasuk karakter reguler dari komik seperti J. Jonah Jameson , Robbie Robertson and Flash Thompson , who is at the friendly stage of his relationship with Parker. Jonah Jameson , Robbie Robertson dan Flash Thompson , yang pada tahap ramah hubungannya dengan Parker. Villains including the Vulture and Electro also appeared. Penjahat termasuk Hering dan Elektro juga muncul.
In the 1973 Turkish film 3 Dev Adam (known in English as Three Mighty Men or Turkish Spider-Man vs. Captain Turkish America ) Spider-Man is portrayed as the villain of the film, confronted by Captain America and Santo (a Mexican wrestler character). Pada tahun 1973 Turki film 3 Dev Adam (dikenal dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai Tiga Perkasa Pria atau Turki Spider-Man vs Captain America Turki) Spider-Man digambarkan sebagai penjahat film, dihadapkan oleh Captain America dan Santo (a Meksiko karakter pegulat ). He has no spider powers in the film, however. Dia memiliki kekuatan laba-laba tidak ada dalam film, namun.
The Indian version of Spider-Man, Spider-Man: India was created by Sharad Devarajan, Suresh Seetharaman and Jeevan J. Kang along with Marvel Comics. Versi India Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Indonesia diciptakan oleh Sharad Devarajan, Suresh Seetharaman dan Jeevan J. Kang bersama dengan Marvel Comics.
The Arachnid (formerly The Adventures of Lil' Spidey ) is an unofficial continuation of the Spider-Man series, following Spider-Man's first son Tom Parker. The arakhnida (sebelumnya Petualangan Lil 'Spidey) adalah kelanjutan resmi dari seri Spider-Man, berikut manusia pertama anak-Spider Tom Parker.
In other media Dalam media lain
Main article: Spider-Man in other media Artikel utama: Spider-Man di media lain
Spider-Man has appeared in comics, cartoons, movies, coloring books, novels, records, and children's books On television, he appeared as the main character in the animated series Spider-Man , which aired from 1967–1970 on ABC the live-action series The Amazing Spider-Man (1978–1979), starring Nicholas Hammond , the syndicated cartoon series Spider-Man (1981–1982), Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981–1983), Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994–1998), Spider-Man Unlimited (1999–2000), Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003) and The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008–present). Spider-Man telah muncul di komik, kartun, film, buku mewarnai, novel, catatan, dan buku-buku anak-anak. Di televisi, ia muncul sebagai tokoh utama dalam serial animasi Spider-Man , yang disiarkan 1.967-1.970 pada ABC , dalam serial live-action The Amazing Spider-Man (1978-1979), dibintangi Nicholas Hammond , dengan sindikasi kartun seri Spider-Man (1981-1982), Spider-Man dan Teman Amazing Nya (1981-1983) , Spider-Man: Seri animasi (1994-1998), Spider-Man Unlimited (1999-2000), Spider-Man: The Animated Series Baru (2003) dan The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008-sekarang). In one episode of The Super Hero Squad Show , the Mayor of Superhero City tells Wolverine of a hero that was bitten by a radioactive insect. Dalam salah satu episode Super Hero Squad Show , Walikota Kota mengatakan Superhero Wolverine dari seorang pahlawan yang digigit serangga radioaktif.
A tokusatsu show featuring Spider-Man was produced by Toei and aired in Japan. Sebuah tokusatsu show yang menampilkan Spider-Man diproduksi oleh Toei dan ditayangkan di Jepang. It is commonly referred to by its Japanese pronunciation " Supaidā-Man ." [ citation needed ] Hal ini umumnya disebut dengan bahasa Jepang yang " Supaidā-Man [. " rujukan? ]
Spider-Man also appeared in other print forms besides the comics, including novels, children's books , and the daily newspaper comic strip The Amazing Spider-Man , which debuted in January 1977, with the earliest installments written by Stan Lee and drawn by John Romita, Sr. Spider-Man has been adapted to other media including games, toys, collectibles, and miscellaneous memorabilia, and has appeared as the main character in numerous computer and video games on over 15 gaming platforms. Spider-Man juga muncul dalam bentuk cetak lain selain komik, termasuk novel, buku-buku anak-anak , dan surat kabar harian strip komik The Amazing Spider-Man , yang dimulai pada January 1977, dengan cicilan paling awal ditulis oleh Stan Lee dan digambar oleh John Romita , Sr Spider-Man telah diadaptasi ke media lain termasuk game, mainan, koleksi, dan memorabilia lain-lain, dan telah muncul sebagai karakter utama dalam berbagai komputer dan permainan video di lebih dari 15 platform game. Spider-Man was also the subject of a series of films directed by Sam Raimi and starring actor Tobey Maguire as the title character. Spider-Man juga subjek dari serangkaian film-film yang disutradarai oleh Sam Raimi dan dibintangi oleh aktor Tobey Maguire sebagai karakter judul. The original Spider-Man film was released May 3, 2002, its first sequel, Spider-Man 2 , premiered June 30, 2004, and the next sequel, Spider-Man 3 , premiered on May 4, 2007. Spider-Man 4 was scheduled to be released May 6, 2011, however Sony announced that the series would be rebooted, and a new director and cast would be introduced. Asli Spider-Man film dirilis 3 Mei 2002, sekuel pertama, Spider-Man 2 , perdana 30 Juni 2004, dan sekuel berikutnya, Spider-Man 3 , ditayangkan pada tanggal 4 Mei 2007. Spider-Man 4 adalah dijadwalkan akan dirilis 6 Mei 2011, tetapi seri Sony mengumumkan bahwa akan reboot, dan direksi yang baru dan akan diperkenalkan cor. The reboot is scheduled to be released in Summer 2012.It was announced on February 10, 2010 that the new film, which is still untitled, will begin production later this year directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay by James Vanderbilt . reboot ini dijadwalkan akan dirilis pada musim panas 2012.Ini diumumkan pada tanggal 10 Februari 2010 dengan film baru, yang masih belum diberi judul, akan mulai produksi akhir tahun ini disutradarai oleh Marc Webb dari skenario oleh James Vanderbilt . Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin will produce the 3D film to be released July 3, 2012Avi Arad dan Laura Ziskin akan memproduksi film 3D yang akan dirilis 3 Juli 2012.
A Broadway musical, Spider-Man: Turn Out the Dark, is slated for production in 2010. A Broadway musik, Spider-Man: Turn Out the Dark, yang dijadwalkan untuk produksi pada tahun 2010. The score and lyrics were written by Bono and The Edge of U2 .Nilai dan lirik ditulis oleh Bono dan The Edge dari U2 .
Awards and honors Penghargaan dan kehormatan
From the character's inception, Spider-Man stories have won numerous awards, including: Dari karakter awal, cerita-cerita Spider-Man telah memenangkan berbagai penghargaan, termasuk:
* 1962 Alley Award : Best Short Story — "Origin of Spider-Man" by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Amazing Fantasy #15 1962 Alley Award : Cerita Pendek Terbaik - "Asal Spider-Man" oleh Stan Lee dan Steve Ditko, Amazing Fantasy # 15
* 1963 Alley Award: Best Comic: Adventure Hero title — The Amazing Spider-Man 1963 Alley Penghargaan: Terbaik Comic: Adventure judul Hero - The Amazing Spider-Man
* 1963 Alley Award: Top Hero — Spider-Man Alley 1963 Award: Hero Top - Spider-Man
* 1964 Alley Award: Best Adventure Hero Comic Book — The Amazing Spider-Man 1964 Alley Award: Best Comic Book Hero Adventure - The Amazing Man-Spider
* 1964 Alley Award: Best Giant Comic - The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 Alley 1964 Award: Best Giant Comic - The Amazing Man-Spider Tahunan # 1
* 1964 Alley Award: Best Hero — Spider-Man Alley 1964 Award: Hero Terbaik - Spider-Man
* 1965 Alley Award: Best Adventure Hero Comic Book — The Amazing Spider-Man 1965 Alley Award: Best Comic Book Hero Adventure - The Amazing Man-Spider
* 1965 Alley Award: Best Hero — Spider-Man Alley 1965 Award: Hero Terbaik - Spider-Man
* 1966 Alley Award: Best Comic Magazine: Adventure Book with the Main Character in the Title — The Amazing Spider-Man 1966 Alley Award: Best Comic Majalah: Adventure Buku dengan Karakter Utama di Judul - The Amazing Spider-Man
* 1966 Alley Award: Best Full-Length Story - "How Green was My Goblin", by Stan Lee & John Romita, Sr., The Amazing Spider-Man #39 Alley 1966 Award: Best Kendali-Panjang Story - "Bagaimana Hijau" Goblin Ku, oleh Stan Lee & Romita John, Sr, The Amazing Man-Spider # 39
* 1967 Alley Award: Best Comic Magazine: Adventure Book with the Main Character in the Title — The Amazing Spider-Man 1967 Alley Award: Best Comic Majalah: Adventure Buku dengan Karakter Utama di Judul - The Amazing Spider-Man
* 1967 Alley Award Popularity Poll: Best Costumed or Powered Hero — Spider-Man Popularitas Award 1967 Alley Poll: Best berkostum atau Powered Hero - Spider-Man
* 1967 Alley Award Popularity Poll: Best Male Normal Supporting Character — J. Popularitas Award 1967 Alley Poll: Pendukung Terbaik Karakter Pria Normal - J. Jonah Jameson , The Amazing Spider-Man Jonah Jameson , The Man Amazing Spider-
* 1967 Alley Award Popularity Poll: Best Female Normal Supporting Character — Mary Jane Watson , The Amazing Spider-Man Popularitas Award 1967 Alley Poll: Normal Karakter Pendukung Terbaik Wanita - Mary Jane Watson , The Man Amazing Spider-
* 1968 Alley Award Popularity Poll: Best Adventure Hero Strip — The Amazing Spider-Man 1968 Alley Award Popularitas Poll: Best Adventure Strip Hero - The Amazing Man-Spider
* 1968 Alley Award Popularity Poll: Best Supporting Character - J. Jonah Jameson, The Amazing Spider-Man Popularitas Award 1968 Alley Poll: Karakter Pendukung Terbaik - Jameson Yunus J., The Man Amazing Spider-
* 1969 Alley Award Popularity Poll: Best Adventure Hero Strip — The Amazing Spider-Man 1969 Alley Award Popularitas Poll: Best Adventure Strip Hero - The Amazing Man-Spider
* 1997 Eisner Award : Best Artist/Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team — 1997 Al Williamson, Best Inker: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #17-18 1997 Eisner Award : Artis Terbaik / Penciller / Inker atau Penciller / Tim Inker - Williamson Al 1997, Inker Terbaik: Tales Tak Terungkap Spider-Man # 17-18
* 2002 Eisner Award: Best Serialized Story — The Amazing Spider-Man vol. Eisner Award 2002: Cerita serial Terbaik - The vol Amazing Spider-Man. 2, #30–35: "Coming Home", by J. 2 # 30-35: "Coming Home", oleh J. Michael Straczynski , John Romita, Jr. , and Scott Hanna Michael Straczynski , John Romita, Jr , dan Hanna Scott
* No date: Empire magazine's fifth-greatest comic-book character.Tidak Tanggal: Kekaisaran -terbesar kelima majalah komik karakter
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