Micro XP Pro 0.90 New Edition 23-May-2011 (SP3)
Installation time: 10 min
Speed: As fast as it gets
Functionality: No errors, Fully functional
Iso Size: 262 MB
HD Space: 515 MB (after swap deletion)
Required Ram: 64MB
Customizability: Features, Programs & Services
Security: Imp roved (Tweaks + Updates)
Automatic: Setu p & speed enhancements
Purpose: To minize ISO such that almost all XP features are still present
New in 0.90 release:
-Alot of internal polish has been applied since version 0.88
-Updated Flash Player because of error given by old flash player when installing poker applications
-Size of iso grew due to more languages, apps and features being included.
-Security Updates up to May 2011
There are a lot of crap MicroXP out there, and this isn't one of them. This is a quality release.
No need to activate.
All significant speed enhancement are built-in except for swap file.
All applications work except those that check WGA (very few MS apps like Security Essentials).
No MS Update, see why below.
Feature-wise, this copy has almost all the features of original XP Pro.
Why install this copy instead of retail? No need to activate, malware-free, much faster, more secure and requires less ram than retail copy.
Can I use this copy to fix my friend's computer? Yes, this is a high quality release.
Burn on any media you want with imgburn, nero, poweriso etc...
Install is automatic, just configure your bios then everything will be done for you.
I don't want to install XP on C Drive?
You have three options.
Make sure only one storage unit is connected to computer prior to loading XP Setup; optical drive doesn't count.
1. If you see another partition, select that partition.
2. If there are no partitions, then you must create two partitions.
By default when you go to make a partition, XP gives the maximum size.
You need to reduce this size so that you can make a second partition.
Now create you second partition, and select it to install XP onto it.
3. If there is exactly one partition, it is probably taking the whole hard drive, and you need to delete then create two partitions as discussed.
Ever heard about MicroXP 0.82?
I am not the author of the product and happily so. Anyways it installs in half the time because it only has about 20% of the original feature set.
What does that mean for you?
-Many applications including drivers will not install correctly or at all.
-Many errors
-No Security Policies furthermore security policies impossible to implement
-Administration not possible e.g., password protected account cannot be enforced
-Sharing of Hard Drive is automatically on by default
-Windows Firewall isn't included etc
In summary, that you can only use it on a offline computer and only for gaming.
Can't be a good author if sharing of entire hard drive is on by default.
What is MicroXP Pro 0.90 good for? Everything, and improves security, speed and ram over retail. Everything unless you have dier need the few existing MS WGA dependant software like Security Essentials or for Microsoft Update. It has about 90% of the feature set, yet is three times as small as original iso. That other 10% are features that can be forgotten, or for which a new version of the software exist. Further below I list the removed components.
Why on Earth did you remove MS update and support for WGA dependant software?
Isn't your software suppose to be closest thing to retail in terms of functionality?
The removal of "Out of Box Experience" component is the cause of this.
I'm sharing this on the internet, and even though I have a malware free crack, Anti-Malware software still categorize it as malware.
Since my main source of propagation is torrent, someone would report that it has a trojan even if doesn't and the torrent would be removed for the shear single complaint.
Torrent sites have lost integrity, mostly because they don't have the ressources to confirm each case. It is irrevelant if the complaint comes from an older member.
They abuse their power and their report is often because they can and not because it was warranted. Every torrent site is the same pirate bay, demonoid...just a bunch of
jokers. If I could include my activation crack, then MS update would work and so too the other software.
Very few MS software are WGA dependant; software from other companies unaffected.
Windows is not best protected by updates, but by virtualization or an Anti-malware product.
Do not update XPlite.
Use XPlite's shrink feature, and if you want to remove XP features for whatever reason make a restore point with system restore.
Use Avira Personal for antivirus and Comodo for firewall. Avast, AVG, Comodo are not as good for antivirus.
Better than Anti-Virus software is virtualization software like Returnil or Deep Freeze; restart my computer and your gone trojan bitch.
Install .net frameworks via AIO @ sereby.org
Update directx with web installer from microsoft.
Install glary utilities and use all of their utitilies including 1-click maintenance and registry defrag.
Install ccleaner, don't use registry cleaner for that product.
If using magnetic storage, defrag hard drive.
For backups, use DriveImage XML.
For browsing, use google chrome.
For video, use VLC.
Do not turn off "file and printer sharing" firewall exception if you intend to do such an activity or your software uses the "computer browser" service.
Below you find in depth information about this release.
I remove components and services either because they present no benefit, little benefit or a security benefit.
It's extremely rare to find an app that uses something I removed; so put your mind at ease. Don't panic.
Removed Components:
Support for Multi-port Serial Adapters (nobody uses this nowdays)
Many UnnecessaryDrivers (space and slows XP install)
File and Settings Wizard (useless, transfers too little settings 2B worthwhile; garbage)
Korean/Japanese Languages (huge thus removed)
XP Help Files (useless, web is better)
Out of Box Experience; No MS Update
A few MS Apps like Security Essentials don't work.
Upgrade Functionality (clean install is best anyway)
Program Compatibility Wizard (not needed)
MSN Explorer (not important)
.art image format (old)
Intel Indeo Codecs (old)
Luna Desktop theme (useless)
Movie Maker (old)
Music Samples (useless)
FrontPage Extentions (useless)
Old .net Framework Files (unused)
Old Blaster removal tool
MS XML 2.0 (old)
Search Assistant (useless)
Tour (useless)
Removed CD Directories: DOCS,SUPPORT,VALUEAD D
I know what your thinking; already this copy of XP feels too modded too different from retail, but no other microXP of this size emulates the retail copy better than this one.
Some services are removed via "startup.bat" in "$OEMquot; either because they are relatively useless or for security reasons.
Should you be aware of an app that depends on a few you need to delete lines from script and replace it on iso with MagicISO, save, burn, install xp.
Removed Services and likelyhood some apps depend on it are:
Network DDE Rare
Network DDE DSDM Rare
IPSEC Services Rare, removed because very few people use this
Net Logon Rare, won't affect your internet; this isn't the dialup service
Routing and Remote Access Rare, removed for security reasons
Shell Hardware Detection Rare, won't affect hardware compatibility
WMI Performance Adapter Rare, monitoring service that eats up ressources
Network DDE is used to initiate and maintain the network connections needed for DDE conversations between applications running on different computers in a network. But even then DDE is rarely utilized. Network DDE is abondoned as of Vista. Wireless file transfer doesn't depend on DDE.
Routing and Remote Access is disabled on XP Pro SP2 and up by default, therefore removed; BlackViper source.
Very very few apps should be affected by the removal of the above services, so few that it is safe to excluded them.
Built-in tweaks: Some were builtin using nlite, the rest are found in startxp.bat. There are over a hundred tweaks between them.
Installation time: 10 min
Speed: As fast as it gets
Functionality: No errors, Fully functional
Iso Size: 262 MB
HD Space: 515 MB (after swap deletion)
Required Ram: 64MB
Customizability: Features, Programs & Services
Security: Imp roved (Tweaks + Updates)
Automatic: Setu p & speed enhancements
Purpose: To minize ISO such that almost all XP features are still present
New in 0.90 release:
-Alot of internal polish has been applied since version 0.88
-Updated Flash Player because of error given by old flash player when installing poker applications
-Size of iso grew due to more languages, apps and features being included.
-Security Updates up to May 2011
There are a lot of crap MicroXP out there, and this isn't one of them. This is a quality release.
No need to activate.
All significant speed enhancement are built-in except for swap file.
All applications work except those that check WGA (very few MS apps like Security Essentials).
No MS Update, see why below.
Feature-wise, this copy has almost all the features of original XP Pro.
Why install this copy instead of retail? No need to activate, malware-free, much faster, more secure and requires less ram than retail copy.
Can I use this copy to fix my friend's computer? Yes, this is a high quality release.
Burn on any media you want with imgburn, nero, poweriso etc...
Install is automatic, just configure your bios then everything will be done for you.
I don't want to install XP on C Drive?
You have three options.
Make sure only one storage unit is connected to computer prior to loading XP Setup; optical drive doesn't count.
1. If you see another partition, select that partition.
2. If there are no partitions, then you must create two partitions.
By default when you go to make a partition, XP gives the maximum size.
You need to reduce this size so that you can make a second partition.
Now create you second partition, and select it to install XP onto it.
3. If there is exactly one partition, it is probably taking the whole hard drive, and you need to delete then create two partitions as discussed.
Ever heard about MicroXP 0.82?
I am not the author of the product and happily so. Anyways it installs in half the time because it only has about 20% of the original feature set.
What does that mean for you?
-Many applications including drivers will not install correctly or at all.
-Many errors
-No Security Policies furthermore security policies impossible to implement
-Administration not possible e.g., password protected account cannot be enforced
-Sharing of Hard Drive is automatically on by default
-Windows Firewall isn't included etc
In summary, that you can only use it on a offline computer and only for gaming.
Can't be a good author if sharing of entire hard drive is on by default.
What is MicroXP Pro 0.90 good for? Everything, and improves security, speed and ram over retail. Everything unless you have dier need the few existing MS WGA dependant software like Security Essentials or for Microsoft Update. It has about 90% of the feature set, yet is three times as small as original iso. That other 10% are features that can be forgotten, or for which a new version of the software exist. Further below I list the removed components.
Why on Earth did you remove MS update and support for WGA dependant software?
Isn't your software suppose to be closest thing to retail in terms of functionality?
The removal of "Out of Box Experience" component is the cause of this.
I'm sharing this on the internet, and even though I have a malware free crack, Anti-Malware software still categorize it as malware.
Since my main source of propagation is torrent, someone would report that it has a trojan even if doesn't and the torrent would be removed for the shear single complaint.
Torrent sites have lost integrity, mostly because they don't have the ressources to confirm each case. It is irrevelant if the complaint comes from an older member.
They abuse their power and their report is often because they can and not because it was warranted. Every torrent site is the same pirate bay, demonoid...just a bunch of
jokers. If I could include my activation crack, then MS update would work and so too the other software.
Very few MS software are WGA dependant; software from other companies unaffected.
Windows is not best protected by updates, but by virtualization or an Anti-malware product.
Do not update XPlite.
Use XPlite's shrink feature, and if you want to remove XP features for whatever reason make a restore point with system restore.
Use Avira Personal for antivirus and Comodo for firewall. Avast, AVG, Comodo are not as good for antivirus.
Better than Anti-Virus software is virtualization software like Returnil or Deep Freeze; restart my computer and your gone trojan bitch.
Install .net frameworks via AIO @ sereby.org
Update directx with web installer from microsoft.
Install glary utilities and use all of their utitilies including 1-click maintenance and registry defrag.
Install ccleaner, don't use registry cleaner for that product.
If using magnetic storage, defrag hard drive.
For backups, use DriveImage XML.
For browsing, use google chrome.
For video, use VLC.
Do not turn off "file and printer sharing" firewall exception if you intend to do such an activity or your software uses the "computer browser" service.
Below you find in depth information about this release.
I remove components and services either because they present no benefit, little benefit or a security benefit.
It's extremely rare to find an app that uses something I removed; so put your mind at ease. Don't panic.
Removed Components:
Support for Multi-port Serial Adapters (nobody uses this nowdays)
Many UnnecessaryDrivers (space and slows XP install)
File and Settings Wizard (useless, transfers too little settings 2B worthwhile; garbage)
Korean/Japanese Languages (huge thus removed)
XP Help Files (useless, web is better)
Out of Box Experience; No MS Update
A few MS Apps like Security Essentials don't work.
Upgrade Functionality (clean install is best anyway)
Program Compatibility Wizard (not needed)
MSN Explorer (not important)
.art image format (old)
Intel Indeo Codecs (old)
Luna Desktop theme (useless)
Movie Maker (old)
Music Samples (useless)
FrontPage Extentions (useless)
Old .net Framework Files (unused)
Old Blaster removal tool
MS XML 2.0 (old)
Search Assistant (useless)
Tour (useless)
Removed CD Directories: DOCS,SUPPORT,VALUEAD D
I know what your thinking; already this copy of XP feels too modded too different from retail, but no other microXP of this size emulates the retail copy better than this one.
Some services are removed via "startup.bat" in "$OEMquot; either because they are relatively useless or for security reasons.
Should you be aware of an app that depends on a few you need to delete lines from script and replace it on iso with MagicISO, save, burn, install xp.
Removed Services and likelyhood some apps depend on it are:
Network DDE Rare
Network DDE DSDM Rare
IPSEC Services Rare, removed because very few people use this
Net Logon Rare, won't affect your internet; this isn't the dialup service
Routing and Remote Access Rare, removed for security reasons
Shell Hardware Detection Rare, won't affect hardware compatibility
WMI Performance Adapter Rare, monitoring service that eats up ressources
Network DDE is used to initiate and maintain the network connections needed for DDE conversations between applications running on different computers in a network. But even then DDE is rarely utilized. Network DDE is abondoned as of Vista. Wireless file transfer doesn't depend on DDE.
Routing and Remote Access is disabled on XP Pro SP2 and up by default, therefore removed; BlackViper source.
Very very few apps should be affected by the removal of the above services, so few that it is safe to excluded them.
Built-in tweaks: Some were builtin using nlite, the rest are found in startxp.bat. There are over a hundred tweaks between them.

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