
Artikel ini adalah tentang film 2003. For the 2008 film, see The Incredible Hulk (film) . Untuk film tahun 2008, lihat The Incredible Hulk (film) .
Hulk Badan kapal
Directed by Sutradara Ang Lee Ang Lee
Produced by Diproduksi oleh Avi Arad Avi Arad
Larry J. Franco Larry J. Franco
Gale Anne Hurd Gale Anne Hurd
James Schamus James Schamus
Stan Lee Stan Lee
Kevin Feige Kevin Feige
Written by Ditulis oleh James Schamus James Schamus
Michael France Michael Perancis
John Turman John Turman
Stan Lee Stan Lee
(Comic book) (Buku komik)
Jack Kirby Jack Kirby
(Comic book) (Buku komik)
Starring Dibintangi Eric Bana Eric Bana
Jennifer Connelly Jennifer Connelly
Sam Elliot Sam Elliot
Nick Nolte Nick Nolte
Josh Lucas Josh Lucas
Music by Musik oleh Danny Elfman Danny Elfman
Cinematography Pembuatan film Frederick Elmes Frederick Elmes
Editing by Penyuntingan oleh Tim Squyres Tim Squyres
Studio Studio Marvel Entertainment Marvel Hiburan
Good Machine Mesin Bagus
Valhalla Motion Pictures Valhalla Motion Pictures
Distributed by Didistribusikan oleh Universal Pictures Universal Pictures
Release date(s) Tanggal rilis (s) June 20, 2003 20 Juni 2003
Running time Lamanya perjalanan 138 minutes 138 menit
Country Negara United States Amerika Serikat
Language Bahasa English Inggris
Budget Anggaran $137 million $ 137,000,000
Gross revenue Keuntungan kotor $245,360,480 [ 1 ] $ 245.360.480 [1]
Hulk (also known as The Hulk ) is a 2003 American superhero film based on the fictional Marvel Comics character of the same name . Ang Lee directed the film, which stars Eric Bana as Dr. Bruce Banner, as well as Jennifer Connelly , Sam Elliott , Nick Nolte , and Josh Lucas . Hulk (juga dikenal sebagai The Hulk) adalah Amerika 2003 superhero film berdasarkan fiksi Marvel Comics karakter dengan nama yang sama . Ang Lee mengarahkan film, yang dibintangi Eric Bana sebagai Dr Bruce Banner, serta Jennifer Connelly , Sam Elliott , Nick Nolte , dan Josh Lucas . The film explores the origins of the Hulk, which is mainly attributed to Banner's father's experiments on himself, and on his son. Film ini mengeksplorasi asal-usul Hulk, yang terutama disebabkan oleh ayah Banner percobaan pada dirinya sendiri, dan terhadap anaknya.
Development for the film started as far back as 1990. Pembangunan untuk film mulai sejauh 1990. The film was at one point to be directed by Joe Johnston and then Jonathan Hensleigh . Film ini pada satu titik yang akan disutradarai oleh Joe Johnston dan kemudian Jonathan Hensleigh . More scripts had been written by Hensleigh, John Turman , Michael France , Zak Penn , JJ Abrams , Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski , Michael Tolkin , and David Hayter before Ang Lee and James Schamus ' involvement. Hulk was shot mostly in California , primarily in the San Francisco Bay Area . script lainnya telah ditulis oleh Hensleigh, John Turman , Michael Perancis , Zak Penn , JJ Abrams , Scott Alexander dan Larry Karaszewski , Michael Tolkin , dan David Hayter sebelum Ang Lee dan James Schamus keterlibatan '. Hulk ditembak terutama di California , terutama di di San Francisco Bay Area . The film was released with mixed reviews and grossed over $245 million worldwide. Marvel Studios rebooted it in 2008 with The Incredible Hulk . Film ini dirilis dengan tinjauan yang beragam dan kotor lebih dari $ 245.000.000 di seluruh dunia. Marvel Studios reboot itu pada tahun 2008 dengan The Incredible Hulk .
David Banner is a genetics researcher who experiments on himself, trying to improve human DNA. David Banner adalah genetika peneliti yang percobaan pada dirinya sendiri, mencoba memperbaiki DNA manusia. Once his wife gives birth to their son Bruce, David realizes his mutant DNA has been passed on and attempts to find a cure for his son's condition. Setelah istrinya melahirkan putra mereka, Bruce, David menyadari DNA mutan yang telah berlalu dan upaya untuk menemukan obat untuk kondisi anaknya. The government, represented by Lieutenant Colonel "Thunderbolt" Ross , shuts down his research after learning of his dangerous experiments. Pemerintah, yang diwakili oleh Letnan Kolonel "Thunderbolt" Ross , menutup penelitiannya setelah belajar dari eksperimen berbahaya itu. David, in a fit of rage, causes a massive explosion of the facilities' gamma reactor, and accidentally kills his wife. David, dalam fit dari amarah, menyebabkan ledakan besar-besaran fasilitas reaktor gamma ', dan sengaja membunuh istrinya. He is then put into a mental hospital, while 4-year-old Bruce is sent into foster care and adopted, believing his biological parents are deceased. Dia kemudian dimasukkan ke rumah sakit jiwa, sementara Bruce 4 tahun akan dikirim ke anak asuh dan mengadopsi, percaya orang tua kandungnya sudah meninggal. The events surrounding his mother's death leave Bruce unable to recall details of his early childhood. Peristiwa seputar kematian ibunya meninggalkan Bruce mampu mengingat detail masa kecilnya.
Years later, Bruce is a researcher freshly graduated at the University of California, Berkeley . Bertahun-tahun kemudian, Bruce adalah seorang peneliti yang baru lulus di Universitas California, Berkeley . The military-industrial complex , represented by Major Talbot , becomes interested in the research of nanomeds to build regenerating soldiers. The -industri yang kompleks militer , diwakili oleh Mayor Talbot , menjadi tertarik pada penelitian nanomeds untuk membangun tentara regenerasi. David reappears and begins infiltrating Bruce's life, working as a janitor in the lab building. David muncul kembali dan mulai merambah kehidupan Bruce, bekerja sebagai petugas kebersihan di gedung laboratorium. Ross, now an Army general and the estranged father of Bruce's ex-girlfriend and co-researcher Betty Ross , also begins to investigate. Ross, sekarang seorang jenderal Angkatan Darat dan ayah terasing Bruce mantan pacar dan co-peneliti Betty Ross , juga mulai untuk menyelidiki. He becomes concerned both for his daughter's safety around Bruce and the fact that Bruce is working in the same field as David. Dia menjadi perhatian baik untuk keselamatan putrinya di sekitar Bruce dan fakta bahwa Bruce bekerja di bidang yang sama seperti Daud.
Bruce succumbs to a scientific experiment accident which causes radiation to intertwine with Bruce's already-altered DNA. Bruce menyerah sebuah kecelakaan eksperimen ilmiah yang menyebabkan radiasi untuk jalin-menjalin dengan DNA Bruce yang sudah berubah. That night, his father confronts him, revealing their relationship and hinting at the mutation inside Bruce. Malam itu, ayahnya menghadapkan dia, memperlihatkan hubungan mereka dan mengisyaratkan mutasi dalam Bruce. Using Bruce's DNA, he begins experimentation on animals. Menggunakan DNA Bruce, ia mulai percobaan pada hewan. Soon after, the building rage within Bruce stemming from all of the stresses building up around him activates his gamma-radiated DNA, transforming him into the Hulk . Segera setelah itu, bangunan dalam kemarahan Bruce yang berasal dari semua tegangan membangun sekelilingnya terpancar mengaktifkan gamma-DNA-nya, mengubah dirinya menjadi Hulk .
After he destroys the lab, Betty finds Bruce unconscious and he barely remembers his transformation. Setelah ia menghancurkan laboratorium, Betty menemukan Bruce sadar dan ia hampir tidak ingat transformasi. Ross arrives, suspicious, and places him under house arrest as well as taking over the lab. Ross tiba, curiga, dan menempatkannya di bawah tahanan rumah serta mengambil alih laboratorium. That night, David phones Bruce and tells him he has unleashed three mutant dogs to Betty's house. Malam itu, David Bruce telepon dan mengatakan bahwa ia telah melepaskan tiga anjing mutan ke rumah Betty. Enraged and attacked by Talbot, Bruce transforms again and, after seriously injuring Talbot and the guards, fights and kills all three dogs and saves Betty. Marah dan diserang oleh Talbot, Bruce mengubah lagi dan, setelah serius melukai Talbot dan para penjaga, perkelahian dan membunuh semua tiga anjing dan menyimpan Betty. The next morning, Bruce is tranquilized and taken to a desert underground base. Keesokan paginya, Bruce ditenangkan dan dibawa ke markas bawah tanah padang pasir. Betty tries to convince her father to allow her to help Bruce control his transformations, but Ross remains extremely skeptical, believing Bruce will follow in his father's footsteps. Betty mencoba meyakinkan ayahnya untuk mengizinkan Bruce untuk membantu mengendalikan transformasi, tapi Ross tetap sangat skeptis, percaya Bruce akan mengikuti jejak ayahnya. In the meantime, David breaks into the lab and subjects himself to the nanomeds, gaining the ability to meld with and absorb the properties of anything he can touch. Sementara itu, istirahat David ke laboratorium dan mata pelajaran sendiri ke nanomeds, mendapatkan kemampuan untuk berbaur dengan dan menyerap sifat apa pun yang bisa menyentuhnya.
Talbot, seeing an opportunity to profit from the Hulk's strength and regenerative capability, tries to anger him and chip off a piece of his Hulk-form. Talbot, melihat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari kekuatan Hulk dan kemampuan regeneratif, mencoba untuk marah padanya dan nglotok sepotong-bentuk Hulk nya. Talbot puts him in a sensory deprivation tank and induces a nightmare that triggers his repressed memories and transforms him into the Hulk, eventually leading to the death of Talbot. Talbot menempatkan dia di sebuah tangki kekurangan indra dan mendorong sebuah mimpi buruk yang memicu kenangan ditekan dan mengubahnya ke Hulk, akhirnya menyebabkan kematian Talbot. David confronts Betty and offers to turn himself in. In exchange, he asks to speak to Bruce. David menghadapi Betty dan menawarkan untuk mematikan dirinya masuk Sebagai gantinya, ia meminta untuk berbicara dengan Bruce. The Hulk escapes the base in the process. The Incredible lolos dasar dalam proses. He battles the army in the desert, defeating four tanks and two Comanche helicopters , and leaps all the way to San Francisco to find Betty. Dia perang tentara di padang gurun, mengalahkan empat tank dan dua Comanche helikopter , dan melompat sampai ke San Francisco untuk mencari Betty. Betty contacts her father and convinces him to take her to meet the Hulk. Betty kontak ayahnya dan meyakinkan dia untuk mengambil baginya untuk bertemu Hulk itu. Bruce's love for her comes through the Hulk, and he transforms back into his human form. cinta Bruce baginya datang melalui Hulk, dan ia mengubah kembali ke bentuk manusia. David is allowed to visit the base and talk to Bruce. Daud diijinkan untuk mengunjungi dasar dan berbicara dengan Bruce. David, having descended into megalomania , fails to convince Bruce to give him his power. David, setelah turun ke megalomania , gagal untuk meyakinkan Bruce untuk memberinya kekuasaannya. David transforms into a powerful electrical being after biting into a wire and absorbing the energy. David berubah menjadi kuat listrik yang setelah menggigit kawat dan menyerap energi. Bruce then transforms into the Hulk and battles his father. Bruce kemudian berubah menjadi Hulk dan pertempuran ayahnya. Both are presumed dead after Ross orders a Gamma Charge Bomb to end the fight, leaving no trace of them. Keduanya diduga tewas setelah sebuah perintah Ross Gamma Charge Bom untuk mengakhiri pertarungan, tanpa meninggalkan jejak mereka.
A year later there have been numerous sightings of the Hulk. Setahun kemudian ada penampakan berbagai Hulk itu. Bruce finds exile in the Amazon rainforest as a doctor in a medical camp. Bruce menemukan pengasingan di hutan hujan Amazon sebagai dokter di sebuah kamp medis. When soldiers try to steal some medical supplies from the camp, he mumbles, "You won't like me when I am angry" getting angry. Ketika tentara mencoba untuk mencuri beberapa perlengkapan medis dari perkemahan, ia menggumam, "Kau tidak akan seperti saya pada waktu saya marah" mulai marah. Bruce's eyes turn green, and a loud roar can be heard.. mata Bruce berubah menjadi hijau, dan suara gemuruh yang keras dapat didengar ..
[ edit ] Cast [ sunting ] Pemain
* Eric Bana as Dr. Eric Bana sebagai Dr Bruce Banner / Hulk : Bana was cast in October 2001, signing for an additional two sequels. [ 2 ] Ang Lee felt obliged to cast Bana upon seeing Chopper , and first approached the actor in July 2001. [ 3 ] The role was heavily pursued by other actors. Bruce Banner / Hulk : Bana dilemparkan pada bulan Oktober 2001, menandatangani untuk sekuel tambahan dua. [2] Ang Lee merasa wajib untuk membuang Bana saat melihat Chopper , dan mendekati aktor pertama pada bulan Juli 2001. [3] Peran ini sangat dikejar oleh aktor-aktor lain. Bana was also in heavy contention for Ghost Rider , but lost out to Nicolas Cage . [ 2 ] Bana explained, "I was obsessed with the TV show . I was never a huge comic book reader when I was a kid, but was completely obsessed with the television show." [ 4 ] It was widely reported Billy Crudup turned down the role. Johnny Depp and Steve Buscemi were reported to be in under consideration for the lead. [ 5 ] Edward Norton , who went on to play the part in The Incredible Hulk , expressed interest in the role. Bana juga di contention berat untuk Ghost Rider , tetapi kalah bersaing dengan Nicolas Cage . [2] Bana menjelaskan, "Saya terobsesi dengan acara TV . aku tidak pernah menjadi pembaca buku komik besar ketika aku masih kecil, tapi benar-benar terobsesi dengan acara televisi. " [4] itu dilaporkan secara luas Billy Crudup menolak peran. Johnny Depp dan Steve Buscemi dilaporkan berada di bawah pertimbangan untuk memimpin. [5] Edward Norton , yang kemudian memainkan peran dalam The Incredible Hulk , menyatakan minatnya untuk peran. Norton eventually turned down the part as he was disappointed with the script. [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Norton akhirnya menolak bagian karena ia kecewa dengan script. [6] [7]
* Jennifer Connelly as Betty Ross : Bruce's ex-girlfriend/co-researcher, as well as estranged daughter of General Ross. Jennifer Connelly sebagai Betty Ross :'s ex-girlfriend/co-researcher Bruce, serta putri Jenderal Ross terasing. Betty is possibly the only way for the Hulk to lead back into his transformation of Bruce. Betty adalah mungkin satu-satunya cara untuk Hulk untuk memimpin kembali ke transformasi Bruce. Connelly was attracted to the role by way of director Ang Lee. Connelly tertarik pada peran dengan cara sutradara Ang Lee. "He's not talking about a guy running around in green tights and a glossy fun-filled movie for kids. He's talking along the lines of tragedy and psychodrama. I find it interesting, the green monster of rage and greed, jealousy and fear in all of us." [ 8 ] "Dia tidak berbicara tentang pria berjalan sekitar celana ketat hijau dan film yang menyenangkan glossy untuk anak-anak Dia berbicara sepanjang garis tragedi dan psikodrama.. Aku menemukan hal menarik, yang rakasa hijau amarah dan keserakahan, kecemburuan dan ketakutan di semua dari kami ". [8]
* Sam Elliott as General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross : A four star general and estranged father of Betty. Sam Elliott sebagai General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross : Sebuah bintang empat umum dan terasing ayah dari Betty. Ross was responsible of prohibiting David Banner from his lab work after learning of his dangerous experiments. Ross bertanggung jawab dilarangnya David Banner dari praktikum setelah belajar dari eksperimen berbahaya itu. Elliot felt his performance was similar to his portrayal of Basil L. Plumley in We Were Soldiers . [ 9 ] Elliot accepted the role without reading the script, being simply excited to work with Ang Lee. Elliot merasa kinerja kerjanya mirip dengan perannya sebagai Basil L. Plumley di We Were Soldiers . [9] Elliot menerima peran itu tanpa membaca skenario, yang hanya senang dapat bekerja sama dengan Ang Lee. In addition Elliot also researched Hulk comic books for the part. [ 10 ] Selain Elliot juga meneliti buku-buku komik Hulk untuk bagian itu. [10]
* Nick Nolte as David Banner : The mentally unstable biological father of Bruce Banner who was also a genetics research scientist and had been locked away for several years for causing an explosion in the gamma reactor and accidentally killing his wife Edith. Nick Nolte sebagai David Banner : Secara biologis ayah tidak stabil secara mental Bruce Banner yang juga seorang ilmuwan penelitian genetika dan telah dikunci pergi selama beberapa tahun untuk menyebabkan ledakan di reaktor gamma dan sengaja membunuh istrinya, Edith. Paul Kersey portrays the young David Banner in flashbacks. Paulus Kersey menggambarkan David Banner muda di kilas balik.
* Josh Lucas as Major Glenn Talbot : A ruthless former soldier who offers Banner and Betty Ross an opportunity to work for him in an attempt to start an experiment on self-healing soldiers. Josh Lucas sebagai Mayor Glenn Talbot : Seorang tentara mantan kejam yang menawarkan Banner dan Betty Ross kesempatan untuk bekerja untuknya dalam upaya untuk memulai percobaan on-penyembuhan diri prajurit.
* Cara Buono as Edith Banner: Bruce's biological mother of whom he cannot remember. Cara Buono sebagai Edith Banner: biologis ibu Bruce yang dia tidak ingat. She is heard, but mostly appears in Bruce's nightmares. Dia mendengar, tetapi kebanyakan muncul dalam mimpi buruk Bruce.
* Celia Weston as Mrs. Krenzler: Bruce's adoptive mother who cared for him after the death of Edith and David's incarceration. Celia Weston sebagai Mrs Krenzler: Bruce angkat ibu yang merawatnya setelah kematian's Edith dan penahanan David.
Hulk co-creator/ executive producer Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno cameo as security guards . Johnny Kastl and Daniel Dae Kim have small roles as soldiers. Hulk co-pencipta / produser eksekutif Stan Lee dan Lou Ferrigno cameo sebagai penjaga keamanan . Johnny Kastl dan Daniel Dae Kim memiliki peran kecil sebagai prajurit.
[ edit ] Development [ sunting ] Pembangunan
[ edit ] Jonathan Hensleigh [ sunting ] Jonathan Hensleigh
Producers Avi Arad and Gale Anne Hurd started the development for Hulk in 1990. [ 11 ] Hurd explained the Hulk became her favorite superhero as a child because "When girls are growing up, they're the ones who are picked on. I had an older brother, and there's no way that you could ever really fight back. So, to me, the Hulk was wish fulfillment." [ 12 ] By December 1992 Marvel Studios was in discussions with Universal Pictures . [ 13 ] Michael France and Stan Lee were invited into Universal's offices in 1994, with France writing the script. Produser Avi Arad dan Gale Anne Hurd mulai pengembangan untuk Hulk di tahun 1990. [11] Hurd menjelaskan Hulk menjadi superhero favoritnya seperti anak kecil karena "Ketika gadis-gadis yang tumbuh dewasa, mereka adalah orang-orang yang diambil pada. Aku punya kakak, dan tidak ada cara yang Anda pernah bisa benar-benar melawan,. Jadi untuk saya, Hulk adalah pemenuhan keinginan ". [12] Pada Desember 1992 Studio Marvel itu dalam diskusi dengan Universal Pictures . [13] Michael Perancis dan Stan Lee diundang ke kantor Universal pada tahun 1994, dengan Perancis menulis script. Universal's concept was to have the Hulk battle terrorists , an idea France disliked. John Turman , a Hulk comic book fan, was brought to write the script in 1995, getting approval from Lee. itu konsep Universal adalah untuk memiliki pertempuran Hulk teroris , ide Perancis tidak menyukai. John Turman , penggemar buku komik Hulk, dibawa untuk menulis naskah pada tahun 1995, mendapatkan persetujuan dari Lee. Turman wrote ten drafts, being heavily influenced by the Tales to Astonish issues, which pitted the Hulk against General Ross and the military, [ 14 ] the Leader , Rick Jones , and the atomic explosion origin from the comics, [ 15 ] and Brian Banner as the explanation for Bruce's inner anger. Turman menulis sepuluh draft, yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh Tales untuk mencengangkan masalah, yang diadu Hulk terhadap Jenderal Ross dan militer, [14] yang Pemimpin , Rick Jones , dan asal ledakan atom dari komik, [15] dan Brian Banner sebagai penjelasan untuk marah batin Bruce. Universal had mixed feelings over Turman's script, but nonetheless future screenwriters used many elements brought by Turman. [ 14 ] [ 16 ] Universal memiliki perasaan campur aduk atas's script Turman, tapi masa depan tetap digunakan skenario banyak unsur yang dibawa oleh Turman. [14] [16]
By late 1996 Hurd's husband Jonathan Hensleigh signed on as producer. Industrial Light & Magic was hired to use computer-generated imagery to create the Hulk. Pada akhir 1996 suami Hurd Jonathan Hensleigh ditandatangani sebagai produser. Industrial Light & Magic dipekerjakan untuk menggunakan komputer-generated imagery untuk menciptakan Hulk itu. For the second time, France was invited to write the script. [ 5 ] By April 1997 Joe Johnston was directing with the film's title as The Incredible Hulk . [ 17 ] Universal wanted Hensleigh to write the script since he worked with Johnston on the financially successful Jumanji . Untuk kedua kalinya, Perancis diundang untuk menulis skrip. [5] Pada April 1997 Joe Johnston yang mengarahkan dengan film judul sebagai The Incredible Hulk. [17] Universal ingin Hensleigh untuk menulis naskah karena ia bekerja dengan Johnston pada finansial sukses Jumanji . France was fired before he wrote a single page, but received money from Universal. Perancis dipecat sebelum dia menulis satu halaman, tapi menerima uang dari Universal. However, France still wanted to write the script. [ 5 ] Johnston dropped out of directing in July 1997 in favor of October Sky , paving the way for Hensleigh to have his directing debut. Namun, Prancis masih ingin menulis skrip. [5] Johnston putus mengarahkan pada bulan Juli 1997 yang mendukung Oktober Sky , membuka jalan bagi Hensleigh untuk mengarahkan debut-nya. Turman was brought back a second time to write two more drafts. Zak Penn then rewrote it. [ 5 ] [ 18 ] His script featured a fight between the Hulk and a school of sharks, [ 15 ] as well as two scenes he eventually used for the 2008 film; Banner realizing he is unable to have sex, and triggering a transformation by falling out of a helicopter. [ 19 ] Hensleigh rewrote from scratch, coming up with a brand new storyline. [ 5 ] In August 1997 Hensleigh completed his script, featuring Bruce Banner, who prior to the accident which will turn him into The Hulk, performs experiments with gamma-irradiated insect DNA on three convicts. Turman dibawa kembali untuk kedua kalinya untuk menulis dua konsep lagi. Zak Penn kemudian menulis ulang itu. [5] [18] script Nya menampilkan pertarungan antara Hulk dan sekolah hiu, [15] serta dua adegan dia akhirnya digunakan untuk film 2008; Banner menyadari dia tidak bisa melakukan hubungan seks, dan memicu transformasi dengan jatuh dari helikopter. [19] Hensleigh menulis ulang dari awal, datang dengan merek alur cerita yang baru. [5] Pada bulan Agustus 1997 Hensleigh menyelesaikan script, yang menampilkan Bruce Banner, yang sebelum kecelakaan yang akan mengubahnya menjadi The Hulk, melakukan eksperimen dengan DNA serangga-radiasi gamma pada tiga narapidana. This transforms the convicts into "insect men" that cause havoc. [ 5 ] [ 20 ] Hal ini mengubah hukuman menjadi "orang serangga" yang menyebabkan malapetaka. [5] [20]
Concept art for the antagonists of Jonathan Hensleigh's script Konsep seni untuk antagonis naskah Hensleigh's Jonathan
Filming was set to start in December 1997 in Arizona for a mid-1999 release date, but was pushed back to April 1998. [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Hensleigh subsequently rewrote the script with JJ Abrams . Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski were also brought on board to rewrite with Hensleigh still attached as director. [ 5 ] In October 1997, Hulk had entered pre-production with the creation of prosthetic makeup and computer animation already under way. Syuting tersebut siap untuk memulai pada bulan Desember 1997 di Arizona untuk tanggal rilis pertengahan tahun 1999, tetapi telah mendorong kembali hingga April 1998. [20] [21] Hensleigh kemudian menulis ulang naskah dengan JJ Abrams . Scott Alexander dan Larry Karaszewski juga dibawa papan untuk menulis ulang dengan Hensleigh masih menempel sebagai direktur. [5] Pada bulan Oktober 1997, Hulk telah memasuki pra-produksi dengan penciptaan makeup palsu dan animasi komputer sudah berjalan. Gregory Sporleder was cast as "Novak", Banner's archenemy . Lynn "Red" Williams was cast as a convict who transforms into a combination of human, ant and beetle. [ 21 ] In March 1998 Universal put Hulk on hiatus due to its escalating $100 million budget and worries of Hensleigh directing his first film. Gregory Sporleder dilemparkan sebagai "Novak", Banner musuh . Lynn "Red" Williams telah berperan sebagai seorang narapidana yang berubah menjadi sebuah kombinasi dari manusia, semut dan kumbang. [21] Pada Maret 1998 Universal menempatkan Hulk pada hiatus karena $ meningkat 100 juta anggaran dan kekhawatiran Hensleigh menyutradarai film pertamanya. $20 million was already spent on script development, computer animation, and prosthetics work. $ 20.000.000 telah dihabiskan untuk pembangunan script, animasi komputer, dan bekerja prosthetics. Hensleigh immediately went to rewrite the script in order to lower the budget. [ 22 ] Hensleigh segera pergi untuk menulis ulang naskah sehingga mengurangi anggaran. [22]
[ edit ] Michael France [ sunting ] Michael Perancis
Hensleigh found the rewriting process to be too difficult and dropped out, and felt he "wasted nine months in pre-production ". [ 23 ] It took another eight months for France to convince Universal and the producers to let him try to write a script for a third time. Hensleigh menemukan proses penulisan ulang terlalu sulit dan keluar, dan merasa dia "terbuang sembilan bulan di pra-produksi ". [23] Perlu waktu delapan bulan lagi untuk Perancis untuk meyakinkan Universal dan produsen untuk membiarkan dia mencoba untuk menulis naskah untuk ketiga kalinya. France claimed "Someone within the Universal hierarchy wasn't sure if this was a science fiction adventure , or a comedy , and I kept getting directions to write both. I think that at some point when I wasn't in the room, there may have been discussions about turning it into a Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler movie." [ 5 ] France was writing the script on fast track from July—September 1999. Perancis mengklaim "Seseorang dalam hirarki Universal tidak yakin apakah ini merupakan fiksi ilmiah petualangan , atau komedi , dan aku terus mendapatkan petunjuk untuk menulis baik. Aku berpikir bahwa di beberapa titik ketika aku tidak di ruangan itu, mungkin ada telah berdiskusi tentang menjadikannya Jim Carrey atau Adam Sandler film. " [5] Perancis sedang menulis naskah di jalur cepat dari Juli-September 1999. Filming for Hulk was to start in April 2000. [ 24 ] [ 25 ] Film untuk Hulk adalah memulai pada bulan April 2000. [24] [25]
France stated his vision of the film was different from the other drafts, which based Bruce Banner on his "amiable, nerdy genius" incarnation in the 1960s. Perancis menyatakan visi dalam film itu berbeda dengan konsep lainnya, yang berdasarkan pada ramah Bruce Banner-nya ", kutu buku "inkarnasi jenius di tahun 1960-an. France cited inspiration from the 1980s Hulk stories which introduced Brian Banner , Bruce's abusive father who killed his mother. Perancis dikutip inspirasi dari tahun 1980-an cerita Hulk yang memperkenalkan Brian Banner , kasar ayah Bruce yang membunuh ibunya. His script had Banner trying to create cells with regenerative capabilities in order to prove to himself that he is not like his father. [ 5 ] However, he has anger management issues before the Hulk is even created, which makes everything worse. Script Banner-Nya telah mencoba untuk membuat sel-sel dengan kemampuan regeneratif untuk membuktikan pada dirinya sendiri bahwa ia tidak seperti ayahnya. [5] Namun, ia telah manajemen kemarahan masalah sebelum Hulk bahkan dibuat, yang membuat segalanya lebih buruk. The "Don't make me angry..." The "Jangan membuat saya marah ..." line from the TV series was made into dialogue that Banner's father would say before beating his son. garis dari serial TV itu dibuat menjadi dialog itu Banner ayah akan berkata sebelum pemukulan anaknya. Elements such as the "Gammasphere", Banner's tragic romance with Ross, and the black ops made it to the final film. Unsur-unsur seperti "Gammasphere", tragis percintaan's Banner dengan Ross, dan ops hitam berhasil sampai ke akhir film. France turned in his final drafts in late 1999-January 2000. [ 5 ] Perancis menyerahkan draf final di akhir 2000-Januari 1999. [5]
[ edit ] Ang Lee [ sunting ] Ang Lee
Michael Tolkin and David Hayter rewrote the script afterwards, despite positive response from the producers over France's script. Michael Tolkin dan David Hayter menulis ulang script setelah itu, meskipun respon positif dari produsen yang selama ini script Perancis. Tolkin was brought in January 2000, while Hayter was brought in September of that year. Tolkin dibawa pada bulan Januari 2000, sementara Hayter dibawa pada bulan September tahun itu. Hayter's draft featured The Leader , Zzzax , and the Absorbing Man as the villains, who are depicted as colleagues of Banner and get caught in the same accident that creates the Hulk. [ 5 ] [ 26 ] [ 27 ] Director Ang Lee and his producing partner James Schamus became involved with the film in January 2001. [ 28 ] Lee was dissatisfied with Hayter's script, and commissioned Schamus for a rewrite, merging Banner's father with the Absorbing Man to create a physical antagonist. [ 5 ] [ 29 ] Lee cited influences from King Kong , Frankenstein , Jekyll and Hyde , Beauty and the Beast , Faust , and Greek mythology for his interpretation of the story. [ 30 ] Schamus said he had found the storyline that introduced Brian Banner, incorrectly attributing it to thus allowing Lee to write a drama that again explored father-son themes. [ 31 ] aksep Hayter fitur Pemimpin , Zzzax , dan Man penyerap sebagai penjahat, yang digambarkan sebagai kolega Banner dan terjebak dalam kecelakaan yang sama yang menciptakan Hulk itu. [5] [26] [27] Direktur Ang Lee dan itu menghasilkan mitra James Schamus terlibat dengan film pada bulan Januari 2001. [28] Lee tidak puas dengan itu script Hayter, dan bertugas Schamus untuk menulis ulang, penggabungan ayah Banner dengan Man penyerap untuk menciptakan antagonis fisik. [5] [29] Lee dikutip pengaruh dari King Kong , Frankenstein , Jekyll dan Hyde , Beauty and the Beast , Faust , dan mitologi Yunani untuk interpretasi dari cerita. [30] Schamus mengatakan dia menemukan alur cerita yang memperkenalkan Brian Banner, salah menghubungkan ke sehingga memungkinkan Lee untuk menulis sebuah drama yang lagi mengeksplorasi tema ayah-anak. [31]
Schamus was still rewriting the script in October 2001. [ 2 ] In early 2002, as filming was underway, Michael France read all the scripts for the Writers Guild of America , to determine who would get final credit. Schamus masih menulis ulang naskah pada bulan Oktober 2001. [2] Pada awal tahun 2002, sebagai film sedang berlangsung, Michael Perancis membaca semua naskah untuk Writers Guild of America , untuk menentukan siapa yang akan mendapatkan kredit akhir. France criticized Schamus and Hayter for claiming they were aiming to make Banner a deeper character, and was saddened they had denigrated his and Turman's work in interviews. Perancis dikritik Schamus dan Hayter untuk mengklaim mereka yang bertujuan untuk membuat Banner karakter lebih dalam, dan sedih mereka direndahkan dan bekerja Turman di wawancara. Schamus elected to get solo credit. Schamus terpilih untuk mendapatkan kredit solo. France felt, "James Schamus did a significant amount of work on the screenplay. For example, he brought in the Hulk dogs from the comics and he made the decision to use Banner's father as a real character in the present. But he used quite a lot of elements from John Turman's scripts and quite a lot from mine, and that's why we were credited." [ 5 ] [ 32 ] [ 33 ] France, Turman and Schamus received final credit. Perancis merasa, "James Schamus melakukan sejumlah besar bekerja pada skenario Misalnya, ia membawa anjing-anjing Hulk dari komik dan dia membuat keputusan untuk menggunakan ayah Banner sebagai karakter yang nyata di masa sekarang.. Tapi ia digunakan cukup banyak unsur-unsur dari Turman's script John dan cukup banyak dari tambang, dan itulah sebabnya kita telah dikreditkan. " [5] [32] [33] Perancis, Turman dan Schamus menerima kredit akhir. A theatrical release date for June 20, 2003 was announced in December 2002, with the film's title as The Hulk . [ 34 ] Sebuah teater untuk tanggal rilis 20 Juni 2003 diumumkan pada bulan Desember 2002, dengan judul film ini sebagai The Hulk. [34]
[ edit ] Filming [ sunting ] Film
Filming began on March 18, 2002 in Arizona , and moved on April 19 to the San Francisco Bay Area . Film dimulai pada tanggal 18 Maret 2002 di Arizona , dan pindah pada tanggal 19 April ke San Francisco Bay Area . This included Advanced Light Source , Lawrence Berkeley labs , Oakland , Treasure Island military base , and the sequoia forests of Porterville , before several weeks in the Utah and Californian deserts. Ini termasuk Advanced Light Source , Lawrence Berkeley laboratorium , Oakland , Treasure Island pangkalan militer , dan hutan Sequoia dari Porterville , sebelum beberapa minggu di Utah dan California gurun. Filming then moved to the Universal backlot in Los Angeles , using Stage 12 for the water tank scene, before finishing in the first week of August. Film kemudian pindah ke backlot Universal di Los Angeles , menggunakan Tahap 12 untuk adegan tangki air, sebelum menyelesaikan pada minggu pertama bulan Agustus. Filming of Hulk constituted hiring 3,000 local workers, generating over $10 million into the local economy. [ 35 ] [ 36 ] [ 37 ] [ 38 ] Mychael Danna , who previously collaborated with Lee on Ride with the Devil and The Ice Storm , was set to compose the film score before dropping out. Danny Elfman was then hired. [ 39 ] Pembuatan film Hulk merupakan mempekerjakan 3.000 pekerja lokal, menghasilkan lebih dari $ 10.000.000 ke dalam ekonomi lokal. [35] [36] [37] [38] Mychael Danna , yang sebelumnya bekerja sama dengan Lee , Ride With the Devil dan The Storm Ice , ditetapkan untuk menyusun skor film sebelum putus. Danny Elfman kemudian dipekerjakan. [39]
Eric Bana commented that the shoot was, "Ridiculously serious... a silent set, morbid in a lot of ways." Eric Bana berkomentar bahwa menembak itu, "ridiculously serius ... satu set diam, sehat di banyak cara." Lee told him that he was shooting a Greek tragedy: he would be making a "whole other movie" about the Hulk at Industrial Light & Magic . Lee mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia menembak tragedi Yunani: dia akan membuat seluruh film lain "" tentang Hulk di Industrial Light & Magic . An example of Lee's art house approach to the film was taking Bana to watch a bare-knuckle boxing match. [ 31 ] Visual effects supervisor Dennis Muren was on the set every day. [ 11 ] One of the many visual images in the film that presented an acting challenge for Bana was a split screen technique employed by Lee to cinematically mimic the panels of a comic book page. Contoh Lee rumah seni pendekatan untuk film mengambil Bana menonton -buku jari tinju telanjang cocok. [31] efek Visual pengawas Dennis Muren telah di set setiap hari. [11] Salah satu gambar visual yang banyak dalam film yang disajikan sebuah tantangan yang bertindak untuk Bana adalah split layar teknik yang digunakan oleh Lee untuk cinematically meniru panel dari halaman buku komik. This required many more takes of individual scenes than normal. [ 40 ] Sound design was completed at Skywalker Sound . Hal ini diperlukan lebih banyak mengambil adegan individu daripada normal. [40] Sound desain selesai di Skywalker Sound . Muren and other ILM animators used previous technology from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (for the Dobby character) to create the Hulk with computer-generated imagery . Muren dan lainnya animator ILM menggunakan teknologi sebelumnya dari Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia (untuk Dobby karakter) untuk menciptakan Hulk dengan komputer-generated imagery . Other software used included PowerAnimator , Softimage XSI , and RenderMan Interface Specification . Perangkat lunak lain yang digunakan termasuk PowerAnimator , Softimage XSI , dan RenderMan Spesifikasi Interface . ILM started computer animation work in 2001, and completed in May 2003, just one month before the film's release. [ 41 ] Lee provided some motion capture work in post-production . [ 3 ] ILM animasi mulai bekerja komputer pada tahun 2001, dan selesai pada Mei 2003, hanya satu bulan sebelum film ini rilis. [41] Lee menyediakan beberapa menangkap gerakan bekerja di pasca-produksi . [3]
[ edit ] Release [ sunting ] Release
[ edit ] Marketing [ sunting ] Pemasaran
Universal Pictures spent $2.1 million to market the film in a 30-second television spot during Super Bowl XXXVII on January 26, 2003. [ 42 ] Just weeks before the film's release, a number of workprints were leaked on the Internet. Universal Pictures menghabiskan $ 2.100.000 untuk pasar film dalam 30 detik spot televisi selama Super Bowl XXXVII pada tanggal 26 Januari 2003. [42] Hanya beberapa minggu sebelum film ini rilis, sejumlah workprints bocor di Internet. The visual and special effects were already being criticized, despite the fact that it was not the final editing cut of the film. [ 43 ] Dan efek visual khusus sudah dikritik, meskipun fakta bahwa bukan pengeditan akhir potongan film. [43]
[ edit ] Box office [ sunting ] Kotak kantor
Hulk was released on June 20, 2003, earning $62.1 million in its opening weekend, which made it the 16th highest ever opener at the time. Hulk dirilis pada tanggal 20 Juni 2003, penghasilan $ 62.100.000 di minggu pembukaannya, yang membuatnya menjadi pembuka tertinggi pernah 16 pada waktu itu. With a second weekend drop of 70%, it was the first opener above $20 million to drop over 65%. [ 44 ] The film went on to gross $132,177,234 in North America, and $113,183,246 in foreign countries, coming to a worldwide total of $245,360,480. [ 45 ] With a final North American gross of $132.2 million it became the largest opener not to earn $150 million. [ 46 ] Dengan drop minggu kedua sebesar 70%, itu adalah pembuka pertama di atas $ 20 juta untuk drop lebih dari 65%. [44] Film ini melanjutkan kotor $ 132.177.234 di Amerika Utara, dan $ 113.183.246 di negara-negara asing, datang ke total di seluruh dunia dari $ 245.360.480 . [45] Dengan Amerika Utara akhir kotor dari $ 132.200.000 menjadi pembuka terbesar untuk tidak memperoleh $ 150 juta. [46]
[ edit ] Critical reception [ sunting penerimaan Kritis]
Hulk received somewhat mixed reviews. Rotten Tomatoes calculated a 61% approval rating out of 223 reviews, [ 47 ] and 56% from their "Top Critics" category. [ 48 ] By comparison Metacritic collected an average score of 54 based on 41 reviews. [ 49 ] Roger Ebert gave a largely positive review, explaining, " Ang Lee is trying to actually deal with the issues in the story of the Hulk, instead of simply cutting to brainless visual effects ." Hulk diterima agak tinjauan yang beragam. Rotten Tomatoes % persetujuan menghitung peringkat 61 dari 223 review, [47] dan 56% dari "mereka Kritik Teratas" kategori. [48] Sebagai perbandingan Metacritic mengumpulkan nilai rata-rata berdasarkan 54 41 tinjauan. [49] Roger Ebert memberikan sebagian besar review positif, menjelaskan, " Ang Lee sedang mencoba untuk benar-benar menangani isu-isu dalam cerita dari Hulk, bukan hanya memotong untuk bodoh efek visual . " Ebert also liked how the Hulk's movements resembled King Kong . [ 50 ] Although Peter Travers of Rolling Stone felt Hulk should have been shorter, he heavily praised the action sequences, especially the climax and cliffhanger . [ 51 ] Paul Clinton of CNN believed the cast gave strong performances, but in an otherwise positive review, heavily criticized the computer-generated imagery , calling the Hulk "a ticked-off version of Shrek ". [ 52 ] Ebert juga menyukai bagaimana Hulk's gerakan itu mirip King Kong . [50] Meskipun Peter Travers dari Rolling Stone merasa Hulk seharusnya sudah pendek, ia sangat memuji urutan tindakan, terutama klimaks dan cliffhanger . [51] Paul Clinton dari CNN percaya para pemain memberikan kinerja yang kuat, namun dalam tinjauan dinyatakan positif, sangat mengkritik -generated imagery komputer , menyebut Hulk "a-off versi berdetak dari Shrek ". [52]
Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle considered "the film is more thoughtful and pleasing to the eye than any blockbuster in recent memory, but its epic length comes without an epic reward." [ 53 ] Ty Burr of The Boston Globe felt " Jennifer Connelly reprises her stand-by-your-messed-up-scientist turn from A Beautiful Mind ." [ 54 ] Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly stated, "a big-budget comic-book adaptation has rarely felt so humorless and intellectually defensive about its own pulpy roots." [ 55 ] Mick LaSalle dari San Francisco Chronicle dianggap "film lebih bijaksana dan menyenangkan bagi mata dari blockbuster apapun dalam memori baru-baru ini, tetapi panjang epik yang datang tanpa imbalan epik". [53] Ty Burr dari The Boston Globe merasa " Jennifer Connelly reprises berdiri nya-dengan-Anda-yang kacau-ilmuwan berbalik dari A Beautiful Mind . " [54] Lisa Schwarzbaum dari Entertainment Weekly menyatakan, "anggaran-besar-buku adaptasi komik jarang merasa hambar dan intelektual defensif tentang sendiri akar yg banyak airnya. " [55]
[ edit ] Accolades [ sunting Accolades]
Connelly and Danny Elfman received nominations at the 30th Saturn Awards with Best Actress and Best Music . Connelly, dan Danny Elfman menerima nominasi di Saturn Awards 30 dengan Aktris Terbaik dan Best Music . The film was nominated for Best Science Fiction Film but lost out to X2 . Dennis Muren , Michael Lantieri and the special effects crew were nominated for Best Special Effects . [ 56 ] Film ini dinominasikan untuk Best Film Fiksi Ilmiah tapi kalah bersaing dengan X2 . Dennis Muren , Michael Lantieri dan efek khusus awak dinominasikan untuk Best Efek Khusus . [56]
[ edit ] Home media [ sunting ] Media Home
Hulk was released on VHS and DVD on October 28, 2003. [ 57 ] The film earned $61.2 million in DVD sales during 2003. [ 58 ] Hulk was released on HD DVD format on December 12, 2006 and it was later released on Blu-ray on September 16, 2008. [ 59 ] Hulk dirilis pada VHS dan DVD pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2003. [57] Film tersebut mendapat $ 61.200.000 dalam penjualan DVD pada tahun 2003. [58] Hulk dirilis dalam format HD DVD pada tanggal 12 Desember 2006 dan hal ini kemudian dirilis dalam Blu- ray pada tanggal 16 September 2008. [59]
[ edit ] Reboot [ sunting ] Reboot
Producer Avi Arad called the film a financial flop/disaster at the box office, but declared Hulk' s merchandising was successful enough to continue a sequel. Produser Avi Arad disebut film gagal keuangan / bencana di box office, tetapi menyatakan s merchandising 'Hulk cukup berhasil untuk melanjutkan sekuel. This eventually led to rebooting the franchise with The Incredible Hulk . [ 60 ] The film earned slightly more positive reviews and grossed $263 million worldwide. [ 61 ] [ 62 ] [ 63 ] Hal ini pada akhirnya menyebabkan reboot franchise dengan The Incredible Hulk . [60] Film tersebut mendapat ulasan sedikit lebih positif dan meraup $ 263.000.000 di seluruh dunia. [61] [62] [63]
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