
Quantum of Solace ( 2008 ) adalah 22 film James Bond , diproduksi oleh EON Productions dan langsung sekuel ke 2006 film Casino Royale . Directed by Marc Forster , it features Daniel Craig 's second performance as James Bond . Disutradarai oleh Marc Forster , itu fitur Daniel Craig kinerja kedua sebagai James Bond . In the film, Bond battles wealthy businessman Dominic Greene ( Mathieu Amalric ), a member of the Quantum organization posing as an environmentalist who intends to stage a coup d'état in Bolivia to seize control of the nation's water supply. Dalam film ini, Bond pertempuran pengusaha kaya Dominic Greene ( Mathieu Amalric ), seorang anggota dari Quantum menyamar sebagai organisasi lingkungan yang berniat untuk panggung kudeta di Bolivia untuk merebut kendali pasokan air yang bangsa. (In fact, the story is remarkably similar to a real-life event in which Bechtel was the major player.) Bond seeks revenge for the death of his lover, Vesper Lynd ( Eva Green ), and is assisted by Camille Montes ( Olga Kurylenko ), who is also seeking revenge. (Bahkan, cerita ini sangat mirip dengan kehidupan nyata peristiwa di mana Bechtel adalah pemain utama,.) Bond berusaha membalas dendam atas kematian tentang kekasih Vesper Lynd ( Eva Green ), dan dibantu oleh Camille Montes ( Olga Kurylenko ), yang juga mencari balas dendam.
Producer Michael G. Wilson developed the film's plot while Casino Royale was being shot. Neal Purvis , Robert Wade , Paul Haggis , and Joshua Zetumer contributed to the script. Produser Michael G. Wilson mengembangkan plot film Casino Royale saat ditembak itu. Neal Purvis , Robert Wade , Paul Haggis , dan Joshua Zetumer berkontribusi script. The title was chosen from a 1960 short story in Ian Fleming 's For Your Eyes Only , though the film does not contain any elements of the original story. judul ini dipilih dari cerita pendek 1960 di Ian Fleming s ' For Your Eyes Only , meskipun film ini tidak mengandung unsur cerita asli. Location filming took place in Panama , Chile , Italy , and Austria while interior sets were built and watched at Pinewood Studios . Lokasi syuting berlangsung di Panama , Chile , Italia , dan Austria sementara set interior dibangun dan menonton di Pinewood Studios . Forster aimed to make a modern film that also featured classic cinema motifs: a vintage aeroplane was used for a dogfight sequence, and Dennis Gassner 's set designs are reminiscent of Ken Adam 's work on several early Bond films. Forster bertujuan untuk membuat film modern yang juga menampilkan motif klasik bioskop: vintage pesawat ini akan digunakan untuk urutan pertempuran udara, dan Dennis Gassner kumpulan desain 'yang mengingatkan Ken Adam bekerja s 'pada beberapa film Bond awal. Taking a course away from the usual Bond villains , Forster rejected any grotesque appearance for the character Dominic Greene to emphasize the hidden and secret nature of the film's contemporary villains. Mengambil kursus jauh dari yang biasa penjahat Bond , Forster menolak setiap penampilan menjijikkan untuk karakter Dominic Greene menekankan dan rahasia alam yang tersembunyi dari film kontemporer penjahat.
The film premiered at the Odeon Leicester Square on 29 October 2008, gathering mixed reviews which mainly praised Craig's gritty performance and the film's action sequences while feeling that Quantum of Solace was not as impressive as the predecessor Casino Royale . Film ini ditayangkan di Odeon Leicester Square pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2008, pengumpulan tinjauan yang beragam yang berpasir terutama memuji kinerja's Craig dan film aksi urutan sementara perasaan bahwa Quantum of Solace tidak mengesankan seperti pendahulu Casino Royale. It is also the second highest grossing James Bond film, without adjusting for inflation, making $586,090,727 worldwide, while becoming one of the highest grossing Bond films in the United States. Itu juga merupakan tertinggi kedua terlaris film James Bond, tanpa menyesuaikan dengan inflasi, sehingga $ 586.090.727 di seluruh dunia, sementara menjadi salah satu film Bond dengan penghasilan tertinggi di Amerika Serikat.
The film continues immediately after the events of Casino Royale with Bond ( Daniel Craig ) driving from Lake Como to Siena , Italy with the captured Mr. Film ini terus segera setelah peristiwa Casino Royale dengan Bond ( Daniel Craig ) mengemudi dari Danau Como ke Siena , Italia dengan ditangkap Mr White ( Jesper Christensen ). White ( Jesper Christensen ). After evading pursuers, Bond and M ( Judi Dench ) interrogate White regarding his organization, Quantum . Setelah menghindari pengejar, Bond dan M ( Judi Dench ) menginterogasi Putih tentang organisasinya, Quantum . M's bodyguard, Mitchell, a double agent , attacks M and allows White to escape; Bond chases Mitchell across Siena and kills him. itu pengawal M, Mitchell, seorang agen ganda , serangan M dan memungkinkan Putih untuk melarikan diri; Bond chases Mitchell di Siena dan membunuhnya. Bond heads to Haiti to investigate Mitchell's contact, Edmund Slate, and learns that Slate was sent to kill Camille Montes ( Olga Kurylenko ) at the behest of her lover, Dominic Greene ( Mathieu Amalric ), the chairman of an ecological organization called Greene Planet. Obligasi kepala ke Haiti untuk menyelidiki's kontak Mitchell, Edmund Slate, dan belajar bahwa Slate dikirim untuk membunuh Camille Montes ( Olga Kurylenko ) atas perintah kekasihnya, Dominic Greene ( Mathieu Amalric ), ketua organisasi ekologi bernama Greene Planet. While observing her meeting with Greene, Bond learns that Greene is helping the Bolivian general Medrano ( Joaquin Cosio )—who murdered Camille's family—overthrow his government in exchange for a seemingly barren piece of desert . Ketika mengamati pertemuan dengan Greene, Bond mengetahui bahwa Greene adalah membantu Bolivia Medrano umum ( Joaquin Cosio )-yang membunuh keluarga Camille-menggulingkan pemerintah Nya untuk suatu bagian yang tampaknya tandus dari gurun .
After rescuing Camille from Medrano, Bond follows Greene to a performance of Tosca in Austria ; en route, CIA agent Gregg Beam ( David Harbour ) strikes a non-interference deal with Greene to maintain access to Bolivian oil, overruling the objections of Felix Leiter ( Jeffrey Wright ). Setelah menyelamatkan dari Medrano Camille, Bond berikut Greene ke kinerja Tosca di Austria ; rute id, agen CIA Gregg Beam ( David Harbour ) pemogokan-gangguan non kesepakatan dengan Greene untuk menjaga akses ke minyak Bolivia, overruling keberatan dari Felix Leiter ( Jeffrey Wright ). Bond infiltrates Quantum's meeting at the opera, and a gunfight ensues in a restaurant. Infiltrat Bond Quantum pertemuan di opera, dan terjadi kemudian tembak-menembak di sebuah restoran. A Special Branch bodyguard of Quantum member Guy Haines, an advisor to the British Prime Minister , is killed, and M, assuming Bond is the killer, has his passports and credit cards revoked. A Cabang Khusus pengawal anggota Quantum Guy Haines, seorang penasehat Inggris Perdana Menteri , tewas, dan M, dengan asumsi Bond si pembunuh, memiliki paspor dan kartu kredit dicabut. Bond reunites with his old ally René Mathis ( Giancarlo Giannini ) and convinces him to accompany Bond to La Paz . Obligasi reuni dengan sekutu lama René Mathis ( Giancarlo Giannini ) dan meyakinkan dia untuk menemani Bond untuk La Paz . They are greeted by Strawberry Fields ( Gemma Arterton ), an MI6 field operative from the British Consulate , who demands that Bond return to the UK on the next available flight; nonetheless, Bond soon seduces her before they attend a party Greene holds that night. Mereka disambut oleh Strawberry Fields ( Gemma Arterton ), sebuah lapangan MI6 operasi dari Konsulat Inggris , yang menuntut bahwa Bond kembali ke Inggris pada penerbangan berikutnya yang tersedia; tetap, Obligasi menggoda segera sebelum mereka menghadiri pesta Greene memegang malam itu.
At the party Bond rescues Camille again, from Greene. Pada partai menyelamatkan Bond Camille lagi, dari Greene. Leaving the party, Bond and Camille are pulled over by Bolivian police working for Medrano; they had earlier attacked Mathis and put him in the trunk of Bond's car, and in the ensuing struggle Mathis is killed. Membiarkan pihak, Bond dan Camille ditarik oleh polisi Bolivia bekerja untuk Medrano, mereka sebelumnya menyerang Mathis dan menempatkannya di bagasi mobil Bond, dan dalam perjuangan berikutnya Mathis dibunuh. Bond and Camille survey Quantum's intended land acquisition in a Douglas DC-3 plane, but are shot down by an Aermacchi SF.260 fighter and a Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter , landing in a sinkhole . Quantum's Bond dan Camille survei tanah dimaksudkan akuisisi dalam 3 Douglas DC- pesawat, tetapi ditembak jatuh oleh Aermacchi SF.260 tempur dan Bell UH-1 Iroquois helikopter , mendarat di sebuah lubang pembuangan . While escaping the cave, Bond and Camille discover Quantum is not after oil but is blockading Bolivia's supply of fresh water, normally flowing in subterranean rivers , by damming it to double its price. Sementara melarikan diri gua, Bond dan Camille menemukan Quantum tidak setelah minyak tetapi Bolivia memblokade's suplai air tawar, biasanya mengalir di sungai bawah tanah , dengan pembendungan itu untuk melipatgandakan harganya. Back in La Paz Bond meets M and learns Quantum murdered Fields by drowning her naked in crude oil . Kembali di La Paz Bond bertemu M dan belajar Quantum Fields dibunuh karena tenggelam dia telanjang di minyak mentah . M orders Bond arrested for disobeying orders but he defies her and escapes. perintah M Bond ditangkap karena melanggar perintah tapi dia menentang dan kabur.
Bond meets Leiter, who discloses Greene and Medrano will meet at an eco-hotel in the Bolivian desert ; warned by Leiter, he evades American special forces attempting to kill him. Bond bertemu Leiter, yang mengungkapkan Greene dan Medrano akan bertemu di sebuah hotel-eko di Bolivia gurun ; diperingatkan oleh Leiter, ia evades pasukan khusus Amerika berusaha untuk membunuhnya. At the hotel Greene and Medrano make the change in the Bolivian leadership. Di hotel Medrano Greene dan membuat perubahan dalam kepemimpinan Bolivia. Bond executes the chief of police for betraying Mathis, and destroys the hotel. Obligasi mengeksekusi kepala polisi untuk mengkhianati Mathis, dan menghancurkan hotel. Camille kills Medrano, and Bond captures Greene. Camille Medrano membunuh, dan Bond menangkap Greene. After interrogating him about Quantum, he leaves Greene stranded in the middle of the desert with only a can of motor oil . Setelah menginterogasi tentang Quantum, dia meninggalkan Greene terdampar di tengah padang pasir dengan hanya sekaleng oli motor . Bond and Camille kiss before they part. Bond dan Camille mencium sebelum mereka bagian.
Bond goes to Kazan , Russia , where he confronts Vesper Lynd 's former lover, Yusef Kabira (Simon Kassianides). Bond pergi ke Kazan , Rusia , di mana ia menghadapi Vesper Lynd 's mantan kekasih, Yusuf Kabira (Simon Kassianides). Yusef is a member of Quantum who seduces women with valuable connections, such as Vesper. Yusuf adalah anggota Quantum yang menggoda wanita dengan koneksi berharga, seperti Vesper. M reinstates Bond as an agent; he departs into the night telling M that he never left. M reinstates Bond sebagai agen, ia berangkat ke dalam malam memberitahu M bahwa ia tidak pernah meninggalkan. As he leaves, he drops the necklace Yusef had given Lynd in the snow. Sewaktu ia berangkat, ia menjatuhkan kalung Yusuf telah diberikan Lynd di salju.
[ edit ] Original ending [ sunting ] Asli berakhir
A scene showing Mr. White's ultimate fate and the identity of his superior was filmed and included in early cuts to conclude the film. Sebuah adegan yang menunjukkan nasib akhir Mr White dan identitas atasannya difilmkan dan dimasukkan dalam pemotongan awal untuk menyimpulkan film.
Mentioned in the film as one of the Prime Minister's closest advisers, Guy Haines is also a senior member of the shadowy organization Quantum . Disebutkan dalam film sebagai salah satu Perdana Menteri penasehat terdekat, Guy Haines juga merupakan anggota senior gelap organisasi Quantum . 007 discovers his presence during the Tosca opera scene where Dominic Greene holds a meeting of Quantum members. 007 menemukan kehadirannya selama adegan opera Tosca di mana Dominic Greene mengadakan rapat anggota Quantum.
The movie was originally intended to end with a one-minute sequence where 007 introduces himself to Haines at his estate, setting up the next adventure. Film ini awalnya ditujukan untuk mengakhiri dengan urutan satu menit di mana 007 Haines memperkenalkan dirinya di real-nya, menyiapkan petualangan berikutnya. The gun-barrel sequence, uniquely positioned at the end of "Quantum of Solace", would have appeared after Bond dispatches Mr. The-laras senapan urutan, posisi unik di akhir "Quantum of Solace", akan muncul setelah Bond berita Mr White for good. [ 3 ] Putih untuk kebaikan. [3]
After the first screening, Forster chose to leave it out to give the next film's director a chance to tell his or her own story, as including the scene would have forced him or her to make Bond 23 another direct sequel. [ 4 ] Setelah pemutaran pertama, Forster memilih untuk tinggalkan saja memberikan depan sutradara sebuah kesempatan untuk menceritakan cerita atau sendiri, seperti termasuk adegan itu telah memaksa dia untuk membuat sekuel Bond 23 lainnya langsung. [4]
The catchphrase "Bond, James Bond" was also cut out, marking only the fourth film that Bond does not introduce himself with the line. slogannya itu "Bond, James Bond" juga dipotong, hanya menandai film Bond keempat yang tidak memperkenalkan diri dengan kalimat. It was shot for several different scenes but was completely cut out as Forster and the producers found it unnecessary. [ 5 ] Ini ditembak untuk adegan beberapa yang berbeda tapi benar-benar dipotong sebagai Forster dan produsen merasa tidak perlu. [5]
Forster also convinced the producers not to edit in flashbacks of the previous film as he felt it would look odd in a direct sequel. [ 6 ] Forster juga yakin produsen tidak untuk mengedit dalam kilas balik dari film sebelumnya saat ia merasa akan terlihat aneh dalam sekuel langsung. [6]
[ edit ] Cast [ sunting ] Pemain
See also: List of James Bond allies in Quantum of Solace and List of James Bond henchmen in Quantum of Solace Lihat pula: Daftar sekutu James Bond di Quantum of Solace dan Daftar antek James Bond di Quantum of Solace
* Daniel Craig as James Bond . Daniel Craig sebagai James Bond . Craig's physical training for his reprise of the role placed extra effort into running and boxing , to spare him the injuries he sustained on his stunts in the first film. [ 7 ] Craig felt he was fitter, being less bulky than in the first film. [ 8 ] He also practiced speedboating and stunt driving. fisik pelatihan's Craig untuk Reprise tentang peran menempatkan usaha ekstra dalam berjalan dan tinju , untuk mengampuni dia cedera dia terus menerus pada aksi di film pertama. [7] Craig merasa bahwa ia lebih bugar, yang kurang besar daripada di film pertama. [8] Ia juga berlatih speedboating dan mengemudi akrobat. Craig felt Casino Royale was [physically] "a walk in the park" compared to Quantum of Solace , [ 9 ] and required a different performance from him because Quantum of Solace is a revenge film, not a love story like Casino Royale . [ 8 ] While filming in Pinewood, he suffered a gash when kicked in his face, [ 10 ] which required eight stitches, and a fingertip was sliced off. Craig merasa Casino Royale itu [secara fisik] "jalan-jalan di taman" dibandingkan dengan Quantum of Solace, [9] dan membutuhkan kinerja yang berbeda dari dia karena Quantum of Solace adalah sebuah film balas dendam, bukan cerita cinta seperti Casino Royale. [8 ] Sementara film di Pinewood, ia menderita luka ketika menendang di wajahnya, [10] yang diperlukan delapan jahitan, dan ujung jari itu dipotong. He laughed these off, noting they did not delay filming, and joked his finger wound would enable him to have a criminal career (though it had grown back when he made this comment). [ 8 ] He also had minor plastic surgery on his face. [ 11 ] The actor advised Paul Haggis on the script and helped choose Marc Forster as the director. [ 12 ] Dia menertawakan ini, mencatat mereka tidak menunda film, dan bercanda luka jarinya akan memungkinkan dia untuk memiliki karir kriminal (meskipun telah tumbuh kembali ketika ia membuat komentar ini). [8] Ia juga telah plastik operasi kecil di wajahnya . [11] aktor menyarankan Paul Haggis pada naskah dan membantu memilih Marc Forster sebagai sutradara. [12]
* Olga Kurylenko as Camille Montes , a Russian-Bolivian agent with her own vendetta regarding Greene and Medrano. Olga Kurylenko sebagai Camille Montes , seorang agen Rusia-Bolivia dengan sendiri dendam tentang Greene dan Medrano. Forster chose her because out of the 400 women who auditioned, she seemed the least nervous. [ 13 ] When she read the script, she was glad she had no love scene with Craig because it would have distracted viewers from her performance. [ 14 ] Kurylenko spent three weeks training to fight with weapons, and she learned a form of indoor skydiving known as body flying. [ 15 ] Kurylenko dislikes stunts, [ 16 ] but overcame her fears because she found Craig helpful. [ 17 ] She was given a DVD box set of the films since the Bond franchise was not easily available to watch where she grew up in Ukraine . [ 15 ] Kurylenko found Michelle Yeoh in Tomorrow Never Dies inspiring "because she did the fight scenes by herself." [ 13 ] The producers had intended to cast a South American actress in the role. [ 18 ] Kurylenko trained with a dialect coach to perform with a Spanish accent, [ 19 ] which was easy as "I have a good ear, so I can imitate people," and because her accent was not made heavy. [ 16 ] When reflecting on her experience as a Bond girl, she stated she was most proud of overcoming her fears in performing stunts. [ 20 ] Forster memilih dia karena dari 400 perempuan yang mengikuti audisi, dia tampak sedikit gugup. [13] Ketika dia membaca script, ia merasa senang tidak memiliki adegan cinta dengan Craig karena akan terganggu pemirsa dari penampilannya. [14] Kurylenko menghabiskan tiga minggu pelatihan untuk berjuang dengan senjata, dan dia belajar dalam ruangan skydiving bentuk tubuh yang dikenal sebagai terbang. [15] suka stunts Kurylenko, [16] tetapi mengalahkan rasa takutnya karena dia menemukan Craig membantu. [17] Dia diberi DVD box set film Bond sejak waralaba tidak mudah tersedia untuk menonton di mana ia dibesarkan di Ukraina . [15] Kurylenko ditemukan Michelle Yeoh di Tomorrow Never Dies inspirasi "karena dia adegan perkelahian itu sendiri". [13] The produsen berniat untuk melemparkan seorang aktris Amerika Selatan dalam peran. [18] Kurylenko dilatih dengan pelatih dialek untuk melakukan dengan aksen Spanyol, [19] yang mudah sebagai "Aku punya telinga yang baik, sehingga saya bisa meniru orang," dan karena aksennya tidak dibuat berat. [16] Ketika merefleksikan pengalaman sebagai gadis Bond, dia menyatakan dia paling bangga mengatasi rasa takutnya dalam melakukan aksi. [20]
* Mathieu Amalric as Dominic Greene , Main villain. Mathieu Amalric sebagai Dominic Greene , Utama penjahat. A leading member of Quantum posing as a businessman working in reforestation and charity funding for environmental science . Seorang anggota terkemuka Quantum menyamar sebagai seorang pengusaha yang bekerja di reboisasi dan dana untuk amal ilmu lingkungan . Amalric acknowledged taking the role was an easy decision because, "It's impossible to say to your kids that 'I could have been in a Bond film but I refused.'" [ 15 ] Amalric wanted to wear make-up for the role, but Forster explained that he wanted Greene not to look grotesque, but to symbolise the hidden evils in society. [ 10 ] Amalric modelled his performance on "the smile of Tony Blair [and] the craziness of Sarkozy ," the latter of whom he called "the worst villain we [the French] have ever had [...] he walks around thinking he's in a Bond film." [ 21 ] He later claimed this was not criticism of either politician, but rather an example of how a politician relies on performance instead of a genuine policy to win power. Amalric mengakui mengambil peran adalah keputusan yang mudah karena, "Ini tidak mungkin mengatakan kepada anak-anak Anda bahwa 'saya bisa saja dalam film Bond tapi aku menolak". " [15] Amalric ingin memakai make-up untuk peran ini, tetapi Forster menjelaskan bahwa ia ingin Greene tidak melihat yang menjijikkan, tapi untuk melambangkan kejahatan tersembunyi di dalam masyarakat. [10] Amalric model kinerja pada "senyum Tony Blair [dan] kegilaan Sarkozy , "yang terakhir dari mereka yang disebutnya" penjahat terburuk kita [itu] Prancis pernah [...] ia berjalan mengelilingi berpikir dia dalam film Bond ". [21] Ia kemudian mengklaim ini bukan kritik politisi baik, melainkan sebuah contoh bagaimana politisi mengandalkan pada kinerja, bukan kebijakan tulus untuk memenangkan kekuasaan. "Sarkozy, is just a better actor than [his presidential opponent] Ségolène Royal – that's all," he explained. [ 22 ] Amalric and Forster reconceived the character, who was supposed to have a "special skill" in the script, to someone who uses pure animal instinct when fighting Bond in the climax. [ 23 ] Bruno Ganz was also considered for the part, [ 18 ] but Forster decided Amalric gave a pitiful quality. [ 23 ] "Sarkozy, hanya aktor yang lebih baik daripada [lawan presiden] Ségolène Royal - itu saja, "jelasnya. [22] Amalric dan Forster reconceived karakter, yang seharusnya khusus keahlian "" di script, untuk seseorang hewan yang menggunakan naluri murni ketika pertempuran Bond di klimaks. [23] Bruno Ganz juga dipertimbangkan untuk peran itu, [18] tapi Forster memutuskan Amalric memberikan kualitas menyedihkan. [23]
* Gemma Arterton as MI6 Agent Strawberry Fields , who works at the British consulate in Bolivia . Gemma Arterton sebagai Agen MI6 Strawberry Fields , yang bekerja di British konsulat di Bolivia . Fields, who is merely an office worker as decribed by M, takes herself seriously and tries to over-power Bond when the pair meet. Fields, yang hanya seorang pekerja kantor seperti yang dijelaskan oleh M, mengambil dirinya serius dan mencoba Bond selama-daya ketika pasangan bertemu. She later was seduced by Bond and infiltrates Greene's fund raiser party with him and ended up paying the ultimate price. Dia kemudian itu tergoda oleh Bond dan pengumpulan dana pihak infiltrat Greene dengan dia dan berakhir membayar harga tertinggi. Forster found Arterton a witty actress and selected her from 7000 candidates. [ 20 ] One of the casting directors asked her to audition for the role, having seen her portray Rosaline in Love's Labour's Lost at the Globe Theatre . [ 24 ] Arterton said Fields was "not so frolicsome" as other Bond girls, but is instead "fresh and young, not [...] a femme fatale ." [ 25 ] Arterton described Fields as a homage to the 1960s Bond girls, comparing her red wig to Diana Rigg , who played Tracy Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service . Forster menemukan Arterton aktris cerdas dan memilih dia dari 7.000 kandidat. [20] Salah satu sutradara casting memintanya untuk audisi untuk peran ini, setelah melihat dia menggambarkan Rosaline dalam Love's Labour's Lost di Teater Globe . [24] Arterton kata Fields "tidak begitu gembira" sebagai gadis Bond lain, tetapi bukan "segar dan muda, tidak [...] seorang femme fatale . " [25] Arterton Fields dijelaskan sebagai penghormatan kepada gadis-gadis Bond tahun 1960-an, membandingkan wig merah untuk Diana Rigg , yang bermain Tracy Obligasi di On Her Majesty's Secret Service . Rigg, alongside Honor Blackman , is one of her favourite Bond girls. [ 24 ] Arterton had to film her character's death scene first day on the set. Rigg, bersama Honor Blackman , merupakan salah satu gadis Bond favorit nya. [24] Arterton harus kematian adegan film karakternya hari pertama di set. Although she found the experience unpleasant, she believes the scene will be an iconic part of the film. [ 26 ] The character's first name, which is a reference to the Beatles song Strawberry Fields Forever , is never actually uttered on screen; when Bond asks her for her name, she replies, "Just Fields." Meskipun ia menemukan pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan, dia percaya TKP akan menjadi bagian ikonik film itu. [26] pertama nama Karakter, yang merupakan referensi untuk The Beatles lagu Strawberry Fields Forever , tidak pernah benar-benar diucapkan pada layar; ketika Bond meminta nya untuk nama, dia menjawab, "Hanya Fields."
* Giancarlo Giannini as René Mathis, Bond's ally who was mistakenly believed to be a traitor in Casino Royale . Giancarlo Giannini sebagai Mathis René,'s sekutu Bond yang keliru diyakini sebagai pengkhianat di Casino Royale. Having been acquitted, he chooses to aid Bond again and watches as Bond is under the strict authority of Fields. Setelah dibebaskan, ia memilih untuk membantu Bond lagi dan jam tangan sebagai Bond berada di bawah otoritas Bidang ketat.
* Jeffrey Wright as Felix Leiter , Bond's ally at the CIA . Jeffrey Wright sebagai Felix Leiter ,'s sekutu Bond di CIA . This marked the first time the same actor played Leiter twice in a row. Ini menandai pertama kalinya aktor yang sama dua kali bermain Leiter berturut-turut. Only David Hedison had previously played the character twice, in Live and Let Die (1973) and Licence to Kill (1989), but these performances were not consecutive. [ 15 ] Early script drafts gave Leiter a larger role, but his screentime was restricted by on-set rewrites. [ 27 ] Hanya David Hedison sebelumnya memainkan karakter dua kali, di Live and Let Die (1973) dan Licence to Kill (1989), tapi pertunjukan ini tidak berturut-turut. 15] [ draf naskah awal Leiter memberikan peran yang lebih besar, tapi screentime nya dibatasi oleh-set ulang pada. [27]
* Judi Dench as M . Judi Dench sebagai M . Forster felt Dench was underused in the previous films and wanted to make her part bigger, having her interact with Bond more because she is "the only woman Bond doesn't see in a sexual context," which Forster finds interesting. [ 28 ] Forster merasa Dench yang kurang dimanfaatkan dalam film-film sebelumnya dan ingin membuat perannya lebih besar, karena dia berinteraksi dengan Obligasi lebih karena dia adalah "Bond satunya perempuan tidak melihat dalam konteks seksual," yang Forster menemukan menarik. [28]
* Anatole Taubman as Elvis, Greene's second-in-command. Anatole Taubman seperti Elvis, kedua Greene-in-perintah. His name was chosen by Paul Haggis, [ 16 ] while Taubman chose the bowl cut . [ 29 ] Amalric and Taubman improvised a backstory for Elvis: he is Dominic's cousin and once lived on the streets before being inducted into Quantum. Namanya dipilih oleh Paul Haggis, [16] sementara Taubman memilih memotong mangkuk . [29] Amalric dan improvisasi Taubman backstory untuk Elvis: dia adalah sepupu Dominic dan pernah tinggal di jalanan sebelum inducted into Quantum. He called Elvis "a bit of a goofball. He thinks he's all that but he's not really. [...] He's not a comic guy. He definitely takes himself very serious, but maybe by his taking himself too serious he may become friendly." [ 30 ] Dia menyebut Elvis "sedikit suatu goofball. Dia pikir dia semua itu tapi dia tidak benar-benar. [...] Dia bukan orang komik. Dia pasti membawa dirinya sangat serius, tapi mungkin dengan itu mengambil dirinya terlalu serius dia mungkin menjadi ramah ". [30]
* David Harbour as Gregg Beam, the CIA Section Chief for South America and a contact of Felix Leiter. David Harbour sebagai Gregg Beam, Kepala Bagian CIA untuk Amerika Selatan dan kontak dari Felix Leiter.
* Joaquín Cosío as General Medrano, the exiled general whom Greene is helping to get back into power, in return for support of his organisation. Joaquín Cosio sebagai General Medrano, jenderal yang diasingkan Greene membantu untuk kembali ke kekuasaan, sebagai imbalan atas dukungan dari organisasi. He is responsible for the murder of Camille's entire family when she was a young girl. Dia bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan seluruh keluarga Camille ketika dia adalah seorang gadis muda.
* Jesper Christensen as Mr. Jesper Christensen sebagai Mr White , whom Bond captured after he stole the money won at Casino Royale in Montenegro . Putih , yang ditangkap Bond setelah dia mencuri uang itu menang di Casino Royale di Montenegro .
* Rory Kinnear as Bill Tanner , M's aide. Rory Kinnear sebagai Bill Tanner ,'s aide M.
* Tim Pigott-Smith as the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Tim Pigott-Smith sebagai Sekretaris Negara Inggris untuk Urusan Persemakmuran dan Luar Negeri.
* Neil Jackson as Edmund Slate, a henchman who fights Bond in Haiti. Neil Jackson sebagai Edmund Slate, seorang kaki tangan yang berkelahi Bond di Haiti.
* Simon Kassianides as Yusef, who has a confrontation with Bond in Kazan towards the end of the film. Simon Kassianides sebagai Yusuf, yang memiliki konfrontasi dengan Bond di Kazan menjelang akhir film.
* Stana Katic as Corrine Veneau, a Canadian Intelligence Service agent. Stana Katic sebagai Veneau Corrine, seorang Kanada Intelijen agen.
* Glenn Foster as Craig Mitchell, M's bodyguard and a double agent. Glenn Foster sebagai Craig Mitchell, M pengawal dan seorang agen ganda.
* Oona Castilla Chaplin as ' damsel in distress ' - girl saved by Kurylenko in one of last sequences. Castilla Oona Chaplin sebagai ' gadis dalam marabahaya '- gadis diselamatkan oleh Kurylenko di salah satu urutan terakhir.
Directors Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón are friends of Marc Forster and while filming he asked them to cameo, providing voices in the Spanish language. Direksi Guillermo del Toro dan Alfonso Cuarón adalah teman dari Marc Forster dan sementara film ia meminta mereka untuk cameo, memberikan suara dalam bahasa Spanyol. Cuarón appears as a Bolivian helicopter pilot, while del Toro provides several other voices. [ 31 ] Cuarón muncul sebagai pilot helikopter Bolivia, sedangkan del Toro memberikan suara lainnya. [31]
[ edit ] Production [ sunting ] Produksi
[ edit ] Development [ sunting ] Pembangunan
"If you remember in Chinatown , if you control the water you control the whole development of the country. I think it's true. Right now it appears to be oil , but there's a lot of other resources that we don't think about too much but are all essential, and they're very limited and every country needs it. Because every country knows that raising the standard of living (and populations are getting bigger) is the way we're all going." "Jika Anda ingat di Chinatown , jika Anda mengendalikan air Anda mengontrol seluruh perkembangan negara menjadi. I think it's true. Sekarang ini muncul minyak , tapi ada banyak sumber daya lain yang kita tidak memikirkan terlalu banyak tetapi semua penting, dan mereka sangat terbatas dan kebutuhan setiap negara itu. Karena setiap negara tahu bahwa meningkatkan standar hidup (dan populasi semakin besar) adalah cara kita semua akan. "
—–Michael G. Wilson on the plot [ 27 ] - Michael G. Wilson pada plot [27]
In July 2006, as Casino Royale entered post-production, EON Productions announced that the next film would be based on an original idea by producer Michael G. Wilson . [ 32 ] It was decided beforehand the film would be a direct sequel, to exploit Bond's emotions following Vesper's death in the previous film. [ 33 ] Just as Casino Royale' s theme was terrorism , the sequel focuses on environmentalism . [ 22 ] The film was confirmed for a 2 May 2008 release date, with Craig reprising the lead role. [ 34 ] Roger Michell , who directed Craig in Enduring Love and The Mother , was in negotiations to direct, but opted out because there was no script. [ 35 ] Sony Entertainment vice-chairman Jeff Blake admitted a production schedule of eighteen months was a very short window, and the release date was pushed back to late 2008. [ 36 ] Neal Purvis and Robert Wade completed their draft of the script by April 2007, [ 37 ] and Paul Haggis – who polished the Casino Royale script – began his rewrite the next month. [ 38 ] Pada bulan Juli 2006, sebagai Casino Royale memasuki pasca-produksi, EON Productions mengumumkan bahwa film berikutnya akan didasarkan pada ide asli oleh produser Michael G. Wilson . [32] Dan diputuskan sebelumnya film akan menjadi sekuel langsung, untuk mengeksploitasi emosi Bond berikutnya kematian Vesper dalam film sebelumnya. [33] Sama seperti 's tema Casino Royale adalah terorisme , sekuel yang berfokus pada lingkungan hidup . [22] Film ini dikonfirmasi untuk Mei tanggal 2008 rilis 2, dengan Craig mengulangi peran utama . [34] Roger Michell , yang diarahkan Craig dalam Enduring Love dan Ibu , sedang dalam negosiasi untuk mengarahkan, tapi memilih keluar karena tidak ada script. [35] Sony Hiburan wakil ketua Jeff Blake mengakui jadwal produksi delapan belas bulan itu jendela sangat singkat, dan tanggal rilis didorong kembali ke akhir 2008. [36] Neal Purvis dan Robert Wade menyelesaikan rancangan naskah oleh April 2007, [37] dan Paul Haggis - yang menggosok Casino Royale script - mulai nya menulis ulang bulan depan. [38]
In June 2007, Marc Forster was confirmed as director. [ 39 ] He was surprised that he was approached for the job, stating he was not a big Bond film fan through the years, and that he would not have accepted the project had he not seen Casino Royale prior to making his decision: he felt Bond had been humanised in that film, arguing since traveling the world had become less exotic since the series' advent, it made sense to focus more on Bond as a character. Pada bulan Juni 2007, Marc Forster telah dikonfirmasi sebagai direktur. [39] Dia terkejut bahwa dia didekati pekerjaan, yang menyatakan ia bukan penggemar film Bond besar selama bertahun-tahun, dan bahwa dia tidak akan menerima proyek itu ia tidak Casino Royale melihat sebelum mengambil keputusan: ia merasa telah humanised Bond dalam film itu, dengan alasan karena perjalanan dunia telah menjadi kurang eksotis sejak seri 'kedatangan itu, masuk akal untuk lebih berfokus pada Bond sebagai karakter. Born in Germany and raised in Switzerland , Forster was the first Bond director not to come from the British Commonwealth of Nations , although he noted Bond's mother is Swiss, making him somewhat appropriate to handle the British icon. [ 40 ] The director collaborated strongly with Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson, noting they only blocked two very expensive ideas he had. [ 18 ] The director found Casino Royale ' s 144 minute running time too long, and wanted his follow-up to be "tight and fast [...] like a bullet." [ 41 ] Lahir di Jerman dan dibesarkan di Swiss , Forster adalah direktur Bond pertama tidak datang dari Persemakmuran Inggris of Nations , meskipun ia mencatat ibu Bond Swiss, membuatnya agak tepat untuk menangani ikon Inggris. [40] Direktur bekerjasama kuat dengan Barbara Broccoli dan Michael G. Wilson, mereka hanya mencatat diblokir dua ide yang sangat mahal dia. [18] Direktur ditemukan Royale 's Casino 144 menit waktu berjalan terlalu lama, dan ingin nya tindak lanjut menjadi "dan cepat [ketat. ..] seperti peluru. " [41]
"Because Bond plays it real, I thought the political circumstances should be real too, even though Bond shouldn't be a political film. I thought the more political I make it, the more real it feels, not just with Bolivia and what's happening in Haiti, but with all these corporations like Shell and Chevron saying they're green because it's so fashionable to be green. During the Cold War, everything was very clear, the good guys and the bad guys. Today there's much overlapping of good and bad. It isn't as morally distinct, because we all have both elements in us." "Karena Obligasi memainkan nyata, saya pikir keadaan politik harus nyata juga, meskipun Bond seharusnya tidak menjadi film politik. Saya pikir lebih politik saya membuatnya, maka akan semakin nyata terasa, bukan hanya dengan Bolivia dan apa yang terjadi di Haiti, tetapi dengan semua perusahaan seperti Shell dan Chevron mengatakan mereka hijau karena begitu mode untuk menjadi hijau. Selama Perang Dingin, semuanya sangat jelas, orang-orang baik dan orang jahat. Hari ini ada banyak tumpang tindih yang baik dan buruk. Hal ini tidak berbeda secara moral, karena kita semua memiliki kedua elemen di dalam kita. "
—–Marc Forster on the political landscape of the film [ 42 ] - Marc Forster pada lanskap politik dari film tersebut [42]
Haggis, Forster and Wilson rewrote the story from scratch. [ 43 ] Haggis said he completed his script two hours before the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike officially began. [ 40 ] Forster noted a running theme in his films were emotionally repressed protagonists, and the theme of the picture would be Bond learning to trust after feeling betrayed by Vesper. [ 44 ] Forster said he created the Camille character as a strong female counterpart to Bond rather than a casual love interest: she openly shows emotions similar to those which Bond experiences but is unable to express. [ 45 ] Haggis located his draft's climax in the Swiss Alps , [ 46 ] but Forster wanted the action sequences to be based around the four classical elements of earth, water, air and fire. [ 47 ] The decision to homage Goldfinger in Fields's death came about as Forster wanted to show oil had replaced gold as the most precious material. [ 42 ] The producers rejected Haggis's idea that Vesper Lynd had a child, because "Bond was an orphan [...] Once he finds the kid, Bond can't just leave the kid." [ 48 ] Haggis, Forster dan Wilson menulis ulang cerita dari awal. [43] Haggis mengatakan ia menyelesaikan naskah itu dua jam sebelum 2007-2008 pemogokan Writers Guild of America secara resmi dimulai. [40] Forster mencatat tema yang berjalan di film-filmnya secara emosional yang direpresi protagonis , dan tema gambar akan belajar mempercayai Bond setelah merasa dikhianati oleh Vesper. [44] Forster berkata dia menciptakan karakter Camille sebagai mitra perempuan yang kuat untuk Bond daripada bunga cinta santai: dia secara terbuka menunjukkan emosi yang sama dengan yang Obligasi pengalaman namun tidak dapat mengungkapkan. [45] Haggis terletak's draft klimaks nya di Pegunungan Alpen Swiss , [46] tapi Forster ingin aksi urutan yang akan berbasis di empat elemen klasik dari bumi, air, udara dan api. [47 ] Keputusan untuk penghormatan Goldfinger dalam kematian Bidang muncul sebagai Forster ingin menunjukkan sawit menggantikan emas sebagai berharga bahan yang paling. [42] Para produsen menolak gagasan Haggis yang Vesper Lynd punya anak, karena "Bond adalah anak yatim piatu [.. Sekali.] ia menemukan anak itu, Bond tidak bisa begitu saja meninggalkan anak itu. " [48]
Michael G. Wilson decided on the film's title Quantum of Solace only "a few days" before its announcement on 24 January 2008. [ 25 ] It was the name of a short story in Ian Fleming 's anthology For Your Eyes Only (1960). [ 49 ] The film is related to the title in one of its thematic elements: "...when the 'Quantum of Solace' drops to zero, humanity and consideration of one human for another is gone." [ 50 ] . Michael G. Wilson memutuskan judul film Quantum of Solace hanya "beberapa hari" sebelum pengumumannya pada tanggal 24 Januari 2008. [25] Ini adalah nama sebuah cerita pendek di Ian Fleming antologi s ' For Your Eyes Only (1960) . [49] Film ini berkaitan dengan judul di salah satu elemen tematik nya: "... ketika 'Quantum of' tetes Solace nol, kemanusiaan dan pertimbangan satu manusia lain hilang." [50] . Daniel Craig admitted, "I was unsure at first. Bond is looking for his quantum of solace and that's what he wants, he wants his closure. Ian Fleming says that if you don't have a quantum of solace in your relationship then the relationship is over. It's that spark of niceness in a relationship that if you don't have you might as well give up." [ 15 ] He said that "Bond doesn't have that because his girlfriend [Vesper Lynd] has been killed," [ 49 ] and therefore, "[Bond is] looking for revenge [...] to make himself happy with the world again." [ 25 ] Afterwards, Quantum was made the name of the organisation introduced in Casino Royale . [ 51 ] Craig noted the letter Q itself looks rather odd. [ 8 ] Near the end of the film, the Camille Montes character and Bond have a discussion about their individual quests to avenge the deaths of their loved ones. Daniel Craig mengakui, "Saya tidak yakin pada awalnya. Bond mencari kuantum tentang hiburan dan itulah yang dia ingin, dia ingin penutupan nya Ian Fleming. Mengatakan bahwa jika Anda tidak memiliki kuantum hiburan dalam hubungan Anda kemudian hubungan selesai. Ini yang percikan niceness dalam hubungan bahwa jika Anda tidak memiliki Anda mungkin juga menyerah. " [15] Ia mengatakan bahwa "Bond tidak ada yang karena pacarnya [Vesper Lynd] telah dibunuh, " [49] dan oleh karena itu, "[Bond] mencari [...] balas dendam untuk membuat dirinya senang dengan dunia lagi." [25] Setelah itu, Quantum dibuat nama organisasi diperkenalkan di Casino Royale. [51 ] Craig mencatat huruf Q itu sendiri tampak agak aneh. [8] Menjelang akhir film, para Montes karakter Camille dan Bond memiliki diskusi tentang pencarian pribadi mereka untuk membalas kematian orang-orang terkasih mereka. Montes asks Bond to "let me know what it feels like" when he succeeds, the implication of the title being that it will be a small amount of solace compared to his despair. Montes meminta Bond untuk "biarkan aku tahu bagaimana rasanya" ketika ia berhasil, implikasi dari judul adalah bahwa hal itu akan menjadi sedikit pelipur lara dibandingkan dengan kesedihan. Bond's lack of emotion when he does exact revenge shows this to be the case. Bond kurangnya emosi ketika dia tidak membalas dendam menunjukkan ini menjadi kasus.
During filming, after the strike ended, Forster read a spec script by Joshua Zetumer , which he liked, and hired him to reshape scenes for the later parts of the shoot, which the director was still unsatisfied with. [ 43 ] Forster had the actors rehearse their scenes, as he liked to film scenes continually. [ 22 ] Zetumer rewrote dialogue depending on the actors' ideas each day. [ 22 ] Selama pembuatan film, setelah serangan berakhir, Forster membaca sebuah naskah spec oleh Joshua Zetumer , yang ia suka, dan menyewanya untuk membentuk kembali adegan untuk bagian-bagian selanjutnya dari menembak, yang direktur masih tidak puas dengan. [43] Forster memiliki aktor berlatih adegan mereka, karena dia suka adegan film terus-menerus. [22] Zetumer menulis ulang dialog tergantung pada aktor 'ide setiap hari. [22]
[ edit ] Filming [ sunting ] Film
Quantum of Solace was shot in six countries, [ 1 ] Second unit filming began in Italy at the Palio di Siena horse race on 16 August 2007: [ 52 ] though at this point Forster was unsure how it would fit into the film. [ 47 ] Some scenes were filmed also in Maratea and Craco , two little and characteristics towns in Basilicata . [ 53 ] Other places used for location shooting were Madrid in August 2007; [ 54 ] Baja California , Mexico in early 2008, for shots of the aerial battle; [ 55 ] [ 56 ] Malcesine , Limone sul Garda and Tremosine in Italy during March, [ 57 ] and at Talamone during the end of April. [ 58 ] The main unit began on 3 January 2008, [ 18 ] at Pinewood Studios . Quantum of Solace ditembak di enam negara, [1] unit Kedua film dimulai di Italia di Siena Palio Di pacuan kuda pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2007: [52] meskipun pada saat ini Forster tidak yakin bagaimana itu akan masuk ke dalam film. [47 ] Beberapa adegan difilmkan juga di Maratea dan Craco , dua kota kecil dan karakteristik di Basilicata . [53] tempat-tempat lain yang digunakan untuk menembak lokasi adalah Madrid pada bulan Agustus 2007; [54] Baja California , Meksiko pada awal tahun 2008, untuk pengambilan gambar dari udara pertempuran; [55] [56] Malcesine , Limone sul Garda dan Tremosine di Italia pada bulan Maret, [57] dan pada Talamone selama akhir April. [58] Unit utama dimulai pada tanggal 3 Januari 2008, [18] di Pinewood Studios . The 007 Stage was used for the fight in the art gallery, [ 15 ] and an MI6 safehouse hidden within the city's cisterns , [ 59 ] while other stages housed Bond's Bolivian hotel suite, [ 60 ] and the MI6 headquarters. [ 59 ] Interior and exterior airport scenes were filmed at Farnborough Airfield and the snowy closing scenes were filmed at the Bruneval Barracks in Aldershot . [ 61 ] The Tahap 007 digunakan untuk berperang di galeri seni, [15] dan safehouse MI6 tersembunyi di dalam kota waduk , [59] sementara tahap lainnya ditempatkan hotel suite Bolivia's Bond, [60] dan markas MI6. [59] Interior dan adegan eksterior bandara dibuat di Farnborough Airfield dan menutup adegan bersalju difilmkan di Barak Bruneval di Aldershot . [61]
Marine shooting being carried out at Fort Sherman Marine penembakan yang dilakukan di Fort Sherman
Shooting in Panama City began on 7 February 2008 at Howard Air Force Base . Menembak di Panama City mulai pada tanggal 7 Februari 2008 Howard Air Force Base . The country doubled for Haiti and Bolivia, with the National Institute of Culture of Panama standing in for a hotel in the latter country. Negara ini dua kali lipat untuk Haiti dan Bolivia, dengan Lembaga Kebudayaan Nasional Panama untuk berdiri di sebuah hotel di kedua negara. A sequence requiring several hundred extras was also shot at nearby Colón . [ 62 ] Shooting in Panama was also carried out at Fort Sherman , a former US military base on the Colón coast. Urutan membutuhkan beberapa ratus tambahan juga ditembak di dekat Colón . [62] Menembak di Panama itu juga dilaksanakan di Fort Sherman , seorang mantan pangkalan militer AS di pantai Colón. Forster was disappointed he could only shoot the boat chase in that harbour, as he had a more spectacular vision for the scene. [ 6 ] Officials in the country worked with the locals to "minimise inconvenience" for the cast and crew, and in return hoped the city's exposure in the film would increase tourism. [ 63 ] The crew was going to move to Cusco , Peru for ten days of filming on 2 March, [ 62 ] but the location was cancelled for budget reasons. [ 1 ] Twelve days of filming in Chile began on 24 March at Antofagasta . Forster kecewa ia hanya bisa menembak mengejar kapal di pelabuhan itu, karena ia memiliki visi yang lebih spektakuler untuk pemandangan. [6] Para pejabat di negara bekerja dengan penduduk setempat untuk "meminimalkan ketidaknyamanan" bagi para pemain dan kru, dan sebagai balasannya berharap kota eksposur dalam film ini akan meningkatkan pariwisata. [63] Para kru akan pindah ke Cusco , Peru selama sepuluh hari syuting pada tanggal 2 Maret, [62] tapi lokasi itu dibatalkan karena alasan anggaran. [1] Dua belas hari dari film di Chile mulai 24 Maret di Antofagasta . There was shooting in Cobija , the Paranal Observatory , and other locations in the Atacama Desert . [ 64 ] Forster chose the desert and the observatory's ESO Hotel to represent Bond's rigid emotions, and being on the verge of committing a vengeful act as he confronts Greene in the film's climax. [ 51 ] [ 65 ] Ada penembakan di Cobija , di Observatorium Paranal , dan lokasi lainnya di Gurun Atacama . [64] Forster memilih padang gurun dan observatorium's ESO Hotel untuk mewakili kaku emosi's Bond, dan berada di ambang melakukan tindak dendam saat ia menghadapi Greene di film klimaks. [51] [65]
Marc Forster chose the Atacama Desert to represent Bond's vengefulness in the climax Marc Forster memilih Atacama Desert untuk mewakili dendam Bond di klimaks
While filming in Sierra Gorda , Chile, the local mayor, Carlos Lopez, staged a protest because he was angry at the filmmakers portraying the Antofagasta region as part of Bolivia, after Chile invaded it and stole it (the entire Bolivia's littoral zone) in 1883. Sementara film di Sierra Gorda , Chile, walikota setempat, Carlos Lopez, menggelar aksi protes karena dia marah pada pembuat film menggambarkan wilayah Antofagasta sebagai bagian dari Bolivia, setelah Chile menginvasi dan mencurinya (Bolivia litoral's zona seluruh) pada tahun 1883 . He was arrested, detained briefly, and put on trial two days later. Dia ditangkap, ditahan sebentar, dan diadili dua hari kemudian. EON dismissed his claim that they needed his permission to film in the area. [ 66 ] [ 67 ] Michael G. Wilson also explained Bolivia was appropriate to the plot, because of the country's history of water problems, [ 65 ] and was surprised the two countries disliked each other a century after the War of the Pacific . [ 68 ] In a poll by Chilean daily newspaper La Segunda , 75% of its readers disagreed with Lopez's actions, due to the negative image they felt it presented of Chile, and the controversy's potential to put off productions looking to film in the country in the future. [ 69 ] EON menolak klaimnya bahwa mereka perlu izin untuk film di daerah tersebut. [66] [67] Michael G. Wilson juga menjelaskan Bolivia adalah tepat untuk plot, karena negara sejarah masalah air, [65] dan terkejut kedua negara tidak menyukai satu sama lain abad setelah Perang Pasifik . [68] Dalam sebuah jajak pendapat oleh Chili surat kabar harian La Segundha , 75% dari pembaca tidak setuju dengan itu tindakan Lopez, karena citra negatif mereka merasa disajikan di Chili, dan kontroversi potensi untuk menunda produksi ingin film di negara ini di masa depan. [69]
From 4–12 April, the main unit shot on Sienese rooftops. [ 58 ] Shooting on the real rooftops turned out to be less expensive than building them at Pinewood. [ 1 ] The next four weeks were scheduled for filming the car chase at Lake Garda and Carrara . [ 58 ] On 19 April, an Aston Martin employee driving a DBS to the set crashed into the lake. Dari 4-12 April, tembakan unit utama di atas atap Siena. [58] Menembak di atap nyata berubah menjadi lebih murah daripada membangun mereka di Pinewood. [1] di samping empat minggu telah dijadwalkan untuk syuting mengejar mobil di Danau Garda dan Carrara . [58] Pada tanggal 19 April, Aston Martin karyawan mengendarai DBS untuk mengatur jatuh ke danau. He survived, and was fined £400 for reckless driving. [ 70 ] Another accident occurred on 21 April, and two days later, two stuntmen were seriously injured, with one, Greek stuntman Aris Comninos, having to be put in intensive care. Dia selamat, dan didenda £ 400 untuk mengemudi sembrono. [70] Kecelakaan lain terjadi pada tanggal 21 April, dan dua hari kemudian, dua stuntmen luka berat, dengan satu, Yunani Aris Comninos stuntman, harus dimasukkan dalam perawatan intensif. Filming of the scenes was temporarily halted so that Italian police could investigate the causes of the accidents. [ 71 ] Stunt co-ordinator Gary Powell said the accidents were a testament to the realism of the action. [ 46 ] Rumours of a "curse" spread among tabloid media, something which deeply offended Craig, who disliked that they compared Comninos' accident to something like his minor finger injury later on the shoot (also part of the "curse"). Pembuatan film layar sementara dihentikan sehingga polisi Italia bisa menyelidiki penyebab kecelakaan. [71] Stunt koordinator Gary Powell mengatakan, kecelakaan itu bukti realisme dari tindakan. [46] Gosip dari kutukan "" menyebar di kalangan media tabloid, sesuatu yang sangat tersinggung Craig, yang tidak suka bahwa mereka dibandingkan kecelakaan Comninos 'untuk sesuatu seperti cedera jari kecil itu kemudian di tembak (juga bagian dari kutukan ""). Comninos recovered safely from his injury. [ 8 ] Comninos aman pulih dari cedera. [8]
Preparations for the performance of Tosca at Bregenzer Festspiele Persiapan untuk kinerja Tosca di Bregenzer Festspiele
Filming took place at the floating opera stage at Bregenz , Austria from 28 April–9 May 2008. Film berlangsung di panggung opera mengambang di Bregenz , Austria dari 28 April - 9 Mei 2008. The sequence, where Bond stalks the villains during a performance of Tosca , required 1500 extras. [ 72 ] The production used a large model of an eye, which Forster felt fitted in the Bond style, and the opera itself has parallels to the film. [ 73 ] A short driving sequence was filmed at the nearby Feldkirch, Vorarlberg . [ 74 ] The crew returned to Italy from 13–17 May to shoot a (planned) car crash at the marble quarry in Carrara, [ 75 ] and a recreation of the Palio di Siena at the Piazza del Campo in Siena. Urutan, di mana Bond batang penjahat selama kinerja Tosca , diperlukan tambahan 1500. [72] produksi yang digunakan model besar mata, yang dipasang di Forster merasa gaya Bond, dan opera itu sendiri telah paralel dengan film. [73] Urutan mengemudi singkat film ini di dekat Feldkirch, Vorarlberg . [74] Para kru kembali ke Italia dari 13-17 Mei untuk menembak a) car crash direncanakan (di tambang marmer di Carrara, [75] dan rekreasi Di Palio dari Siena di Piazza del Campo di Siena. 1000 extras were hired for a scene where Bond emerges from the Fonte Gaia . 1000 tambahan dipekerjakan untuk sebuah adegan dimana Bond muncul dari Fonte Gaia. Originally, he would have emerged from the city's cisterns at Siena Cathedral , but this was thought disrespectful. [ 58 ] By June, the crew returned to Pinewood for four weeks, [ 73 ] where new sets (including the interior of the hotel in the climax) were built. [ 43 ] [ 60 ] The wrap party was held on 21 June. [ 76 ] Awalnya, ia akan muncul dari kota waduk di Siena Katedral , tapi ini dianggap tidak sopan. [58] Pada bulan Juni, para awak kembali ke Pinewood selama empat minggu, [73] di mana baru set (termasuk interior hotel di klimaks) dibangun. [43] [60] The wrap partai diselenggarakan pada tanggal 21 Juni. [76]
[ edit ] Design [ sunting ] Desain
Production designer Peter Lamont , a crew member on eighteen previous Bond films, retired after Casino Royale . [ 77 ] Forster hired Dennis Gassner in his stead, having admired his work on The Truman Show and the films of the Coen brothers . [ 44 ] Craig said the film would have "a touch of Ken Adam ," [ 78 ] while Michael G. Wilson also called Gassner's designs "a postmodern look at modernism ." [ 60 ] Forster said he felt the early Bond films' design "were ahead of their time," [ 44 ] and enjoyed the clashing of an older style with his own because it created a unique look unto itself. [ 79 ] Gassner wanted his sets to emphasise Craig's "great angular, textured face and wonderful blue eyes," and totally redesigned the MI6 headquarters because he felt Judi Dench "was a bit tired in the last film, so I thought, let's bring her into a new world." [ 80 ] Produksi desainer Peter Lamont , seorang anggota awak delapan belas film Bond sebelumnya, pensiun setelah Casino Royale. [77] Forster disewa Dennis Gassner gantinya, setelah mengagumi karyanya pada The Truman Show dan film dari Coen bersaudara . [44] Craig kata film ini akan memiliki "sentuhan Ken Adam , " [78] sementara Michael G. Wilson juga disebut's desain Gassner "sebuah postmodern melihat modernisme ". [60] Forster mengatakan dia merasa film Bond awal 'desain "itu di depan waktu mereka, " [44] dan menikmati bentrok sebuah gaya yang lebih tua dengan sendiri karena menciptakan kepada tampilan yang unik itu sendiri. [79] Gassner ingin set untuk menekankan "besar Craig sudut, wajah bertekstur dan mata biru indah," dan benar-benar didesain ulang markas MI6 karena ia merasa Judi Dench "agak lelah dalam film terakhir, jadi saya pikir, mari kita membawanya ke dunia baru." [80]
Louise Frogley replaced Lindy Hemming as costume designer , though Hemming remained as supervisor. Louise Frogley diganti Lindy Hemming sebagai desainer kostum , meskipun Hemming tetap sebagai pengawas. Hemming hired Brioni for Bond's suits since her tenure on the series began with 1995's GoldenEye , but Lindsay Pugh, another supervisor, explained their suits were "too relaxed." Tom Ford was hired to tailor "sharper" suits for Craig. Hemming disewa Brioni untuk itu cocok Bond sejak masa jabatannya pada seri dimulai dengan 1995's GoldenEye , tapi Lindsay Pugh, supervisor lain, menjelaskan cocok mereka "terlalu santai". Tom Ford dipekerjakan untuk menyesuaikan "tajam" cocok untuk Craig. Pugh said the costumes aimed towards the 1960s feel, especially for Bond and Fields. Prada provided the dresses for both Bond girls. Jasper Conran designed Camille's ginger bandeau, bronze skirt and gold fish necklace [ 81 ] , while Chrome Hearts designed gothic jewellery for Amalric's character, which the actor liked enough to keep after filming. [ 82 ] Sophie Harley, who created Vesper Lynd 's earrings and Algerian loveknot necklace in Casino Royale , was called upon to create another version of the necklace. [ 83 ] Pugh mengatakan kostum ditujukan untuk tahun 1960-an merasa, terutama untuk Obligasi dan Bidang. Prada menyediakan baju untuk kedua gadis Bond. Jasper Conran dirancang jahe pita pengikat rambut's Camille, rok perunggu dan ikan kalung emas [81] , sedangkan Chrome Hearts dirancang perhiasan gothic untuk Amalric karakter, yang suka aktor cukup untuk tetap setelah melakukan syuting. [82] Sophie Harley, yang menciptakan Vesper Lynd s 'anting-anting dan Aljazair kalung loveknot di Casino Royale, dipanggil untuk membuat versi lain dari kalung itu. [83]
The film returns to the traditional gun barrel opening shot , which was altered into part of the story for Casino Royale where it was moved to the end of the title sequence. Film kembali ke tradisional membuka tembakan laras senapan , yang kemudian diubah menjadi bagian dari cerita untuk Casino Royale di mana ia pindah ke akhir dari urutan judul. In this film the gun barrel sequence was moved to the end of the movie, which Wilson explained was done for a surprise, [ 84 ] and to signify the conclusion of the story begun in the previous film. Dalam film ini, urutan laras senapan dipindahkan ke akhir film, yang menjelaskan Wilson dilakukan untuk kejutan, [84] dan untuk menandai akhir cerita dimulai dalam film sebelumnya. The opening credits sequence was created by MK12 ; Having worked on Forster's Stranger than Fiction and The Kite Runner , MK12 spontaneously began developing the sequence early on in production, and had a good idea of its appearance which meant it did not have to be redone when the title singer was changed. Pembukaan kredit urutan diciptakan oleh MK12 ; Setelah bekerja di Forster's Stranger dari Fiksi dan The Kite Runner , MK12 spontan mulai mengembangkan urutan awal di produksi, dan punya ide yang baik dari penampilannya yang berarti tidak harus direnovasi saat para penyanyi judul berubah. MK12 selected various twilight colours to represent Bond's mood and focused on a dot motif based on the gunbarrel shot. MK12 berbagai dipilih senja warna untuk mewakili's mood Bond dan difokuskan pada motif titik berdasarkan gunbarrel ditembak. MK12 also worked on scenes with graphical user interface , including the electronic table MI6 use, [ 85 ] and the Port-au-Prince , Haiti title cards. [ 86 ] MK12 juga bekerja pada layar dengan antarmuka pengguna grafis , termasuk penggunaan tabel MI6 elektronik, [85] dan Port-au-Prince , Haiti kartu judul. [86]
[ edit ] Effects [ sunting ] Dampak
Aston Martin DBS V12 on display at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con International Aston Martin DBS V12 dipamerkan di 2008 Comic Con San Diego Internasional
Quantum of Solace was the last in Ford Motor 's three-film deal that began with 2002's Die Another Day . Quantum of Solace adalah yang terakhir di Ford Motor s 'kontrak tiga film yang dimulai dengan tahun 2002 Die Another Day . Although Ford sold over 90% of the Aston Martin company in 2007, the Aston Martin DBS V12 returned for the film's car chase around Lake Garda; [ 87 ] Dan Bradley was hired as second unit director because of his work on the second and third Bourne films , so the film would continue the gritty action style begun in Casino Royale . [ 88 ] He had intended to use Ford GTs for the opening chase, [ 89 ] but it was replaced by the Alfa Romeo 159 . [ 90 ] After location filming in Italy, further close-ups of Craig, the cars and the truck were shot at Pinewood against a bluescreen. [ 91 ] Originally three Alfa Romeos were in the sequence: but Forster felt the scene was running too long and re-edited the scene so it only looked like two Romeos were chasing Bond. [ 92 ] Six Aston Martins were destroyed during filming, and one of them was purchased by a fan. [ 8 ] Meskipun Ford menjual lebih dari 90% dari Aston Martin perusahaan pada tahun 2007, Aston Martin DBS V12 kembali untuk mobil mengejar film di sekitar Danau Garda, [87] Dan Bradley dipekerjakan sebagai unit kedua direktur karena karyanya pada kedua dan ketiga Bourne film , sehingga film akan melanjutkan aksi gaya betul dimulai di Casino Royale. [88] Ia bermaksud untuk menggunakan Ford GTS untuk mengejar pembukaan, [89] tetapi digantikan oleh Alfa Romeo 159 . [90] Setelah lokasi syuting di Italia, lebih close-up dari Craig, mobil-mobil dan truk itu ditembak di Pinewood terhadap sebuah bluescreen. [91] Awalnya tiga Alfa Romeo berada di urutan: tapi Forster merasa adegan itu berjalan terlalu lama dan diedit ulang TKP sehingga hanya tampak seperti dua Romeo mengejar Bond. [92] Enam Aston Martins hancur selama film, dan salah satunya dibeli oleh kipas. [8]
Fourteen cameras were used to film the Palio di Siena , footage which was later edited into the main sequence. Empat belas kamera digunakan untuk film Palio Di Siena , rekaman video yang kemudian diedit ke dalam urutan utama. Aerial shots using helicopters were banned, and the crew were also forbidden from showing any violence "involving either people or animals." [ 52 ] To shoot the foot chase in Siena in April 2008 four camera cranes were built in the town, and a cable camera was also used. [ 57 ] Framestore worked on the Siena chase, duplicating the 1000 extras during principal photography to match shots of the 40,000 strong audience at the real Palio, removing wires that held Craig and the stuntmen in the rooftop segment of the chase, and digital expansion of the floor and skylight in the art gallery Bond and Mitchell fall into. [ 91 ] The art gallery fight was intended to be simple, but during filming Craig's stunt double accidentally fell from the construction scaffolding. tembakan udara menggunakan helikopter dilarang, dan awak juga dilarang memperlihatkan kekerasan "yang melibatkan baik orang atau binatang". [52] Untuk menembak mengejar kaki di Siena pada bulan April 2008 empat crane kamera dibangun di kota, dan kabel kamera juga digunakan. [57] Framestore bekerja pada mengejar Siena, menduplikasi 1000 tambahan selama fotografi pokok untuk mencocokkan gambar yang kuat 40.000 penonton di Palio nyata, menghapus kawat yang diselenggarakan Craig dan stuntmen di segmen atap mengejar , dan perluasan digital dari lantai dan lubang cahaya di galeri seni Bond dan jatuh ke dalam Mitchell. [91] Perang galeri seni ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi sederhana, tapi selama film itu akrobat Craig ganda sengaja jatuh dari perancah konstruksi. Forster preferred the idea of Bond hanging from ropes reaching for his gun to kill Mitchell, rather than having both men run out of the building to continue their chase as specified in the script, and the number of effects shots increased. [ 91 ] Forster pilihan gagasan Bond tergantung dari tali meraih pistolnya untuk membunuh Mitchell, daripada laki-laki berjalan keluar dari gedung untuk terus mengejar mereka sebagaimana tercantum dalam naskah, dan jumlah efek gambar meningkat. [91]
To film the aerial dogfight, a "Snakehead" camera was built and placed on the nose and tail of a Piper Aerostar 700. SolidWorks , who provided the software used to design the camera, stated "pilots for the first time can fly as aggressively as they dare without sacrificing the drama of the shot." Untuk film pertempuran udara udara, sebuah "Snakehead" kamera dibangun dan ditempatkan pada hidung dan ekor dari Piper Aerostar 700. SolidWorks , yang menyediakan perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk merancang kamera, menyatakan "pilot untuk pertama kalinya bisa terbang seagresif mereka berani tanpa mengorbankan drama tembakan. " The camera could turn 360 degrees and was shaped like a periscope . [ 93 ] The crew also mounted SpaceCams on helicopters, and placed cameras with 1600 mm lenses underground, to cover the action. [ 55 ] Forster wanted to film the planefight as a homage to Alfred Hitchcock 's North by Northwest , and chose planes like the Douglas DC-3 to suit that. [ 79 ] [ 94 ] To shoot a free-fall scene, Craig disliked the idea of being blown by a large fan, so stunt co-ordinator Gary Powell suggested filming the scene in a vertical wind tunnel . Kamera bisa berbalik 360 derajat dan dibentuk seperti periskop . [93] kru juga terpasang SpaceCams pada helikopter, dan kamera ditempatkan dengan 1600 mm lensa bawah tanah, untuk menutup tindakan. [55] Forster ingin film planefight sebagai sebuah penghormatan untuk Alfred Hitchcock 's North by Northwest , dan memilih pesawat seperti Douglas DC-3 untuk memenuhi itu. [79] [94] Untuk menembak jatuh bebas , Craig tidak menyukai gagasan yang ditiup besar, kipas angin sehingga adegan akrobat koordinator Gary Powell menyarankan syuting adegan di sebuah terowongan angin vertikal . Seventeen small digital cameras were used to shoot the scene, while Craig and Kurylenko wore wind-resistant contact lenses that enabled them to open their eyes as they fell. Tujuh belas kamera digital kecil yang digunakan untuk menembak tempat sedangkan Craig dan Kurylenko memakai lensa kontak-tahan angin yang memungkinkan mereka untuk membuka mata mereka saat mereka jatuh. For safety, they only shot for thirty seconds at a time. [ 95 ] The wind tunnel shots served in a manner similar to motion capture , acting as reference for wind blowing on clothes and hair on Craig and Kurylenko's digital doubles, [ 91 ] created by Double Negative . [ 92 ] Forster wished he had more time to work on the free-fall scene. [ 91 ] Untuk keselamatan, mereka hanya menembak selama tiga puluh detik pada suatu waktu. [95] Tembakan terowongan angin disajikan dalam cara yang mirip dengan menangkap gerakan , bertindak sebagai referensi untuk angin bertiup pada pakaian dan rambut di Craig dan digital ganda's Kurylenko, [91] diciptakan oleh Double Negatif . [92] Forster ia berharap lebih banyak waktu untuk bekerja pada adegan-jatuh bebas. [91]
The Moving Picture Company created the climactic hotel sequence. The Pindah Gambar Perusahaan menciptakan urutan klimaks hotel. The fire effects were supervised by Chris Corbould , and post-production MPC had to enhance the sequence by making the smoke look closer to the actors, so it would look more dangerous. [ 91 ] A full-scale replica of the building's exterior was used for the exploding part Bond and Camille escape from. Efek api diawasi oleh Chris Corbould , dan pasca-produksi MPC harus meningkatkan urutan dengan membuat asap tampak lebih dekat ke aktor, sehingga akan tampak lebih berbahaya. [91] A-skala replika seluruh bangunan eksterior digunakan untuk bagian Bond Camille meledak dan melarikan diri dari. The boat chase was another scene that required very little CGI. Mengejar kapal adalah adegan lain yang diperlukan CGI sangat sedikit. Double Negative worked on replacing a few shots of visible stuntmen with a digital version of Craig's head, [ 92 ] and recreated the boats Bond jumps over on his motorcycle to make it look more dangerous. [ 91 ] Crowd duplication was done for the Tosca scene by Machine FX, to make the performance look like it had sold out. [ 92 ] Forster edited the opera scene to resemble The Man Who Knew Too Much . [ 6 ] In total, there are 900 visual effects shots in Quantum of Solace . [ 91 ] Double Negatif bekerja pada mengganti beberapa gambar dari stuntmen terlihat dengan versi digital dari kepala Craig, [92] dan diciptakan kembali Obligasi perahu melompati sepeda motornya agar terlihat lebih berbahaya. [91] Crowd duplikasi dilakukan untuk Tosca adegan oleh Mesin FX, untuk membuat tampilan kinerja seperti itu habis terjual. [92] Forster mengedit adegan opera menyerupai Pria yang Tahu Terlalu Banyak . [6] Secara total, ada 900 efek visual gambar dalam Quantum of Solace. [ 91]
[ edit ] Music [ sunting ] Musik
Main article: Quantum of Solace (soundtrack) Artikel utama: Quantum of Solace (soundtrack)
David Arnold , who composed the scores for the previous four Bond films, returned for Quantum of Solace . David Arnold , yang menyusun skor untuk empat film Bond sebelumnya, kembali untuk Quantum of Solace. He said that Forster likes to work very closely with his composers and that, in comparison to the accelerated schedule he was tied to on Casino Royale , the intention was to spend a long time scoring the film to "really work it out." Dia mengatakan bahwa Forster suka bekerja sangat erat dengan komposer dan bahwa, dalam perbandingan dengan jadwal dipercepat ia terikat pada Casino Royale, niat adalah untuk menghabiskan waktu yang lama untuk mencetak film "benar-benar menyelesaikannya." He also said he would be "taking a different approach" with the score. [ 96 ] Arnold composed the music based on impressions from reading the script, and Forster edited those into the film. [ 97 ] As with Casino Royale , Arnold kept use of the James Bond Theme to a minimum. [ 47 ] Arnold collaborated with Kieran Hebden for "Crawl, End Crawl," a remix of the score played during the end credits. [ 98 ] Dia juga mengatakan dia akan "mengambil pendekatan yang berbeda" dengan skor. [96] Arnold menyusun musik berdasarkan tayangan dari membaca script, dan Forster diedit tersebut ke dalam film. [97] Sebagaimana dengan Casino Royale, Arnold terus menggunakan dari James Bond Theme sampai minimum. [47] Arnold berkolaborasi dengan Kieran Hebden untuk "Crawl, End Crawl," sebuah remix dari nilai kredit dimainkan selama akhir. [98]
Jack White of The White Stripes and Alicia Keys collaborated on " Another Way to Die ," the first Bond music duet. [ 99 ] [ 100 ] They had wanted to work together for two years beforehand. [ 101 ] The song was recorded in Nashville, Tennessee ; White played the drums while Keys performed on the piano. [ 102 ] The Memphis Horns also contributed to the track. [ 101 ] White's favourite Bond theme is John Barry 's instrumental piece for On Her Majesty's Secret Service , and he watched various opening credit sequences from the series for inspiration while mixing the track. [ 102 ] Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse had recorded a demo track for the film, [ 103 ] but Ronson explained Winehouse's well-publicised legal issues in the preceding weeks made her "not ready to record any music" at that time. [ 104 ] Jack White dari The White Stripes dan Alicia Keys berkolaborasi pada " Cara lain untuk Die , "Bond musik duet pertama. [99] [100] Mereka ingin bekerja sama selama dua tahun sebelumnya. [101] Lagu ini direkam di Nashville , Tennessee ; Putih memainkan drum sementara Tombol dilakukan pada piano. [102] The Horn Memphis juga memberikan kontribusi untuk melacak. [101] Bond tema favorit Putih adalah John Barry 's sepotong instrumental untuk On Her Majesty's Secret Service , dan ia mengamati kredit urutan membuka berbagai dari seri untuk inspirasi saat pencampuran trek. [102] Mark Ronson dan Amy Winehouse telah merekam sebuah demo lagu untuk film, [103] tapi Ronson menjelaskan dipublikasikan hukum yang baik-isu Winehouse dalam minggu-minggu sebelumnya membuatnya " belum siap untuk merekam musik apapun "pada waktu itu. [104]
[ edit ] Release [ sunting ] Release
The film premiered at the Odeon Leicester Square on 29 October 2008. Film ini ditayangkan di Odeon Leicester Square pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2008. Princes William and Harry of Wales attended, and proceeds from the screening were donated to the charities Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion . [ 105 ] The film was originally scheduled to be released in the UK and North America on 7 November; however, EON pushed forward the British date to 31 October during filming, [ 106 ] while the American date was pushed back in August to 14 November, after Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince had been moved to 2009, thereby allowing the distributors to market the film over the Fall blockbuster Thanksgiving holiday weekend. [ 107 ] In Australia, the film was moved a week to 19 November, after 20th Century Fox chose to release Australia on Quantum of Solace ' s original date of 26 November. [ 108 ] Pangeran William dan Harry dari Wales hadir, dan hasil dari penyaringan itu disumbangkan kepada badan amal Bantuan untuk Pahlawan dan Royal British Legion . [105] Film ini awalnya dijadwalkan akan dirilis di Inggris dan Amerika Utara pada tanggal 7 November, namun EON mendorong maju tanggal Inggris untuk 31 Oktober selama film, [106] sedangkan tanggal Amerika telah mendorong kembali pada bulan Agustus hingga 14 November, setelah Harry Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah-Darah telah dipindahkan ke 2009, sehingga memungkinkan distributor untuk pasar film atas kejatuhan blockbuster Thanksgiving liburan akhir pekan. [107] Di Australia, film itu pindah seminggu sampai 19 November, setelah 20th Century Fox memilih untuk melepaskan Australia pada Quantum of Solace 's asli tanggal 26 November. [108]
[ edit ] Marketing [ sunting ] Pemasaran
Returning product placement partners from Casino Royale included Ford , Heineken Pilsener , Smirnoff , Omega SA , Virgin Atlantic Airways and Sony Ericsson . [ 109 ] A reported £50 million was earned in product placement, which tops the Bond film's record of £44 million for Die Another Day . [ 110 ] The 2009 Ford Ka is driven by Camille in the film. [ 111 ] Avon created a fragrance called Bond Girl 007 with Gemma Arterton as the "face" of the product. [ 112 ] Coca-Cola became a promotional partner, rebranding Coke Zero as "Coke Zero Zero 7." Kembali penempatan produk mitra dari Casino Royale termasuk Ford , Heineken Pilsener , Smirnoff , Omega SA , Virgin Atlantic Airways dan Sony Ericsson . [109] A melaporkan £ 50.000.000 telah diterima dalam penempatan produk, yang puncak Bond film catatan dari £ 44.000.000 untuk Die Another Day. [110] The 2009 Ford Ka didorong oleh Camille dalam film tersebut. [111] Avon menciptakan aroma yang disebut Bond Girl 007 dengan Gemma Arterton sebagai wajah "" produk. [112] Coca-Cola menjadi promosi mitra, rebranding Coke Zero sebagai "Coke Zero Zero 7." A tie-in advert featured the orchestral element of "Another Way to Die." [ 113 ] In the film, Coca-Cola was briefly seen being served at Dominic Greene's party. Sebuah dasi-di iklan menampilkan unsur orkestra dari "Another Way to Die". [113] Dalam film ini, Coca-Cola sempat terlihat sedang dilayani di pesta Dominic Greene. Sony held a competition, "Mission for a Million," enabling registered players to use their products to complete certain tasks. Sony mengadakan kompetisi, "Misi untuk Juta," memungkinkan pemain terdaftar untuk menggunakan produk mereka untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas tertentu. Each completed "mission" gives consumers a chance to win $1 million and a trip to a top secret location. [ 114 ] Setiap misi "selesai" memberikan konsumen kesempatan untuk memenangkan $ 1 juta dan perjalanan ke lokasi rahasia. [114]
[ edit ] Merchandise [ sunting ] Merchandise
Corgi International Limited made 5-inch action figures and gadgets (such as a voice-activated briefcase), as well as their traditional die-cast toy vehicles. [ 115 ] [ 116 ] They also created 7-inch figures of characters from the previous films. [ 117 ] Scalextric released four racing sets to coincide with the film. [ 118 ] Activision released their first James Bond game, also titled Quantum of Solace , which is based on both Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace . Corgi International Limited membuat inci tindakan tokoh-5 dan gadget (seperti tas diaktifkan suara), serta tradisional mereka mati-cor mainan kendaraan. [115] [116] Mereka juga membuat angka 7-inci karakter dari sebelumnya film. [117] Scalextric dirilis empat balap set bertepatan dengan film. [118] Activision merilis James Bond permainan, juga berjudul Quantum of Solace , yang didasarkan pada kedua Casino Royale dan Quantum of Solace. It is the first Bond game to feature Craig's likeness and the first seventh generation console game in the series. Swatch designed a series of wrist watches, each of them inspired by a Bond villain. [ 119 ] Ini adalah pertama permainan Bond ke fitur's kemiripan Craig dan yang pertama generasi ketujuh konsol permainan dalam seri. Swatch dirancang serangkaian arloji pergelangan tangan, masing-masing dari mereka terinspirasi oleh penjahat Bond. [119]
Though there was no novelisation despite its original storyline, Penguin Books published a compilation of Fleming's short stories entitled Quantum of Solace: The Complete James Bond Short Stories , with a UK release date of 29 May 2008 [ 120 ] and a North American release date of 26 August 2008. [ 121 ] The book combines the contents of Fleming's two short story collections, For Your Eyes Only —including the original "Quantum of Solace" short story—and Octopussy and The Living Daylights . Meskipun tidak ada novelisation meskipun alur cerita aslinya, Penguin Books menerbitkan kumpulan cerita pendek yang Fleming berjudul Quantum of Solace: The James Lengkap Bond Cerita Pendek , dengan rilis tanggal Inggris 29 Mei 2008 [120] dan rilis tanggal Amerika Utara 26 Agustus 2008. [121] Buku ini menggabungkan isi dua Fleming koleksi cerita pendek, For Your Eyes Only -termasuk yang asli "Quantum of Solace" cerita pendek dan Octopussy dan The Living isi badan .
The cover of Cigar Aficionado's special Quantum of Solace James Bond edition written by David Giammarco . Sampul Cigar Aficionado Quantum of Solace edisi khusus James Bond ditulis oleh David Giammarco .
The November/December 2008 issue of Cigar Aficionado was a special James Bond edition written by David Giammarco , noted author of For Your Eyes Only: Behind the Scenes of the James Bond Films , and featured an extensive 20-page feature on the making of "Quantum of Solace" from his exclusive interviews on location with Daniel Craig, Gemma Arterton, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, director Marc Forster, and producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson. November / Desember 2008 isu Cigar Aficionado adalah James Bond edisi khusus ditulis oleh David Giammarco , pengarang terkenal dari For Your Eyes Only: balik layar dari James Bond Film , dan fitur fitur 20-halaman yang luas pada pembuatan " Quantum of Solace "dari wawancara eksklusif pada lokasi dengan Daniel Craig, Gemma Arterton, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Marc Forster sutradara, dan produser Barbara Broccoli dan Michael G. Wilson. This tribute issue of the upscale magazine also featured Giammarco's in-depth profile of 007 author Ian Fleming and the 46-year history of the James Bond films. Ini masalah penghargaan dari majalah kelas atas juga menampilkan profil Giammarco di-kedalaman 007 penulis Ian Fleming dan sejarah 46 tahun film James Bond. The Cigar Aficionado James Bond special edition became the magazine's biggest-selling issue around the world. The Cigar Aficionado edisi khusus James Bond menjadi majalah yang paling laris masalah ini di seluruh dunia.
[ edit ] Reception [ sunting ] Penerimaan
[ edit ] Box office [ sunting ] Kotak kantor
Upon its opening in the UK, the film grossed £4.9 million ($8 million), breaking the record for the largest Friday opening (31 October 2008) in the UK. [ 122 ] The film then broke the UK opening weekend record, taking £15.5 million ($25 million) in its first weekend, surpassing the previous record of £14.9 million held by Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . Setelah pembukaannya di Inggris, film CLASSIC £ 4.900.000 ($ 8 juta), memecahkan rekor untuk pembukaan Jumat terbesar (31 Oktober 2008) di Inggris. [122] Film ini kemudian pecah pembukaan akhir pekan catatan Inggris, mengambil £ 15.500.000 (25.000.000 $) di akhir pekan pertama, melewati rekor sebelumnya sebesar £ 14.900.000 dipegang oleh Harry Potter dan Piala Api . It earned a further £14.2 million in France and Sweden – where it opened on the same day –. Ini yang diterima lebih jauh £ 14.200.000 di Perancis dan Swedia - di mana dibuka pada hari yang sama -. The weekend gross of the equivalent of $US10.6 million in France was a record for the series, surpassing what Casino Royale made in five days by 16%. Akhir pekan kotor setara dengan $ US10.6 juta di Perancis adalah rekor untuk seri, melebihi apa yang Casino Royale dibuat dalam lima hari oleh 16%. The $US2.7 million gross in Sweden was the fourth-highest opening for a film there. [ 123 ] [ 124 ] The $ US2.7 juta kotor di Swedia adalah pembukaan keempat tertinggi untuk film di sana. [123] [124]
The following week, the film was playing in sixty countries. Minggu berikutnya, film ini bermain di enam puluh negara. It grossed the equivalent of $US39.3 million in the UK, $US16.5 million in France and $US7.7 million in Germany on 7 November 2008. [ 125 ] The film broke records in Switzerland, Finland, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Romania and Slovenia. Ini CLASSIC setara dengan $ US39.3 juta di Inggris, $ US16.5 juta di Perancis dan $ US7.7 juta di Jerman pada 7 November 2008. [125] Film memecahkan rekor di Swiss, Finlandia, Uni Emirat Arab, Nigeria, Rumania dan Slovenia. Its Chinese and Indian openings were the second largest ever for foreign-language films. [ 126 ] Cina dan India bukaan-nya adalah kedua terbesar yang pernah bagi-bahasa film asing. [126]
The film grossed $ 27 million on its opening day in 3,451 theatres in Canada and the United States , where it was the #1 film for the weekend, with $US67.5 million and $US19,568 average per theatre. [ 127 ] It was the highest-grossing opening weekend Bond film in the US, [ 128 ] and tied with The Incredibles for the biggest November opening outside of the Harry Potter series. Film Dell meraih pendapatan kotor $ 27 juta untuk hari pembukaan di 3.451 teater di Kanada dan Amerika Serikat , di mana itu adalah 1 film # untuk akhir pekan, dengan $ US67.5 juta dan $ US19, 568 rata-rata per teater. [127] Ini akhir pekan adalah film Bond-tertinggi membuka terlaris di Amerika Serikat, [128] dan diikat dengan The Incredibles untuk membuka November terbesar di luar Harry Potter series. The film earned a B- from CinemaScore 's audience surveys. [ 129 ] From the 31 October British opening through to the November 14 US opening weekend, the film had grossed a total $US319,128,882 worldwide. Film tersebut mendapat B-dari CinemaScore penonton survei s '. [129] Dari Inggris Oktober 31 pembukaan melalui ke AS 14 November minggu pembukaannya, film ini telah meraup total sebesar $ US319, 128.882 di seluruh dunia. As of 10 February 2010, it has grossed the equivalent of $US417,722,300 in countries other than Canada and the USA, where it grossed $US168,368,427, to give a total of $US586,090,727. [ 2 ] Pada 10 Februari 2010 telah CLASSIC setara dengan $ US417, 722.300 di negara-negara lain selain Kanada dan Amerika Serikat, di mana CLASSIC $ US168, 368.427, untuk memberikan total $ US586, 090.727. [2]
[ edit ] Critical response [ sunting Tanggapan kritis]
Reviews for Quantum of Solace have been mixed. Tinjauan untuk Quantum of Solace telah dicampur. Of the 241 reviews listed on Rotten Tomatoes , 63% are positive, with an average rating of 6.1/10. Dari 241 ulasan terdaftar di Rotten Tomatoes , 63% adalah positif, dengan nilai rata-rata 6.1/10. However, only 36% of selected notable reviewers gave it a positive write-up, with an average rating of 5.6/10. [ 130 ] Metacritic calculated a score of 58 out of 100 from 38 reviews, indicating a "mixed or average" response. [ 131 ] Critics generally preferred Casino Royale , but continued to praise Craig's depiction of Bond, and agree that the film is still an enjoyable addition to the series. Namun, hanya 36% dari tinjauan terkemuka yang dipilih memberikannya positif write-up, dengan nilai rata-rata 5.6/10. [130] Metacritic dihitung skor 58 dari 100 dari 38 ulasan, menunjukkan "campuran atau rata-rata" respon . [131] Kritik lebih dipilih Casino Royale, tapi terus memuji penggambaran Craig's Bond, dan setuju bahwa film ini masih menyenangkan untuk tambahan seri. The action sequences and pacing were praised, but criticism grew over the serious and gritty feel that the film carried over. [ 132 ] Tindakan urutan dan mondar-mandir dipuji, tapi kritik tumbuh selama dan berpasir merasa serius bahwa film dibawa. [132]
Roger Moore , the third actor to play Bond in the films, continued to feel Craig was a "damn good Bond but the film as a whole, there was a bit too much flash cutting [and] it was just like a commercial of the action. There didn't seem to be any geography and you were wondering what the hell was going on." [ 133 ] Roger Moore , aktor ketiga untuk bermain dalam film-film Bond, terus merasa Craig adalah sangat bagus Bond "tapi film secara keseluruhan, ada sedikit terlalu banyak flash pemotongan [dan] itu hanya seperti tindakan komersial tidak. ada tampaknya tidak geografi apapun dan Anda ingin tahu apa yang sedang terjadi. " [133]
Kim Newman of Empire gave it 4/5, remarking it was not "bigger and better than Casino Royale , [which is] perhaps a smart move in that there's still a sense at the finish that Bond's mission has barely begun." Kim Newman dari Kekaisaran memberikannya 4 / 5, berkomentar itu bukan "lebih besar dan lebih baik dari Casino Royale, [yang] mungkin pintar bergerak dalam masih ada rasa pada menyelesaikan misi Bond yang baru saja mulai." However, he expressed nostalgia for the more humorous Bond films. [ 134 ] The Sunday Times review noted that "[f]ollowing Casino Royale was never going to be easy, but the director Marc Forster has brought the brand's successful relaunch crashing back to earth — with a yawn"; the screenplay "is at times incomprehensible" and the casting "is a mess." Namun, ia menyatakan nostalgia untuk Obligasi film lucu lagi. [134] The Sunday Times review mencatat bahwa "[f] ollowing Casino Royale tidak pernah akan mudah, tapi sutradara Marc Forster telah membawa merek peluncuran sukses menabrak kembali ke bumi - dengan menguap "; skenario" berada pada kali dimengerti "dan casting yang" berantakan. " The review concludes that "Bond has been stripped of his iconic status. He no longer represents anything particularly British, or even modern. In place of glamour, we get a spurious grit; instead of style, we get product placement ; in place of fantasy, we get a redundant and silly realism." [ 135 ] Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa "Bond telah dicabut status ikon-nya.. Dia tidak lagi merupakan sesuatu khususnya Inggris, atau bahkan modern Di tempat glamor, kita mendapatkan grit palsu; bukan gaya, kami mendapatkan penempatan produk , di tempat fantasi , kita mendapatkan dan konyol realisme berlebihan. " [135]
The Guardian gave a more positive review, rating it as 3/5 stars, and was particularly fond of Craig's performance, saying he "made the part his own, every inch the coolly ruthless agent-killer, nursing a broken heart and coldly suppressed rage" and calling the film "a crash-bang Bond, high on action, low on quips, long on location glamour, short on product placement"; it concludes " Quantum of Solace isn't as good as Casino Royale : the smart elegance of Craig's Bond debut has been toned down in favour of conventional action. But the man himself powers this movie; he carries the film: it's an indefinably difficult task for an actor. Craig measures up." [ 136 ] The Guardian memberikan positif review lebih, peringkat sebagai 3 / 5 bintang, dan sangat menyukai performa Craig, mengatakan dia "membuat bagian sendiri, setiap inci yang dingin pembunuh kejam-agent, keperawatan patah hati dan dingin menekan kemarahan "dan menyebut film" a-bang Bond crash, tinggi pada tindakan, rendah menyindir, lama di lokasi glamor, singkat tentang penempatan produk "; itu menyimpulkan" Quantum of Solace ini tidak sebagus Casino Royale: keanggunan pintar Bond's debut Craig telah turun kencang mendukung tindakan konvensional film. Tetapi manusia sendiri ini kekuatan, ia membawa film: ini merupakan tugas sulit dgn tak menentukan bagi aktor. Craig tindakan atas. " [136]
Screen Daily says "Notices will focus - rightly - on Craig's magnetism as the steely, sexy, murderous MI6 agent, but two other factors weigh in and freshen up proceedings: Forster's new technical team, led by cinematographer Roberto Schaefer and production designer Dennis Gassner. And the ongoing shift of M, as played by Judi Dench, to front and centre: the Bond girls fade into insignificance as she becomes his moral counterpoint and theirs is the only real relationship on screen." Screen Daily mengatakan "Pemberitahuan akan fokus - benar - pada's magnet Craig sebagai seksi,, pembunuh agen MI6 baja, tapi dua faktor lainnya berat dan menyegarkan proses: teknis tim baru Forster, dipimpin oleh sinematografer Roberto Schaefer dan produksi desainer Dennis Gassner. dan pergeseran terus-menerus dari M, seperti yang dimainkan oleh Judi Dench, ke depan dan pusat: gadis-gadis Bond memudar menjadi tak berarti saat ia menjadi perumpamaan-moral dan mereka adalah hubungan hanya nyata di layar. " The review continues, "Bond is, as has been previously noted, practically the Martin Scorsese of the BAFTAs : 22 films later, with grosses probably close to the GDP of one of the small nations it depicts, it's still waiting for that Alexander Korda award. The best Casino Royale could achieve was a gong for sound. Will this be the year that changes its fortunes?" [ 137 ] review terus, "Bond, seperti telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, praktis Martin Scorsese dari BAFTAs : 22 film kemudian, dengan grosses mungkin dekat dengan PDB dari salah satu negara kecil itu menggambarkan, itu masih menunggu yang Korda Alexander penghargaan itu. Yang terbaik Casino Royale bisa mencapai gong untuk suara. Apakah hal ini akan menjadi tahun yang mengubah nasib nya "? [137]
Roger Ebert of The Chicago Sun-Times , who praised the previous film, disliked Quantum of Solace . Roger Ebert dari Chicago Sun-Times yang memuji film sebelumnya, tidak menyukai Quantum of Solace. He wrote that the plot was mediocre, characters weak and that Bond lacked his usual personality, despite his praise for Craig's interpretation of the role. Dia menulis bahwa plot itu biasa-biasa saja, karakter yang lemah dan tidak memiliki kepribadian Obligasi biasa, meskipun memuji Dia untuk interpretasi Craig peran. Throughout his review, he emphasised that "James Bond is not an action hero," and also criticised the lack of a fantastical villainous lair and the Bond girls' names not being double entendres . [ 138 ] Some writers criticised the choice of Quantum of Solace as a title. Sepanjang review, dia menekankan bahwa "James Bond bukanlah tindakan pahlawan," dan juga mengkritik kurangnya sarang jahat fantastis dan Bond 'nama gadis itu tidak entenders ganda . [138] Beberapa penulis mengkritik pilihan Quantum of Solace sebagai judul. "Yes, it's a bad title," wrote Marni Weisz, the editor of Famous , a Canadian film publication distributed in movie theatres in that country, in an editorial entitled "At least it's not Octopussy ." [ 139 ] "Ya, itu judul yang buruk," tulis Marni Weisz, editor Terkenal, sebuah Kanada didistribusikan publikasi film di bioskop di negara itu, dalam sebuah editorial berjudul "Setidaknya itu tidak Octopussy ". [139]
[ edit ] Awards [ sunting Penghargaan]
The film was nominated for Best Original Score, Best Original Song, Visual Effects, Film and Sound Editing at the 2008 Satellite Awards , winning Best Song. [ 140 ] It was nominated for Best Action Movie at the 2009 Critics' Choice Awards , [ 141 ] and at the Empire Awards , which is voted for by the public, it was shortlisted for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Newcomer, Best Thriller and Best Soundtrack. [ 142 ] It was nominated for the Saturn Award for Best Action/Adventure/Thriller Film, while Kurylenko and Dench were both nominated for the Best Supporting Actress award. [ 143 ] An editorial by The Times also listed the film's pre-titles sequence as the tenth greatest car chase in film history. [ 144 ] Film ini dinominasikan untuk Best Original Score, Best Original Song, Visual Effects dan Sound Editing Film pada 2008 Satellite Awards , pemenang Best Song. [140] itu dinominasikan untuk Best Action Movie pada 2009 Choice Awards 'Kritik , [141 ] dan di Empire Awards , yang terpilih oleh masyarakat, ia terpilih untuk Aktor Terbaik, Aktris Terbaik, Pendatang Baru Terbaik, dan Soundtrack Terbaik Thriller Terbaik. [142] itu dinominasikan untuk Saturnus Award untuk Best Action / Adventure / Film Thriller, sementara Kurylenko dan keduanya Dench dinominasikan untuk penghargaan Aktris Pendukung Terbaik. [143] Sebuah editorial oleh The Times juga tercantum film pra-judul yang urutan sebagai mobil mengejar kesepuluh terbesar dalam sejarah film. [144]
[ edit ] Home media [ sunting ] Media Home
Quantum of Solace was released on DVD and Blu-ray by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment in Australia, the UK and North America from 18 to 24 March 2009. Quantum of Solace dirilis pada DVD dan Blu-ray oleh 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment di Australia, Inggris dan Amerika Utara 18-24 Maret 2009. At the DVD sales chart the film opened at #3, grossing $21,894,957 from 1.21m DVD units sold. [ 145 ] As of November 1, 2009 2,643,250 DVD units have been sold, generating $44,110,750 in sales revenue. [ 145 ] These figures do not include Blu-ray sales or DVD rentals. Pada penjualan DVD bagan film dibuka di # 3, terlaris $ 21.894.957 dari 1.21m unit DVD dijual. [145] Pada November 1, 2009 2643250 DVD unit telah terjual, menghasilkan $ 44.110.750 dalam pendapatan penjualan. [145] Angka-angka ini tidak meliputi penjualan Blu-ray atau rental DVD. They released the DVD in a standard one disc set and a deluxe two disc special edition. Mereka merilis DVD dalam menetapkan satu disk standar dan edisi dua disc deluxe khusus. There are no audio commentaries or deleted scenes on these editions. [ 146 ] Tidak ada komentar audio atau dihapus adegan pada edisi ini. [146]
Like Casino Royale , no book adaptation of the movie was released despite having no relations with the short story except for its title. Seperti Casino Royale , tidak ada buku adaptasi film itu dirilis meskipun tidak memiliki hubungan dengan cerita pendek kecuali judulnya. Instead, Penguin Books released Quantum of Solace: The Complete James Bond Short Stories which is a compilation of both Octopussy and The Living Daylights and For Your Eyes Only , both written by Ian Fleming . Sebaliknya, Penguin Books dirilis Quantum of Solace: The Complete James Bond Cerpen yang merupakan kompilasi dari kedua Octopussy dan The Living isi badan dan For Your Eyes Only , baik yang ditulis oleh Ian Fleming .
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